Imbolc  Initiation
Earth Star
Galactic Goddess Stargate 
Goddess  Hearth Flame 
Shakti Fire Acitvation
& Phone-In Meditation
February 2nd, 2016
Susanna Sophia Hart

Star Priestess 
Celestial Sky Report

Beautiful Blessings,

This morning, hearing the song of the stars, waking to the early morning twilight, I began tuning in to the heavenly bodies of Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Spica, Jupiter, and Antares as they shimmered across a mystical azurite-colored sky. Here, from the window of my new home-and our brand new Sophia Temple of Light-I have finally settled in from the long initiation process that set me on a very powerful and intense 2-month earthly journey of getting a home loan followed by the ecstatic whirlwind of moving into my new home. This then quickly turned into the gentle heartfelt warmth of Christmas cheer and the magical sharing of holiday spirit with my family.

It seems like such a long time has passed since my last Celestial Star Report and I must say that it has truly been an amazing time for me. I have so much magical intention fire to share with everyone now. For through my experience of buying a home, I had to exercise my manifesting will with laser focus, and because the process of acquiring a loan is not so easy in these times, there was a balance of inner strength and steadfast determination to be practiced, also knowing at the same time that I  must surrender and flow with ease and grace and follow the energies within each new moment. 

Even when so many doors closed on me, I had to trust in my vision whole-heartedly to finally make my dream come true. Yes, at times I was facing a wall that seemed immovable, and yet something in my Soul kept saying, "Walk through it; keep believing, and with strength and perseverance you will succeed." And now, looking back to my recent past, I see everything from a higher perspective and see how each "No!" and each rejection literally kept leading me to my true home and the knowledge of how there was a perfect Divine Plan to bring me here-right where I am now-even before I could ever see it. 

I now see how each twisting turn of the plot, each step forward and every step back-and then everything seeming to collapse-lead to my finally finding the perfect new Sophia Temple of Light. At one point, right before closing on one house, I was told that the house was 3 inches into the flood zone on one corner, and my loan company and program would not support that. In that moment my dream was seemingly crushed. Then, through a random conversation with a woman at the bank, I went to see a house that she herself had for sale, and that was the day that I found this very house, my true dream house. Only my continuing determination and faith got me here, along with some amazing Souls who helped in amazing ways. In these times, it was a lesson to receive gracefully, and I am so thankful for all the wonderful prayers and help that I received... Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Having gone through all of this, I am now sitting here looking out of my beautiful new home's windows, looking above the trees and out across the starry twilit sky, opening my Heart to receive all of the many blessings flowing from the cosmic arms of Beloveds Christos~Sophia and the Celestial Luminaries of Light to share with all-finally feeling at home and ready to anchor in some cosmic energy!!!!  I am sharing this now as during my process I truly felt like giving up and I know this is something that some of us have done, even when our dream is right there in sight. And as I always like to share my growth and learning with everyone, I would like to encourage and support you this year to Go For It!!! Yes, full Heart open and saying YES! Yes, this year we can manifest our dreams!!!! I believe this with all of my Heart and I am holding that space for you!!!!

In this moment I know in my Heart that this magical place called Oak Creek Valley, once the home of the Sinagua Indians and part of the Rio Verde Indian Reservation, is sacred land. Nestled in the valley between Oak Creek and Spring Creek, the yin energy here is palpable and the feel of the goddess and the nature spirits of the water dancing through the rocks of the sparkling clear creek is inspiring. Nurturing my Soul, it is lush, revitalizing, refreshing, soft and green. 

I am looking forward to sharing this sacred land in ceremony and celebration by creating wonderful new Sedona Priestess Journeys and Workshops. Right now, I am tuning in to set a time for our next Embodying Your Inner Oracle TeleClass and Online Course, a journey in the deepening of our intuitive gifts ...  Sending Love and Looking forward to an amazing Year of Sharing!!!! xoxoox

Today's Full Moon In Leo

Breathe deep, tune in and open your Heart to the royal energies of the Leo Full Moon dancing with our Aquarian Sun. When these luminaries meet, they gift us with the opportunity to examine what we need to let go of in order to expand our vision of Self, to truly Love Self and to radiate that Love out and from your Heart and let your Soul shine into the world. Together, the Leo Moon and Aquarian Sun help guide us step-by-step to take a quantum leap into the Chalice of Creative Fire to expand our horizons as we master our very highest possibilities.

