Information Sharing - Back to School
The following information is being shared on behalf of Pathway to Potential and WE LIP
Back to School is Different this Year!
All Parents/Guardians must decide if they plan for their children to attend school in-person or continue with online learning from home in September 2020. A summary of the information required by each local school board is below.
La rentrée scolaire est différente cette année!
Tous parents et gardiens doivent planifier pour la rentrée scolaire et indiquer une méthode d’apprentissage préférée pour leurs enfants, soit en classe ou à distance (en ligne), pour Septembre 2020.
Un sommaire des informations requis par chacun des conseils scolaires locaux est présenté ci-dessous.
Guidelines for Transportation
Windsor-Essex Student Transportation Services (WESTS) has released guidelines to ensure the safe transportation of students on school buses for home to school and return transportation, including:

  • A maximum capacity of 48 students per bus;
  • Assigned seating plans;
  • Parents/Guardians and students from Grade 4 to 12 are required to wear a non-medical or cloth mask when waiting in line at the bus stop and at all times while riding the bus;
  • It is recommended that students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 wear masks.

Download the Back to School Guidelines for Transportation document for all procedures and information.
Municipal Social Investment Efforts
City of Windsor
Stephen Lynn
519-255-5200 ext. 5302
Teresa Falsetta Aflak
519-255-5200 ext. 6809
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