Register for 2019/20 Junior Achievement Programming
Space is Limited
Reminder, if you haven't already done so, now is the time to register for Junior Achievement of British Columbia (JABC) programs in the 2019/20 school year. 
During this past year, more than 1,600 B.C. school classrooms participated in JABC. Wi th demand growing rapidly, we encourage all educators to register now. 
JABC provides programs for Grades 4 to 12 in every B.C. School District. We work in partnership with educators and volunteers from the local business community to deliver interactive, hands-on, inspiring programs in the classroom.
JABC programs focus on helping students develop their knowledge in Financial Literacy, Work Readiness, and Entrepreneurship.  View our updated Program Menu that includes the addition of two new programs:  Personal Finance and  Entrepreneurial Trades   as well as several exciting Capstone Experiences .  
Important to note...
  • Programs and classroom materials are provided at NO COST
  • Most programs are facilitated by a volunteer guest speaker from the local business community while some programs can be teacher-led
  • Each program supports B.C.'s new curriculum (view program alignment)

Program space is limited and registration is open now for all B.C. educators and schools. Please follow the steps below to register. 

Quick steps for B.C. Educators to register:

Step #1 - Consider Program Options
View our updated Program Menu  and determine the program(s) you wish to host. Enroll multiple classes and keep in mind that many programs can be delivered as a half-day event at your school!

Step #2 - Register & Enroll Online 
First-time user?  Take a moment to set-up your 'New User Registration'. We'll confirm your registration (approx 24 hr turnaround,) then we'll invite you back to select programming, timing, and to provide other details.  
Returning user but forgot your Username or Password?  You can request a reminder.    

If you experience any technical difficulties, please send us your registration details at 

Step #3 - Review your Enrollment Confirmation
Your local JABC Program representative will email enrollment confirmation along with details regarding scheduling and coordination.

Questions? Please CLICK HERE to contact your local JABC Program representative. 

All of us at Junior Achievement of British Columbia wish you a wonderful summer break, and look forward to working with you in the 2019/20 school year.


Deborah Wakeham, Director, Programs


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Financial Literacy | Work Readiness | Entrepreneurship