Don't forget: Take the surveys!

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to participate in this phase of the planning process for the Near Northwest Area, either by joining a neighborhood discussion or taking the online surveys. 

If you haven't taken the topic-based surveys, there is still time! The surveys will be available until Friday, May 27. Each survey will take about 20 minutes. Complete the ones that most interest you or all four of them!

In English
Land Use and Built Form Survey
Housing and Economy Survey
Mobility Survey
Quality of Life Survey
En Español
Encuesta de Usos Terrenos y Formas de Construcción
Encuesta de Economía y Vivienda
Encuesta de Movilidad
Encuesta de Calidad de Vida
Miss anything? Catch up on YouTube
Take a peek at the Near Northwest Area Plan Playlist on Community Planning and Development's YouTube channel to observe past steering committee meetings, watch the topic-based virtual conversations that took place earlier this year and get an overview of this phase of the planning process.
Visit the plan webpage
En Español
About the Near Northwest Area Plan
The Near Northwest Planning Area is made up of the Northwest Denver neighborhoods east of Federal Boulevard: Chaffee Park, Sunnyside, Highland, and Jefferson Park. As part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative, this project provides an opportunity to create a long-term vision for these neighborhoods that furthers citywide goals and priorities while addressing local neighborhood needs.
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