News From CCF-LA | April 18, 2022
Answering the call to action....

1 Peter 4:10 Each of us should use whatever gifts we have to serve others.
A Heart for the World-
the Big Vocation of
Mission Doctors Association
With live jazz music streaming in the background, Bonnie Flaherty, President of the Mission Doctors Auxiliary and Elise Frederick, Executive Director of the Mission Doctors Association, welcomed viewers to the “A Heart for the World” Virtual Gala. Father Ed Benioff, Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd, offered the invocation. Funds raised this evening allow MDA to sponsor doctors and their families to provide medical treatment and train local health workers in Honduras, Tanzania, and Uganda and soon, Peru and Ghana. Two doctors who will soon start their three-year commitment in Ghana and Peru, expressed their gratitude for the training and funding to work and minister in areas of great need. MDA not only funds doctors and their families, but also prepares them spiritually and clinically for the three-year commitment. Since costs to serve each patient is $3, a donation of $300 would allow treatment of 100 patients.
In recognition of his support of the Mission Doctors and thousands of other mission Dioceses and organizations, Bonnie Flaherty presented the Monsignor Anthony Brouwers Award for Faith and Service to Monsignor Terrence Fleming, Executive Director of the Propagation of the Faith and Pastor Emeritus at St. Brendan’s Catholic Church. In just one example of his support, Msgr. Fleming helped MDA respond to the needs for funding for the Franciscan sisters in Cameroon to support two doctors during the COVID crises. Archbishop Gomez gave a heart felt congratulations to Monsignor Fleming along with Monsignor Kieran Harrington and the Mission Office staff members.  The gala ending with videos of MDA doctors and communities around the world expressing gratitude to MDA donors and congratulations to Monsignor Fleming. 

Maggie Byrne
Head of Development
The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values.
Catholic Community Foundation of LA | (213) 426-1180