Today, our Royal Queen Leo shows up as her true empowered sovereign leader as she shares with us ways in which we can step into our mastery-ways you can honor your feminine Fire and Soul. If you can meditate  under the Moon's rays, dive deep and listen to the Goddess of the Leo Moon as she shares ways in which you can Love yourself more, ways in which you can shine in the world and claim your inner roar! Speak your truth! Walk your talk! The Leo Moon's fire is bright, making this a most wondrous Moon to set our Hearts on fire with true Desire.

Gaia, the Earth Star, Portal to the Goddess Stargate

Looking out across the starry sky, the infinite celestial sea of starry lights stretches out before us. Looking deeper into the night sky we begin to see the seemingly invisible become visible, and as we view the web of life, the web of Light that interconnects all things we see that this fabric is the weaving of the Heart Flames of the Alpha and the Omega within our own Heart Sparks. Here, we are intricately connected to Source, to Creation.... 

Yeshua shares that it is here, in this Heart-to-Heart connection with Mother Father God, that the key to Christ Consciousness exists. As we begin to focus our awareness within our Hearts, beginning to sync into our deepest Heart, we begin to come into sync, rhythm, and harmony with all of Creation-to our true inherent natures as Universal Creative Beings. Here, on this beautiful Earth Star, our Souls have chosen to be birthed, to wake up, to awaken to the present moment. Isn't is truly amazing that we are here together on this magnificent star/planet, soaring out into infinite space as Star Beings? I say this as Yeshua reminds me that we are galactic Star Beings ourselves. We are so used to thinking of ourselves as Earth Beings that we forget that we are part of the fabric of the entire Universe, and Gaia, just like Venus is a beautiful Earth Star.

Beloved Mary Magdalene shares with you that at this very moment, the Christos~Sophia Crystalline Grid of Christ Consciousness is opening a very powerful EarthStar Galactic Goddess Stargate. This stargate is overflowing with a beautiful wellspring of Love and Divine Intelligence. When you take a moment to breathe deeply and open your Heart, you can feel this cascade of Love emanating deep within your being flowing freely from the radiant pulsating rays of the Great Mother, Sophia's Divine Heart. This ray of  Divine Feminine Light is flowing as a shimmering, spiraling golden pink wave of unconditional Love and is flowing gracefully into your Rainbow Crystalline Body of Light, spiraling its way through your Stellar and Soul Star Gateways, pouring into your Crown Lotus, and gently, ever so softly, into your Heart's Temple. Singing the song of your Soul, it ignites your Divine Spark with a Crystalline Rainbow Flame.... Permeating every cell in your body, inviting you to dance within the kaleidoscopic Rainbow Flame of the Gaia Galactic Goddess Stargate.   

Seven Celestial Heavenly Bodies of Light

As we have entered into the celestial fire of a New Year, beginning at the point of this last winter's Solstice, we stand on the precipice of a New Dawn. Here, from a deep and silent sleep your Soul stirs. Hearing the celestial song of the stars, it awakens and stirs something deep within your Soul and you begin to remember your journey into this life; you begin to remember your place among the stars as a beautiful Galactic Being of Love.

For as we witness these seven shimmering heavenly bodies aligned in the early morning deep azure blue twilight, opening our Hearts and minds we receive Divine Messages that are flowing so gracefully into us. We receive the Light and Sound Codes of who we truly are-Divine Light Beings having an earthly initiation and experience.

As the stars and planets align together at Imbolc, along with Gaia, our Earth Star, they create a luminous Galactic Goddess Stargate. This gateway begins within the beating of our human Heart's longing for remembrance, to a time when we were one with the Divine Mother and Father and we knew that our home was here within our own Hearts.

