Don't Let the Devil Untie Your Knot of Love!

Gender Wars: Ideology vs REALITY

When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.” 2 Kings 2:9

We are not here for ourselves; we must influence the power of the nation because that is the will of God. A long time ago, I committed my life to this mission. It does not matter that there is danger around me; I have already given up my life.

Korea and America must not break apart. Once that link is broken, tragedy will come. From the current trend of history God knows very well what will happen now that liberalism is rampant and communist infiltration is so widespread. The situation is very dismal. That is why God sent me to America as His agent. God asked me to hold America, to keep America linked with Asia, to restore His blessing to all the Christian world, and then to liberate the communists. That is God's mandate.

SMM, Today in the Light of Dispensational History, February 23, 1977

Hello Richard,

Gregg Noll invited everyone to attend the True Parents’ Day holy day observance on April 20 and the 3rd King blessing ceremony on April 23 in Cheongpyeong. Then Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by thanking all those who donated for his IRS defense. He encouraged all to support Tennessee Firearms Association and Vets for Child Rescue.

As the weather gets better, the Rod of Iron Riders are ready to ride. They will be practicing their skills and group alignment on Saturdays. Their motto is “I am my brother’s keeper!” The King Bullethead channel has come out with 21 music videos so far.

He read the passage in 2 Kings 2. Both Elijah and Elisha had long ministries of warning Israel’s kings and people not to worship Baal, which included child sacrifice and temple prostitution. In Elijah’s time, many were asleep, serving Baal, including the northern Kings.

Jesus said “you will do much more than I!” There are followers of Jesus who have healed thousands. True Father blessed Hyung Jin Nim and Shinjoon nim in a similar way, but only Christ can give salvation. Others may do more quantitatively, but not qualitatively.

Tie the Knot of Love - Sanctuary Service 3/26/2023

Rev. Kwon, who is visiting Cheongpyeong now, has the best apologetics channel in Korean. He made this with no support, just out of his love. It has helped many in Family Fed to come back and wake up.

JP Sears of the Awaken with JP channel  used to be “woke,” but now he is “woken up.” The times have become so wicked. We’ve seen real evil. This awareness of evil led him to Christ.

We see ongoing joint military operations by Russia, China and other enemies of America.  There is a real danger of a world war. The failure of Hak Ja Han has led to world judgment.

America’s role in the world is increasingly a negative one. It exports “democracy” which includes forcing the LGBTQ agenda aka a “sex cult” on other countries. America is becoming the “wicked witch of the West.”

Democracies where a majority can vote themselves more power and benefits always leads to socialism. A republic with a bill of rights would have given 2nd Amendment to a country like South Korea. This would have had led to 10-20 million men who had served in the armed forces out of 52 million population carrying firearms and ready to defend their communities and nation.

We don’t live in a jealousy culture. In a country with widespread gun ownership, you have an incentive to treat others with respect.  

He showed the image of a couple “tying the knot.” You don’t just “tie the knot” once when you get married, but should re-tie it again and again. Couples should tie another knot every week in their relationship, by spending one-on-one time together each week.

For 6,000 years God didn’t have His perfected, blessed son and daughter, and lineage. True Father had Hyung Jin Nim clean the bathrooms for 2 years. He passed the test. He couldn’t complain, knowing that True Father cleaned for the other prisoner when he was imprisoned in Danbury. The Korean brothers and sisters were amazed to see Hyung Jin Nim taking on this task without complaint.

Training is good for us. It leads to mental discipline to not get attached to your position, but only to your mission.

The Han Mother became isolated. She didn’t get involved with other brothers and sisters. In contrast, Yeonah Nim is leading HSU Bible study classes and prayer meetings so she is interacting with and serving many brothers and sisters.

He warned about the danger of pornography addiction. Thousands of images are easily available on any smartphone, leading to instant dopamine arousals. It often leads to pedophilia. The devil is using technology, but it could also be used for God’s purpose, but we need to be aware. Be sure to guide and prepare your children for these media challenges.

Here is an opportunity to support the construction of the 3rd King’s parsonage on the Cheongpyeong property on the occasion of his blessing to Chiu Sakai on April 23, 2023 and to obtain a precious calligraphy of this year’s God’s Day motto signed by the 2nd and 3rd Kings with your family’s name. Click here for more information.

Jordan Peterson says couples need 90 minutes of face-to-face time per week. Be serious. If you meet every week, you have 52 knots in a year. Then the devil has to untie dozens of knots, not just one. Hyung Jin Nim has more memories of being together with the Queen than alone. Two become one flesh. Not just physically.

Keep the knots and the rope strong. You will realize how great that is since God was waiting to see his children fulfill the Blessing since the beginning of creation. Invest in your spouse with one-on-one time.

Through Christ we gain world sovereignty, plus we have the Rod of Iron culture which motivates us to defend the Kingdom. Don’t neglect the community. You will become isolated. We need outer circles, not just an inner circle (family). Don’t burn bridges unless absolutely necessary.


Gender Wars: Ideology vs REALITY

The first video in the Gender Wars series starts by looking at current trends involving the sexualization of children in light of ancient pagan beliefs and practices. By de-sexualizing God, Judaism launched a sexual revolution that separated intimacy into the bed of husband and wife, changing the world. More recently Karl Marx and his ideological descendants attacked the nuclear family as the slavery of women and children by husbands in the "patriarchy." Kinseyan-style sex ed claims to liberate youth, but are they being told the truth, or fed lies?

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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