Please Complete the Petroleum
Reduction Annual Survey
Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. For those who haven't, Maine Clean Communities is currently gathering data for the 2020 Annual Report for Maine which will help demonstrate the progress we've made toward reducing Maine's dependence on petroleum. The information may also help our coalition and stakeholders apply for future funding opportunities and incentives. Your input is very important to us!
We have extended the deadline:
Please complete by Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

You have been sent this data request either because your organization has been active or taken interest in Maine Clean Communities or you are currently utilizing or taken interest in alternative fuels and/or other petroleum reduction measures in your fleet. If you are not the right contact for this kind of information, please refer this request to your fleet manager or other appropriate parties.

If you have any questions about the survey, or if you would like information or assistance in pursing petroleum reduction strategies in the coming year, please don't hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your participation in completing this data request!
Maine Clean Communities
is administered by the
Greater Portland
Council of Governments
Sara Mills-Knapp
970 Baxter Blvd. Suite 201
Portland, ME 04103