Rising high above the now turquoise horizon, the Divine Mother speaks to you as she powerfully stirs your dreamer's imagination, inspiring your Heart to be rebirthed through the grace of this month's Gaia-Venus-Magdalene-Mother Mary-Lady Nada-Quan Yin-Isis Goddess Stargate. Its expansive breath breathes open to receive your Soul for deep healing, illumination and initiation into the New Earth. The return of the Goddess' essence fully infuses within your Heart, body and mind.... Yes ... Within these intense times you keep your focus on the true mission, the mission of ascension, of illumination, of becoming one with Creative Source Light as you receive the higher vibrational Sound Codes that are birthing the Light within all of humanity at this very moment. You are truly embodying your Christos~Sophian crystalline Body of Light within.

Going deeper inside with Mary Magdalene, I received the message that each of the planets within our solar system is now, in this very present moment, fully immersed in the photon belt of Alcyone's toric field. Each planet is receiving the Sound and Light Codes of its next frequency of Light. Yes-each celestial body is also making its ascension at this time. As we intend to receive this higher knowledge, these codes flow to us as a wave of Love riding in on the matrix of the Christ Grid from the Galactic Heartbeat of Christos~Sophia. Recently, on January 10 - 20th, we received new Codes of Light through comet Catalina. This comet, an actual Heart Spark emanating from Sophia, has ignited the core center of each planet, including our Sun, Moon, Venus and Gaia. As we tune into the Galactic Goddess Stargate, sitting quietly and listening intuitively, we will hear the song of the goddess echoing within our own heartbeats.... For within you the Divine Spark of Sophia is burning brightly as the Holy Spirit within. She is alive within you, within me, within each and every living Soul, and as we invite Beloved Sophia into our life, we discover that she has always been here within, simply awaiting our soulful recognition of her Love.

With their twin flame Heart Fires lit with Holy Love, Beloveds Mary Magdalene and Yeshua share that through the gateway of this month's very special Imbolc Candlemas gateway, your Soul and Spirit are ready to unite as One within the sacred Christos~Sophian Holy Fire of your Three Fold Flame. This month's alignment honors and connects the Hearts of twin flames everywhere. This is a time when we will experience our beloved's Heart beating in union with our own.  Truly, in this time many twin flames will be finding their ways back to one another.


Imbloc, also known as Candlemas or Brigid's Festival, is one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals celebrating the first glimmers of Spring. This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the Sun are noted. Here, the first sprouting of leaves can be viewed. The Festival of Imbolc also marks the transition time of the Three Fold Goddess energies shapeshifting from those of Crone to Maiden. As the Crone is activated to watch over the winter months, so is the Maiden birthed in the spring.
Our Beloved Brigid, Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Midwifery, presides over Imbolc. Bridgid, being a triple Goddess, is honored during this festival in all her aspects, those of Maiden, Mother and Crone. As Brigid is very present in our Hearts at this time, this makes a wonderful time for communing with her and to tend the lighting of her Sacred Flame. Here we can light several candles to honor and celebrate Imbolc: white for Brigid, and for the Lord/God yellow or red to remind us of the passing of winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the return of the Sun. Colorful candles symbolize our dreams and desires, and candles of blue, pink and gold symbolize the three plumes of our Three Fold Flame.

Beloved Goddess Brigid also governs and watches over the the Carriers of the Three Fold Flame. In ancient times Brigid had an extensive Divine Feminine priesthood in Kildare, Ireland. Here within the walls of this most sacred temple, the Carriers of the Flame watched over and tended to an ever-burning sacred fire in her shrine. There were 19 priestesses representing the 19-year cycle of the Celtic "Great Year." Each priestess tended the sacred fire in turn, through a 20-day rotation. On the 20th day of each cycle, the sacred fire was said to be tended by Brigid herself. During this present time, the Caretakers tend to this beautiful flame through the practice of growing their inner Heart Flames, sharing them with the world. And, in truth, to this day there are Carriers of this Sacred Flame that keep a living flame burning at all times.

