All Saints & All Souls Day

Remembering Our Loved Ones

"Almighty ever-living God, by whose gift we venerate in one celebration the merits of all the Saints, bestow on us, we pray, through the prayers of so many intercessors, an abundance of the reconciliation with you for which we earnestly long, Amen."

We celebrate All Saints Day on November 1 to express our admiration and gratitude to persons, known and unknown, who passed away having lived virtuous lives and/or lost their lives while promoting “right relationships” – a commitment to loving each other as God loves us.

On November 2, we celebrate All Souls Day to commemorate the lives of deceased loved ones and all persons who have died. Some we remember with gratitude for the good they did. We remember others in the hope that they, too, have found rest with the God who “looks beyond our faults to see our need.”

Some ways to celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day include praying for the dead and asking for their prayers so that we can strive to live faith-filled and loving lives. Many people also visit the graves of their loved ones on All Souls Day and adorn them with flowers or create a little shrine with pictures, a candle, and flowers.

Please be sure to send us your personal intentions, especially of those loved ones who have passed away recently, so we may include them in our daily prayers. Please email us at:

Check Out Holy Spirit Retreat

Center's Fall "Center Update"

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

- Matthew 11:28

Click HERE for the full Holy Spirit Retreat Center Fall "Center Update".

Calling all Christmas Shoppers!

Saturday, November 30th is our Giant Autumn Yard Sale. Support the Sisters while shopping! All types of items will be available, from furniture to clothing to household items. Participate as a shopper or donate to the sale ahead of time by bringing gently used items to Holy Spirit Retreat Center (sorry, no shoes, please).

For further information, please contact Sister Chris

at 818.285.3354 or email her at

Send us Your Prayer Requests

"I seek Your wisdom and I seek Your favor as I come before You with this prayer request."

Do you have a special prayer request?

Please email your intentions to

We look forward to including your personal intentions in our daily prayers.