This piece was produced by Alejandro Sandria, a member of a collective of previously and currently incarcerated artists based in Mexico. He currently teaches drawing in a prison in Mexico City. Mr. Sandria applied the EJP scholarship that he received last year to take art classes, and plans to teach more extensively in prison after he graduates.
I hope that the new year has been a happy one for each of you. This promises to be a full and rich year for EJP and we invite you to be part of it.
Applications to participate in EJP's college-in-prison program at Danville Correctional Center are being accepted until March 1, 2023.
We also welcome applications from students who want to become EJP interns on campus and individuals who wish to join our Reentry Guide Initiative, which is responsible for producing reentry and deportation guides.
You can learn more on our website and by attending an upcoming info session (see below).
I encourage you to learn more about the issues that motivate our work by attending research groups and reading groups, especially if you’re a current EJP member. The first research group of the semester will be this Friday at 3pm on immigration enforcement (register below).
Finally, mark your calendar now for an EJP homecoming. The 2023-24 academic year marks EJP’s 15 year anniversary. We plan to launch the year with a special event on Saturday September 26 from 10am - 5pm in Champaign. This will be an opportunity to remember, celebrate, and look ahead to what’s next. If you’ve been involved with EJP at over the years, we hope you will attend and be part of the festivities.
Take Care, Be Well,
Rebecca Ginsburg
EJP Director
EJP Research Group
Fri Jan 20, 3 - 4pm Central
Carolina Valdivia and Angie Monreal will discuss their ongoing research on how immigration enforcement practices affect important aspects of family life and individuals’ participation at work, school, the household, and the broader community. You can RSVP below.
Also, mark your calendar for our February Research Group on Friday Feb 10, also from 3 - 4pm Central. Representatives of New York University's Prison Education Program Research Lab will discuss their recently published book, Cars and Jails: Freedom Dreams, Debt, and Carcerality.
If you have any questions about the Research Group or the Policy & Research Team, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ashton Hoselton, EJP's Policy & Research Director, at
Drop-in Zoom EJP Info Sessions
Tues Jan 24, 6 - 7pm Central
Thurs Feb 23, 4:30 - 5:30pm Central
If you'd like to learn more about EJP, our application process, or current opportunities to work with us this spring or next academic year, please attend one of our upcoming zoom info sessions.
(We are also holding in-person tables. Please see below.)
Drop by any time during the hour and stay for as long as you'd like. It is the same zoom link for both sessions.
EJP Welcome Back Lunch
Thurs Jan 26, 12 - 1pm Central
There's a lot going on in EJP right now! New initiatives, new faces, and lots of plans!
Join us for our first EJP lunch of the new year to learn about what's in store for 2023. The first few lunches of the year will be via zoom. We hope to schedule in-person lunches by the time the weather starts to warm up.
All are welcome, including prospective members. Please RSVP.
New: EJP Reading Group
Wed Feb 1, 2 - 3pm (and every other week through April 19)
We've been holding reading groups at the prison for years. This spring, we're hosting reading groups on campus for the first time. These are open to all EJP members, prospective members, and anyone else.
We'll meet in person and discuss each book over two meetings. Copies are available (for free) at the EJP offices at 1001 S. Wright Street, where we'll also host the groups. The office is open daily from 9 - 5, closed for lunch between 11 - 12.
We'll start off with Keith LaMar's Condemned. This account of the life of Mr. LaMar, incarcerated in Ohio, has special resonance, as he's scheduled to be executed later this year. We'll try to schedule a phone call with him, as he has phone access.
We'll also read Becoming Ms. Burton: From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight for Incarcerated Women, by Susan Burton and Until We Reckon: Violence, Mass Incarceration, and a Road to Repair, by Danielle Sered.
We hope you can join us!
EJP Info Tables
Thurs Feb 9, 12 - 1pm
Tues Feb 14, 3 - 5pm
Drop by an info table to pick up EJP materials and learn more about how you can get involved in our work.
Both tables will be held at 1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign. On the 9th, the table will be on the first floor and on the 14th it will be in our second floor offices.
EJP Homecoming
Sat Sept 26, 2023, 10am - 5pm
The photo above depicts members of our Language Partners program in EJP's Resource Room (as it was then called) at Danville Correctional Center. In 2011, LP was a brand new program, the first we're aware of to engage incarcerated scholars as peer ESL instructors. Erick Nava, center, was one of the founders.
Please join us at the 15th Anniversary celebration of EJP, where we'll reflect on past successes and struggles, the current state of our work, what motivates us, where EJP students and outside members are now, and what the road ahead looks like.
Sentences will be a look into the experience of those serving prison sentences, drawing upon the stories of my contacts inside, many of them serving long-term sentences. Sentences will also be a place to explore my writing and share with readers the process as I chase down leads.
Criminological Highlights
This newsletter out of the University of Toronto offers synopses of cutting-edge research in the field of criminal justice and frequently covers topics like policing, incarceration, parole and probation, and crime. For the latest edition, or to sign up for the newsletter, click below.
If you're a current EJP member, make sure that you keep up with important announcements, deadlines, useful updates, job notices, and more! Please click on the link below.
We're accepting applications for the positions below.
EJP coordinators receive $2,000/semester stipends. The other positions are hourly. Many hourly positions can be fulfilled virtually, but of course the Danville program assistant must be able to get clearance and visit the prison Click on the links below to see complete job descriptions.
We welcome interest from current EJP members and others. Please note that prospective applicants to the VISTA position must register with VISTA online to access the application. It is is year-long position.
Coordinators Based at Danville Prison:
University of Illinois
1001 S. Wright St
Champaign, IL 61820
"The mission of the Education Justice project is to create a model college-in-prison program that demonstrates the positive impacts of higher education upon incarcerated people, their families, the neighborhoods from which they come, the host institution, and society as a whole."