October 28, 2022 | Issue 69

Hiding in Plain Sight Virtual PD Series

2 hour virtual sessions for K-12 Teachers

OPI Credit available


Monday November 7, 2022

Monday November 14, 2022

Monday November 28, 2022

Ken Burns is the executive producer of a major new public television documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness. The film, premiered in June 2022 and gives voice to the experiences of young people who struggle with mental health challenges and focuses on the importance of awareness and empathy. Teachers who attend this virtual workshop series will have the opportunity to view portions of the film and discuss topics such as identifying mental illness, supporting students with anxiety and the effects of social media on youth mental health. Virtual workshops are free and open to all teachers who support K-12 students. Teachers who attend workshops live will earn 2 OPI credits for each workshop they attend and a chance to win prizes. All workshops will be recorded for those who wish to view them later. Learn more about the film here. Please be advised that the content of this film may be upsetting to some. Please only attend these events if you feel comfortable viewing and talking about this sensitive content with others. A link to request a screener of the film can be shared with schools who wish to view the film in a more private setting. Montana PBS is also sending DVDs to schools upon request. 

Learn more
Register for Workshop

Student Media Making Workshops

December 10, 2022 9am - 3pm

Full day media making workshop for Montana Teens

Montana PBS wants to support teens in Montana who are living with mental health challenges. We know that the stigma that surrounds mental health often prevents young people from seeking the help they need. We want to help them learn to tell their stories so they can inspire one another to live healthy lives. Inspired by the Ken Burns documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness, this workshop aims to provide inspiration, support and training to students who are ready to tell the story of their mental health journey. Montana students ages 13-20 are invited to learn about digital storytelling in a full day workshop with Montana PBS producers. Students will participate in interactive workshops and get hands-on training from Montana PBS producers about video production including lighting, audio and storytelling. Students will have time to craft their stories with the help of Montana PBS Media Mentors. They can share their stories with Montana PBS to be published on our website or keep them for themselves. Students will also have the opportunity to be interviewed by our producers to share their stories with Montana teachers in a collection of resources for educators on PBS LearningMedia. PBS LearningMedia is a free content site for teachers to use media in the classroom. Montana PBS plans to publish a collection of videos for teachers to help expand their knowledge about supporting mental health at school. 

Breakfast and lunch will be provided and parents are encouraged to attend and participate in the workshops with their teenagers. 

Register for Workshop

Workshop Agenda

9:00 - Breakfast & Welcome and Introductions

9:15 - Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness Video Clip

9:30- Discussion 

10:00 - Workshop Rounds

  • Storytelling
  • Production

12:00 - Lunch (Show examples) 

1:00 - Work time, PBS LearningMedia Interview

3:00 - Sharing and Viewing

Learn at Home, Too!

Learn at Home, Too with Montana PBS

Montana PBS continues its commitment to make resources available to every Pre-K through 12th grade student and teacher who needs educational resources for learning at home, whether it’s for a few days, or throughout the academic year. Enjoy award-winning children’s programming every weekday morning and afternoon for children ages 3-8, plus selected programs broadcast from 12noon to 2pm for kids ages 9 and older. The resources below are aligned to some of the programming scheduled for August. Use these resources to support students learning at home this fall. Visit our website to learn how to get the most out of Montana PBS Learn at Home, Too!

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