Getting Your Just Desserts Over the Holidays!
It’s hard not to indulge during the holidays, especially when we have all endured so much this last year. You can try to be strong and simply enjoy FoodTrients-worthy desserts during the season, like all the superb citrus fruits, pears and apples available this time of year. But sometimes it’s easier to stick to a healthy way of eating if you consume a small bit of something very indulgent. That way, you don’t feel deprived.
Stress, Heart Health and the Holidays
At this time of year with several big holidays approaching, like many of my patients, you may feel overwhelmed with too much to do and are starting to feel cranky and out of sorts. 
Making the Case For (Better) Meat
We’re told that if we care about our health—or our planet—eliminating red meat from our diets is crucial. That beef is bad for us and cattle farming is horrible for the environment. But science says otherwise.
This Week's Recipe
Braised Greens Mix It Up with Squash
Nutrient-dense kale and chard team up with butternut squash, which adds brilliant color, fiber, and antioxidants. Mix it up by using other greens and winter squash. Sprinkle with finely chopped almonds before serving for an appealing crunch and extra dose of healthy fats.