Beloved Goddess Brigid shares that the original Carriers of the Flame would at this very moment in time once more reunite and join in a circle of grace as Keepers of the Holy Three Fold Fire of Christos~Sophia Light, helping to herald and guide the anchoring of  the Way of Love back onto the planet.

As we enter this most auspicious celebration, This month's activation signifies a birthing portal of Divine Love within your Heart's Fire, elevating the three fiery plumes of your Three Fold Flame of Divine Will, Wisdom, Love with Pink, yellow and blue pulsations of Living Flame. Thus the heavenly Trinity gains expression in the world of material form. The energies of Divine Will (electric blue), Sophian Wisdom (gold), and Holy Love (pink) are resplendent in the Heart of Man. This flame within your Heart is your personal focus of the sacred fire. It is your opportunity to become the Christ. It is the potential of your Divinity waiting to burst into being within your humanity.

Imbolc being a fire Sabbat of purification after a long winters night into day offers us an opportunity to be rebirthed within the Heart Fire of the Beloved Bridegroom. Here we open our Hearts to the revitalizing, renewing power of the Solar Lord and his warm embrace. Imbolc is celebrated as a festival of Light and of fertility, and here we come together to dance around the circle with wood stacked high, and huge blazes, torches and fire in every form. Fire represents our own illumination and inspiration as much as Light and warmth.
It is traditional upon Imbolc at sunset or just after ritual to light every lamp in the house-if only for a few moments. Some light candles in each room in honor of the Sun's rebirth. Alternately, light a kerosene lamp with a red chimney and place this in a prominent part of the home or in a window.    

During this year's gateway of Imbolc and the celestial alignment of the stars and planets, the original essence of Love that exists within our own Christed Hearts is being awakened with the aligning of the Christos~Sophian Blueprint within the very matrix of our Hearts, at once returning us to the original knowing of the Love that exists within the creation of all humanity. As Imbolc's fire festival celebration on February 2nd, 2016 opens the Gaia Earth Star Galactic Goddess Star Gate, the flame of illumination expands from within your consciousness until it gradually enfolds your entire being with the energy of the Goddess; Holy Wisdom is enthroned upon the altar of your Heart. Here within the matrix of your original blueprint, only Love exists. There is nothing of fear, no lack, no recognition of separation; only Love, universal grace and abundance exist. Here, you soar above the illusions to see the vast awe-inspiring vision of infinite Oneness within the celestial sea of the All....

As we enter the Goddess Stargate, we also enter into the Womb of all Creation. Here within the vast darkness of the Divine Mother's Womb, we are able to dream our dreams from a place of pure Christos~Sophian Consciousness and with the grace of the gateway of Imbolc, the Celtic festival of the return of Light on February 2nd, we will be able to birth our dreams into the reality of the Living Light of the New Dawn.... 

*** A Very Special Gift: Invite someone new to join our circle of Light: Share the Love of the Gaia~Galactic Goddess Gateway-Igniting our Christ Three Fold Flame as we honor the Goddess within. With Love and Grace, I would like to open our circle of Light for more beautiful lightworkers to experience the Divine Love and blessings that are flowing to us now. For everyone who signs up for this month's special Activation, you may gift this Activation to someone new to the circle. To register this new person to the circle and Activation, please e-mail me and send me his or her name and e-mail address so that I can sign the new person onto the Activation. I am so excited to share these new energies with you!!!!! 

For everyone who feels called to participate in this Activation: You will have a crystal infused with your prayers placed into the grid of our Altar in your honor.  

The sacred intention for your personal crystal is to align and activate the Divine Fire within your Three Fold Flame, opening your Heart to True Love, Wisdom and Faith. The crystal represents your rebirth into living your Divine Dream, honoring Life, Love, Beauty and Cosmic Awakening, holding your dream close in your Heart and believing in yourself. 

The golden gateway of the New Dawn welcomes the return of the Solar Light after a long winter's night. The rainstorm has blessed and washed away the past and, in your horizon, a clear canvas reflects the clarity of what you have released. Before you is a beautiful rainbow. This vibrant, colorful rainbow is an artist's pallet from which you may paint a renewed vision of your life. As you enter this most magnificent, glorious Goddess Stargate, visualize living your highest Soul purpose. The Goddesses encourage you to put all of your passion into it. Let your imagination soar; this is a time to dream without limits. Share your vision with the Creatrix as you allow the newness of this Rainbow Gateway to open your Heart to the beauty of Life.
May all your life be blessed with beauty and may you see the sacred in all things.

