Giving Tuesday Can Be Part of Your Season of Gratitude

       The last Tuesday of November has become a worldwide movement devoted to philanthropy and acts of kindness to help humanity. As the Giving Tuesday website states, “Giving Tuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.”
         Many nonprofit organizations reach out today seeking financial support so that they can serve their communities and causes. The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan is grateful for the donations received throughout 2021 which have helped us to continue interfaith educational programming for students and adults, begin our new Interfaith Community Values project, and continue our mission of building a beloved community. Please consider a gift to the InterFaith Leadership Council--a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization--today or anytime throughout the remainder of the year through this online platform:
Happy Chanukah!

Chanukah (also spelled Hanukkah)--the Jewish Festival of Lights--began on Sunday, November 28 and continues through Sunday, December 5. This holiday, dating from the second century BCE, commemorates the Jewish defeat of the Syrian Greeks who ruled the Holy Land and tried to force the Jews to accept Greek culture and beliefs. Led by Judah the Maccabee, the Jews drove the Greeks from the land. However, when the Maccabees returned to the Jerusalem temple there was only enough oil to burn in the eternal light for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days—which is the reason for the eight-day celebration—and the temple was rededicated. (Chanukah means dedication.)
        Chanukah celebrations include lighting a menorah—a candelabra that holds nine candles--for eight nights and enjoying foods cooked in hot oil such as potato pancakes (latkes) and jelly donuts. Children enjoy presents, songs and special games.        
Advent Begins a Time of Preparation for Christmas
November 28 also marked the first day of Advent—an important time for Christians. Kateri Bouchard, the InterFaith Leadership Council’s manager of community outreach, explains these special weeks before Christmas:
        "In the Christian liturgical calendar, the season of Advent marks a period of preparation for Christmas -- the nativity of Jesus Christ. For four weeks, Christians across the world observe the tradition by lighting candles each night, making time for rest, and reflecting on how to prepare their hearts and homes for Christ's birth. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness."

Stakeholders Meeting Was a Welcome and Productive Gathering
        The InterFaith Leadership Council held a Community Stakeholders Meeting on
November 18, 2021 at St. John’s Armenian Church in Southfield. Raman Singh, president, Bob Bruttell, co-chair, Rev. Dr. Jimmie Wafer, board member, and Rev. Stancy Adams, chair, are shown above at the meeting. With COVID precautions in place, about 50 individuals participated in person or through Zoom as updates were provided about Religious Diversity Journeys, the Health and Healthcare Committee’s projects, interfaith adult education programs, podcasts, communications initiatives, and the new Community Interfaith Values project. The next newsletter will provide an in-depth discussion of the goals and progress of this exciting new project.

A Community Celebration of Hanukkah and Diwali

         The Hindu Community Relations Council and the Jewish Community Relations Council/AJC will host “An Interfaith Festival of Lights: Coming Together for Hanukkah and Diwali” on December 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. WJBK TV’s Roop Raj will moderate a discussion featuring State Reps. Padma Kuppa (D-41) and Samantha Steckloff (D-37) at Sri Sri Radha Copijana Vallabha Temple in Farmington Hills. For more information visit:
InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: [313.338.9777] Email contact: [email protected]