March 26, 2021
Dear Metropolitan Area Friends of Faith:
The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit and the Institute for Faith and Resilience are collaborating on a survey to study how faith affects ability to cope in stressful times. We are seeking to understand what resources and support you and your faith community need in this time of world pandemic, social and political unrest and widespread inequities that will assist us in developing future programs and services.
For Faith Leaders*
1.     Please complete and submit the survey at this linkdesigned specifically for faith leaders by Friday, April 9th. The survey should only take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Individual responses will be kept anonymous and confidential and you will be offered the opportunity to view the overall anonymized results of the survey when it is completed.

2.     Additionally, please share the survey link below (different from the link above!) with your faith community so we can also get their feedback and understand needs from their perspective. You can easily share the italicized paragraph below in your communications with members of your community. It explains the survey and introduces the sponsoring organizations.
Please submit your completed survey by Friday, April 9th. If you have questions, contact Lisa Mason, IFLC board member, at 586-747-7793 or [email protected]
Thank you for your participation.
Raman Singh, President
InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit

*The Faith Leader survey is designed for pastors, rabbis, and imams as well as lay leaders, directors and other faith leaders who make decisions about the faith community they lead.

For All Others
1.     Please complete and submit the survey that is for non-faith leaders at this link.

2.     Additionally, please share the introductory narrative in italics below, which includes a link to the survey for anyone who is not a faith leader, such as your friends, family, coworkers and others who may be interested as long as they are 18 years old or older and reside within the U.S.A.
Dear _________,
The year 2020 was a challenging one for many people in the United States. With support from the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit the Institute for Faith and Resilience with Durham University, we’re conducting a survey about the relationship between a person's perspective on religion/spirituality and coping with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Your input on this topic is greatly appreciated! If you have questions, feel free to contact __________________.

Click this link to start. Please complete the survey by Friday, April 30th.
About the InterFaith Leadership Council
The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan is dedicated to nurturing interfaith connection, conciliation and education. IFLC brings people of many faiths together to work toward a harmonious community based on our highest and best values. The IFLC is currently working to address racial inequities, segregation, and barriers through the lens of faith values and to support resilience, perseverance, and courage in our faith and broader communities. To get more involved in working with IFLC or to make a donation, visit IFLC’s website at
Institute for Faith and Resilience
The Institute for Faith and Resilience exists to create more resilient individuals and communities through strengthening faith. IFR seeks to create shared understanding and intentional community benefitting specialists, clinicians, ministers, and all believers alike, leading to lasting intellectual and cultural change that is evidenced by transformed lives and communities.  IFR and Durham University donated time to design and conduct the survey. Any donations would be greatly appreciated and can be contributed at IFR’s website at
InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: [313.338.9777] Email contact: [email protected]