Let us come together in the sisterhood and brotherhood of LIght to share in the Hearth Fire of Imbolc's magic to open ourselves up to creating our deepest desires, birthing them into our lives right now...

May your Heart be inspired to inspire, 
Susanna Sophia Hart 

Enter the Magical Doorway
Of Imbolc's
Earth Star
Galactic Goddess Stargate

February 2nd, 2016
7:00 pm pacific time

Phone Meditation
Goddess Ascension Activation   
Crystalline Grid Ceremony

From the Higher Vibrational Vortexes 
of Sedona 

Join Susanna Sophia Hart as she guides you through the celestial realms of Light
to enter into the magnificent
Earth Star ~ Galactic Goddess Stargate

Here you will meet, connect with and develop a Divine Relationship with the Goddesses Governing this 
 most magical Stargate
Beloved Sophia, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Bridget, Lady Venus, Isis, Quan Yin and Gaia.

During our Activation:

Beloved Celtic Goddess Brigid will activate our Three Fold Flames to truly help us to magnetize our deepest and most heartfelt desires  

Here we will be initiated as Keepers of Brigid's Hearth Fire.

Receive the higher vibrational messages and Wisdom Codes from the planetary archetypes designed to bring you into Divine Sacred Rhythm with all of the Universe

Embody your Divine Feminine essence in all of its beauty and shakti fire 

On this most auspicious Imbolc Celebration, you are invited to take an ethereal journey through Gaia's Galactic Goddess Stargate to enter the etheric Goddess Temple of Light where the feminine shakti fire burns eternally.... 

Within the Goddess Stargate, at the etheric Temple's Well, we will draw from the wellspring of inspiration to invoke our inner Muse to infuse us with the passion to fully realize ourselves as magical beings, creating our worlds from the power of our most heartfelt desires & LOVE.  

Together, we will the plant potent and powerful dream seeds of our deepest desires, the ones that we wish to birth and bring to fruition in our lives this year, coming together to dream the 
 whole world anew.

Our Imbolc Activation is designed to help you embody your inner feminine Alchemist to discover the shakti fire that burns brightly within your Heart & Soul, as well as the feminine Light that is accessible within each new moment. As all the things that once seemed impossible now become possible through the grace of your awakened creative power and Goddess Source Light. 

To embody your inner Goddess Hearth Fire, you must embrace the universal creative force that is the true Source of All That Is. And from this incredible space of inner truth, wisdom, clarity and strength, you move forward on your Soul's path of destiny to manifest your wildest and most wondrous dreams. 

Dreams Come True
On this night, dedicated to "Dreams Come True", you will learn how to magnetize your energy field with pure Heart intention and crystal clear focus to attract that which you desire.

I am ecstatically looking forward to sharing this most magnificent Imbolc Ceremony and Galactic Goddess Stargate Activation with you ... 

Our Live Phone Meditation will take place on February 2nd. You may tune in by phone conference from 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. (PT), or you may choose to receive the Activation later in the evening. Once the transmission is sent, the energy will continue to flow throughout the night and while you are asleep.

During the group transmission, I will individually send out each person's Activation.

If you have a prayer intention that you would like me to infuse into your crystal, please send it to me by email and I will be honored to share your prayer and to light a candle for you on the 
  Goddess Stargate Altar.

***This Activation will be recorded for playback and downloading onto your computer so that you may listen at any time that is most in alignment for you.

*** You do not need to be on the call to receive the full healing and Activation. 

I will be setting the sacred space through prayer and by creating our crystal grid, and then will continue to send out the Activation and healing energies and to everyone throughout the day and into the evening and night. 

There is limited space and you must register for this event.

Energy Exchange: $33.00

Art work by Marius Michael-George.  Visit his beautiful on-line gallery at: