September 19, 2024

MASTER LIST for Articles DWF NEWS 9/19/24


Crisis Intervention: Global Psychotherapy Peace Summit for World Leaders 

Roger Kotila, PhD      DWF NEWS


Pray for peace, as the madmen of the West are about to plunge the world into a mass-death scenario that will catch Americans completely by surprise

Leo Hohmann     THE INTEL DROP


The Armageddon Agenda

Michael T. Klare     TomDispatch


The World’s Chance to Confront US-Israeli Genocide

Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J.S. Davies    Consortium News



Most of us Americans are willingly fooled by our Government and 'news' -media

Eric Zuesse


Israel Did 9/11

Wyatt Peterson


The UN Summit of the Future will likely be a disappointment as most proposals (over 50 them) are cosmetic, avoiding the fundamental flaws in the Charter which have rendered the UN unable to prevent Israeli genocide, or eliminate the danger of nuclear war erupting from the Ukraine conflict with Russia.

What to do? Perhaps it is time for the UN General Assembly with 187 nations denied voting rights to take on more responsibility. Launch Charter Review by comparing it to the Earth Constitution.

Adopt Earth Constitution voting rights and its World Judiciary System with Enforcement. Investigate media propaganda and censorship, and open an honest investigation of 9/11.

Crisis Intervention: Global Psychotherapy Peace Summit for World Leaders 

Roger Kotila, PhD      DWF NEWS

As I watch the increasing threat of nuclear war due to the war in Ukraine and the nuclear arms race, in desperation I have asked myself if key world leaders need crisis intervention in the form of a special psychotherapy summit conducted by psychologists?


A breakthrough to world peace eludes the United Nations despite its excellent step forward by passing the The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). It is the first legally binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons. It entered into force on 22 January 2021. Wikipedia 


When you talk to almost any concerned citizen about nuclear weapons, they almost invariably conclude that having more and more nuclear weapons is "crazy."  Logically, they seem correct. The more rattlesnakes in our midst, the bigger chance of getting bitten. Sooner or later, the more nukes in the world, the increasing chance of a nuclear Armageddon. Yet the leaders of the nuclear powers disagree, or don't care. They continue in a nuclear arms race, and put their trust in a deterrence policy. 


The nuclear powers feel protected, and appear to believe that more nukes equals more deterrence, hence protection against nuclear war. IS THERE AN ERROR IN THIS THINKING? It assumes that decisions about using nukes is done on a rational basis, using reason and logic. Much of the public thinks this way, too. "They will never use nukes, it could end the world!" they say confidently.


But psychologists know that all too often critical decisions are made on hunch and emotion, not on logic or reason. This fact is most clearly illustrated in intimate personal relationships. Everything seems to be going well when out of the blue, unexpectedly, it isn't. A fight erupts.   


We are exploring here the idea of a Global Psychotherapy Peace Summit for World Leaders directed by psychologists.  We need the leaders of Russia, USA, China, India, EU, South and Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia and the UN under the same roof to get to know each other personally, and to get to know themselves psychologically.


I have speculated that an extended group therapy marathon (10 to 14 days) might be a useful strategy. Can you imagine Putin, Trump or Harris, Xi Jinping, Modi, and a leader each from the EU, UN, Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia all together and agreeing to group psychotherapy for 2 straight weeks in a marathon setting?


It may or may not work. But this idea of competition instead of cooperation is killing the world. If either Russia or the USA leadership is considering first strike nuclear warfare, perhaps they will change their mind after personal group psychotherapy getting to know their supposed "enemy."


-- Roger Kotila, PhD

  Psychologist (ret.) 

Pray for peace, as the madmen of the West are about to plunge the world into a mass-death scenario that will catch Americans completely by surprise

Leo Hohmann     THE INTEL DROP


Western media stays mum on the biggest story of the century and Americans remain fixated and distracted by petty politics and whether Haitians are eating cats in Ohio. It’s just a matter of time — days or perhaps hours — before the Biden administration approves Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to strike daggers deep into the heart of Russia: Putin has removed all confusion, saying such action amounts to a de facto declaration of war against the nuclear-armed 1,100-year-old sovereign state of Russia. He will respond in kind.


It appears to be a matter of when, not if, the Biden administration grants approval for Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles against Russia.


These missiles were sent by the U.S. to Ukraine about a year ago but with restrictions that they could not be launched into Russia proper. The British sent their Storm Shadow missiles with similar restrictions. But now the rules of the game are about to change and I see no sense of urgency by the Western media to explain the potential consequences to everyday Americans, Canadians and Europeans. They’d rather report on cat-eating Haitians and the latest political salvo between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. READ MORE

The Armageddon Agenda

Michael T. Klare      TomDispatch

The next president of the United States, whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, will face many contentious domestic issues that have long divided this country, including abortion rights, immigration, racial discord, and economic inequality. In the foreign policy realm, she or he will face vexing decisions over Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, and China/Taiwan. But one issue that few of us are even thinking about could pose a far greater quandary for the next president and even deeper peril for the rest of us: nuclear weapons policy. READ MORE

The World’s Chance to Confront US-Israeli Genocide

Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J.S. Davies    Consortium News


Given that the General Assembly, unlike the exclusive 15-member Security Council, allows all members to vote and there is no veto in the General Assembly, this is an opportunity for the world community to clearly express its opposition to Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine.

