Issue No. 159  |  May 3, 2019
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
100 years after the May Fourth Movement
This Saturday is the 100th anniversary of China's May Fourth Movement: an anti-imperialist cultural and political movement sparked by mass student protests in Beijing on May 4, 1919. Read about how China is commemorating the anniversary in this New York Times 双语 article , or watch this 5 minute video which explains 为什么中共高调纪念五四运动?

俗语 from Xi Jinping
hào qì cháng cún

Meaning: a noble spirit that will never perish

Original: "五四运动时,面对国家和民族生死存亡,一批爱国青年挺身而出,全国民众奋起抗争,誓言“国土不可断送、人民不可低头”,奏响了浩气长存的爱国主义壮歌。"

Xi Jinping used this chengyu in his speech on April 30, 2019 commemorating the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth movement.
Video of the Week
《见字如面》Letters Alive
is a variety show by Heilongjiang Satellite TV that invites celebrities to read letters written by famous people from different periods of Chinese history.

Since the show’s debut, it been highly popular among Chinese netizens, scoring 9/10 on Viewers have described the show as "一股清流", in contrast to some of the more raucous popular TV programs. If you enjoy history and dramatic readings, this show is for you.
Chinese Reading Challenge
The Reading Challenge begins next Monday, May 6 . We will be reading  Details of Democracy  (民主的细节) by Dr. Liu Yu (刘瑜) .
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