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May 2023

We Can Help Maintain SF6 Equipment for Safety and Reliability


Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas is used to quench the arc that is created when a breaker interrupts a fault in high- and extra-high voltage equipment. Maintenance of SF6 equipment is crucial to ensuring the safety and reliability of power distribution systems, and Group CBS has the products and services you need to get the job done.


CBS Field Services can perform maintenance testing, as well as properly remove and store SF6 gas while a breaker is having its internals serviced. Acceptance testing of gas prior to the filling of new SF6 equipment is also crucial to ensure long and reliable breaker life.


Vacuum Interrupters can repair leaking seals, refill SF6 interrupters, repair SF6 breaker pole assemblies, and replace SF6 interrupters for a variety of medium-voltage (38 kV and below) circuit breakers and metal-clad switchgear from manufacturers such as ABB, Merlin, PACS, and Schneider.


Circuit Breaker Sales has access to North America’s largest inventory of overcurrent protective devices and stocks medium-voltage switchgear such as Square D VAD 2 & 3 – VR – Fluarc SF6 breakers. Contact us for service, repair, and conversion from SF6 to vacuum as part of an upgrade or retrofit.


Group CBS is here to assist you with premier products and unparalleled capabilities and services. Contact us to learn more! Read more

Proper Arc-Flash Safety Practices Ensure Accuracy and Quality


Arc-flash studies, coordination studies, and short-circuit or other power-system studies can boost your confidence in the safety and reliability of your facility. However, performing arc-flash studies for low-voltage power distribution equipment can present challenges that require engineering judgement and proper documentation.

Best practices include completing a field observation to check equipment condition and documentation and identify issues and missing information, having a quality assurance/quality check program to enhance safety for workers, and being prepared for worst-case scenarios. Read this paper from CBS Field Services to learn about real-world applications and experiences that could be incorporated into future arc-flash study practices.

CBS Field Services can provide on-site evaluation of your electrical system, short-circuit and coordination studies, and an incident-energy analysis to mitigate arc-flash hazards in your facility. Contact us for more information or to discuss your requirements for an arc-flash study at your facility. Read more

CBS ArcSafe RSK-PMT Recognized Among Products of the Year


The CBS ArcSafe RSK-PMT remote switch kit for pad-mounted transformers was recently named EC&M Product of the Year in the Specialty Products category! This solution permits workers to operate a transformer from outside the arc-flash hazard boundary with the use of an insulated hot stick that is inserted through a modified door port from outside the transformer. The hot stick serves as an interface between the inside switch and an RSA-216 remote switch actuator mounted on the outside of the transformer. Using the RSO-IV remote switch operator, the worker can be positioned up to 300 feet away as they energize or de-energize the transformer. The RSK-PMT provides arc-flash safety with PMTs in applications such as wind farms, facilities management, solar power, and utility distribution.


Voting for the platinum, gold, and silver Product of the Year winners is taking place from May 19–June 23, 2023 on the EC&M website. If you’d like to learn more about the RSK-PMT, contact us! Read more


Would you like to see live demonstrations of the MAC-TS4 vacuum interrupter test set and the CBT-1202 circuit breaker timer from Vacuum Interrupters and remote racking and remote switching solutions from CBS ArcSafe? Join us for lunch-and-learn training sessions and demonstrations at Circuit Breaker Sales locations across the country! Contact us for more information or to learn about upcoming events in your area.


Live Webinar: Acceptance Testing and Its Importance to Your

Electrical Maintenance

May 9, 2023

3:00 pm ET

Presented by Finley Ledbetter

Register Here

MsRWA Annual Management & Technical Conference & Exhibition

May 29June 1, 2023

Biloxi, MS


Pulp and Paper Industry Conference

June 1116, 2023

Spokane, WA

HYDROVISION International

July 11–13, 2023

Charlotte, NC

Affiliates Directory

Advanced Electrical & Motor Controls

Irving, TX - Ph: 800-289-2757

Arkansas Electrical Outlet

Forrest City, AR - Ph: 870-633-4997

Carolina Precision Switchgear

Concord, NC - Ph: 704-596-4242

CBS ArcSafe

Denton, TX - Ph: 877-4-SAFETY

CBS Nuclear Services

Matthews, NC - Ph: 704-882-1875

Circuit Breaker Analyzer

Farmers Branch, TX -

Ph: 972-290-0074

Solid State Exchange & Repair

Denton, TX - Ph: 877-TRIP-FIX

Vacuum Interrupters

Farmers Branch, TX -

Ph: 214-442-5877

Denton, TX - VI Manufacturing

CBS Field Services

Phoenix, AZ - Ph: 888-395-2021

Regional Service Centers

Detroit, MI

Lakeland, FL

Nashville, TN

Salt Lake City, UT

Seattle, WA

Portland/Vancouver, WA

Circuit Breaker Sales


Gainesville, TX - Ph: 800-232-5809

Regional Service Shops

Boston - Ph: 800-521-0197

Chicago - Ph: 800-657-6646

Crown Point, IN - Ph: 219-213-2095

Denver - Ph: 720-981-4580

Detroit - Ph: 734-357-8005

Lakeland, FL - Ph: 863-646-5099

Louisiana - Ph: 225-673-2278

Houston - Ph: 281-479-4555

Northeast - Ph: 800-521-0197

Phoenix - Ph: 888-395-2021

Salt Lake City - Ph: 888-395-2021

Seattle - Ph: 888-395-2021

Vancouver - Ph: 888-395-2021

Western PA - Ph: 800-521-0197

Group CBS | 972-250-2500 |