If Israel predictably fails to heed a General Assembly resolution calling on it to withdraw its occupation forces and settlers from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the United States then vetoes or threatens to veto a Security Council resolution to enforce the ICJ ruling, then the General Assembly could go a step further. 

It could convene an emergency session to take up what is called a Uniting For Peace resolution, which could call for an arms embargo, an economic boycott or other sanctions against Israel — or even call for actions against the United States.

While Israel used its hotly disputed account of the Oct. 7 events as a pretext to declare open season for the mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, Israeli forces in the West Bank and East Jerusalem used it as a pretext to distribute assault rifles and other military-grade weapons to illegal Israeli settlers and unleash a new wave of violence there, too


Each time the General Assembly has met in recent years, a succession of leaders from the Global South has risen to lament the breakdown of the peaceful and just international order that the U.N. is supposed to represent, from the failure to end the war in Ukraine to inaction against the climate crisis and to the persistence of neocolonialism in Africa.

At the same time that the United States has armed Israel to the teeth, it has vetoed 46 Security Council resolutions that either required Israel to comply with international law, called for an end to the occupation or for Palestinian statehood, or held Israel accountable for war crimes or illegal settlement building.  READ MORE 

Most of us Americans are willingly fooled by our Government and 'news'-media

Eric Zuesse


To be fooled time and time again and never learn, is to be willingly fooled, and Americans were fooled into invading and militarily occupying Vietnam on the basis of a phony “falling dominoes” theory that was ‘anti-communist’ but really was simply imperialistic to expand the number of the U.S. Government’s colonies (which are lyingly called ‘allies’) so as to become ultimately the first-ever dictatorship over the entire world (“hegemony”).

And Americans were also willingly fooled both before and after that war against Vietnam, such as when, starting almost immediately after the end of WW2, the U.S. Government perpetrated its many dozens of coups, overthrowing and replacing democratically elected governments in Iran, Guatemala, Chile, etc., and installing U.S.-backed dictatorships there, and most recently in Ukraine, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and all of these U.S. coups and U.S.-installed dictatorships were presented to the American public as being instead either a ‘democratic revolution’ such as in Ukraine and Bangladesh, or else a domestic coup, such as in Pakistan.

And also there were many lie-based U.S. military invasions such as against Iraq. So, most of us Americans are actually serial fools — fools who keep coming back to believe yet more lies from the same lying sources: the U.S. Government and its ‘news’-media.

The master-lie behind all of this is that the U.S. Government and ‘news’-media are a ‘democracy’ instead of the aristocracy that they actually are. Because this lie enables the regime to ‘justify’ its overthrows or “regime-changes” as being good for the residents in the newly created American colony, ...  READ MORE

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Israel Did 9/11

Wyatt Peterson UNZ.COM

DWF Editor's note: The idea that Israel was behind 9/11 at first glance seems outrageous. But I teach young peace activists that if they aren't "conspiracy theorists" they "don't understand the situation." On each issue, take some time to do your homework -- investigate before drawing any conclusions. Conspiracies really happen, such as false flag operations. They are a main part of the playbook for the likes of covert agencies like the CIA, Mossad, FSB and MI6. These secret agencies are known to conspire to commit illegal acts and blame someone else (patsies), using the media to establish a false narrative to control public opinion. -- R. Kotila, PhD


If America had an honest media, there is no way the perpetrators could’ve gotten away with their audacious attack and equally audacious cover story of ’19 Arabs with box cutters outwitting the most sophisticated technological superpower the world has ever known.’ An extraordinary amount of data exists proving the official story can’t possibly be true, but the media has done its best to ignore all of it while besmirching anyone who raises any inconvenient fact as a damnable ‘conspiracy theorist.’


Surprisingly, the BBC cast doubt on the official government story early on by reporting on September 23, 2001 that five of the nineteen ‘hijackers’ had turned up alive and well in places like Saudi Arabia and Morocco, and had been nowhere near New York City or Washington D.C. on the morning of 9/11. ...


Commission member and former U.S. Senator Max Cleland seemed to agree with Sperry’s assessment. Resigning in protest shortly after being appointed, Cleland stated: “This is a scam. It’s disgusting. America is being cheated.” He was right. Zelikow’s 9/11 Commission Report was such a whitewash that it didn’t even mention the free-fall collapse of the 47-story WTC Building 7 at 5:20 in the afternoon. ...


... During NIST’s ‘investigation,’ Jeffrey and his team never once looked for any evidence of explosives having been used to bring down the three steel-framed towers, nor did they examine the presence of molten metal underneath the rubble of the WTC complex. ...


... The 9/11 criminals have gone to great lengths to browbeat Americans with the official government fairy tale of 19 Arabs with boxcutters outwitting the world’s most sophisticated surveillance system to bring down three steel-framed high-rise towers with two planes. Zionist ownership of America’s media ensures this is the only story ever heard by the masses. Fortunately, truth activists have been largely successful in spreading awareness of the many absurdities inherent in the government story by way of the Internet. For years now, polls have consistently shown that a majority of Americans have serious doubts concerning the government account of what transpired on September 11, 2001


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