Tusitala Newsletter
American Samoa Alliance against Domestic & Sexual Violence Newsletter
Join us in recognizing the contributions and progress being made in the LGBTQAI+ community. This month, we honor those who have fought for a more inclusive and diverse society. Because of your efforts, we all get to celebrate being our true selves and being unapologetic for it! Be compassionate to those around you, show them love and acceptance.
Written by: Luana Yoshikawa-Scanlan, MBA, PRIME
In addition to developing effective vaccines to protect us against the worst symptoms of COVID-19, amazing scientists created drugs to treat symptoms before they progress into life-threatening complications.
There are two types of drug treatments approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or FDA: Veklury or remdesivir, an antiviral drug, for adults and some children. Commonly known as remdesivir, this drug is delivered through intravenous therapy or an IV. The second is Olumiant which helps the adult immune system fight infection when hospitalized with COVID-19. These drugs are not substitutes for the COVID-19 vaccine, they simply provide additional support once you are infected and if you experience symptoms.
Supporting Victims of Domestic
Violence During a Pandemic
First and foremost, victim services must be categorized ‘essential services’ by the local government to ensure access to the women’s shelter, court, and protection orders.
Secondly, advocates can organize community responses to stay-at-home orders:
o Use media to make abusers aware that the community is ready to support victims;
o Use visual and audio signals outside homes or on their person, code words on the phone or online to signal for help – community members can respond to signals by calling emergency hotlines or bringing in appropriate cultural interventionists.
Disclaimer: The Alliance was funded through the CARES Act And the ARP (American Response Plan) to Prevent COVID-19 by disseminating educational information to victims of domestic violence and programs on precautions to prevent, contain or mitigate COVID-19 and other respiratory illness.
Each month the Alliance information provided will be adapted from federal agencies and/or local public health departments.
EmpowHer-ment Through Partnership
By: Kathy Fitisone, Alliance Staff
Ms. Marci has just completed her 5th year as a teacher at Tafuna High School. She teaches English and College Prep for Seniors and Creative Writing as an elective. Her educational background is in Women’s & Gender Studies and Curriculum & Instruction. She is also the founder and advisor of Tafuna High School’s Brown Sisters Club. The BSC was created to inspire, educate, and empower our girls to be leaders within our schools and communities through service to others.
Tusia: Judy Mata’utia
O tagata matutua i nei ona po ua sili atu ona vaaia tele i mea fai, sili atu le malolosi ma sili atu le tuto’atasi nai lo se isi lava taimi muamua. Ua umi ona soifua ma ua sili atu le soifua maloloina fo’i. Ae a’o tuputupu a’e le faitau aofa’i o tagata matutua, e faapea fo’i le faafitauli natia o le sauaina o tagata matutua, faaaogaina ma le tu’ulafoa’i.
O lo’o matua lamatia lava le tulaga lelei o le olaga o tagata matutua o lo’o a’afia i sauaga, ona e masani ona latou o’o i le tulaga faaletonu o le gaioi, o mea tau tupe, ma faatupulaia ai le ola faalagolago i isi tagata, faaletonu le soifua maloloina, lagonaina le leai o se fesoasoani aemaise foi le tu’ulafoa’i ma le faateleina fo’i o mafatiaga faale-mafaufau. I nisi o suesuega e taua ai o tagata matutua ua sauaina e tele ona maliliu muamua nai lo i latou e le’o sauaina, tusa lava pe leai ni ma’i masani na iai pe lamatia ai fo’i le soifua, ma e le tasi se ituaiga sauaga e sauaina ai tagata matutua.
Ae o le a la le uiga o le faatamala ma le tu’ulafoa’iina o tagata matutua? O ia faiga e aofia ai faiga le talafeagai aemaise lava i le tausiga o tagata matutua, po’o le le mafai e le o lo’o avea ma ona matafaioi le tausiga o tagata matutua, ona faataunuuina manaoga o tagata matutua, pei o le musu po’o le le mana’o e avatu se meaai, vai, faia lelei laei, faanofo i se nofoaga lelei, faataele ma tumama, tausia inumaga o fualaau o lo’o faatonuina mai e le foma’i, malu puipuia ma saogalemu, ma nisi lava tulaga taua e manaomia e le tagata matua, lea ua malilie ai e faataunuuina e le e tausia tagata matutua. O le tu’ulafoa’i fo’i e mafai ona tula’i mai pe a le lelei ona puipuia le tagata matua mai tulaga e ono manu’a ai, pe lamatia ai lona soifua ma o’o atu ai i ni manuaga ogaoga pe matuia. I tulaga faapea, e le mafai ai ona taua o se faalavelave faafuase’i, ae o se mea ua tupu e mafua mai ona o le faatamala po o le leai o se manatu tele i le soifua manuia o le tagata matua. O le tuulafoa’i ma le faatamala e ogaoga ma matuia nei faiga e pei lava o nisi ituaiga sauaga.
Exploring discussions in our community about DVSA while creating Safe Spaces
Tapumanaia Galu Satele shares how stalking is criminalized in American Samoa under code annotated 46.3525, what it means, and the Samoan terms we use to describe the law versus terms more commonly used. Satele shares with Talanoa Talk Now what stalking can escalate to as well as some of the misperceptions that we as Samoans hold about stalking behavior, and how our cultural values and practices influence our perceptions of stalking. Make sure you tune in to learn more about our stalking law.
Office Hours and Contact Information
Office Hours are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday- Thursday.
Contact us at 699-0272 or email: asadsv@gmail.com
We are hiring a Community Educator who will be primary staff. This position will identify and address needs of historically underserved survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their children to enhance services to survivors across American Samoa.
We are hiring a Program Specialist (OVW Rural Grant) who will start many discussions, and activities focused on strengthening services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault for Fa'afafine's in American Samoa.
We are hiring a Media Assistant- who will work closely with Media Coordinator to create engaging content to increase Alliance's media presence.
For more information visit our website