God's Prophetic Word Encourages Believers
Christians who study Bible prophecy have not been caught off guard by the widespread pestilence, lawlessness, corruption, rebellion, and demonic activity that is taking place throughout the world. The apostle Paul warned us with his divinely inspired prophetic words in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power." Paul exhorts us to avoid such men of depraved mind who oppose the truth. They are evil men and impostors who will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Yes, there have been other times in history that have been characterized by this depraved description of people. However, the prophetic time clock ushering in the last days did not start ticking again until the restoration of Israel in 1948. No other epoch of time in human history has had so many prophetic implications as there are today.
Evil Deeds of Darkness Are Being Exposed
Never before in our lifetime have we seen such an abundance of widespread corruption, treacherous behavior, and blatant hypocrisy within our government. Its ruling mandate has now become, "Do as I say, not as I do". To make matters even worse, the government has a willing partner in the leftist liberal media, which continues to feed gullible Americans a steady diet of deceptive narratives and insidious propaganda while suppressing the truth. These gullible people are being programmed to do whatever the media tells them to do. Perhaps this scheming collusion of "fake news" and big government has existed in the past, but now their evil deeds of darkness have been exposed by a few courageous patriots who love freedom and truth and are unwilling to compromise.
God Is Sovereignly Controlling Prophecy
Believers can be encouraged because God's prophetic plan for the ages is being carried out just as He ordained it. In these last days, we are eye-witnesses to God's sovereign control over everything that is taking place. He is allowing wicked men to employ their devious schemes to fulfill prophecy. God's prophetic word tells us there will be a global government that will control the population, a global economy that will control commerce, and a global religion that will force the worship of a false Christ (Rev. 13 & 17). As these events begin to unfold, this blessed generation of God's people can be encouraged as we keep looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus (Titus 2:13). The King of kings will defeat evil and set up His everlasting kingdom where justice and righteousness are the foundation of His throne (Psalm 89:14).
Spiritual Forces of Wickedness
Christians know that many of the global events taking place today are influenced by spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). There is no other explanation for the rapid rise of demonic activity. There is also no way to justify the irrational and lawless behavior of the deep state that seeks to destroy America and its Constitution (1 John 3:10-12). Satan must know his days are numbered, so he has unleashed an all out assault on truth, justice and freedom. His god-rejecting, socialistic powers seek to steal our freedom so that a New World Order can control us. The global platform that will usher in the treacherous reign of Antichrist is being constructed by globalists under demonic influence. He will have authority over every tribe, people and tongue in the world (Rev. 13:7). Already we are seeing precursors to a global government with the promotion of socialized medicine, suppression of free speech, universal propaganda, population control, environmentalism, gun confiscations, and contact tracing.
The Effects of Fearing a Global Pandemic
We have been told that the China virus has created a global pandemic that threatens our lives. Yes, it is a serious virus that has taken so many lives, but is it an actual pandemic or an exaggerated crisis that the government is exploiting to control people and steal their freedom? According to the CDC, the average number of deaths per day this year was less than the average number of deaths per day in 2018. This data has been hidden from us by politicians and "experts." Instead, the government has deliberately caused widespread fear and confusion by ordering the shutdown of schools, businesses, churches and large gatherings of people. This has led to hundreds of businesses going bankrupt, travel being restricted, religious freedom being denied, elections being stolen, dead people voting, suicides increasing, unemployment rising, food lines growing, riots breaking out, and the national debt skyrocketing.
The Christian's Response and Responsibility
What are Christians to do in a fallen world that is being overcome by the devastating and deadly effects of sin? 1) Be encouraged because these events are all part of God's prophetic plan as revealed in His Word. He upholds and rules the universe according to the counsel of His own will and for His good pleasure. 2) Strive to be blameless, innocent children of God and shine as lights in the world in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation (Phil. 2:15). 3) Avoid being conformed to the corruption of this fallen world, and instead be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may prove what the perfect will of God is (Rom. 12:2). 4) Rescue those who are perishing and losing hope because they do not know who to trust or where to find truth. Point them to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the truth and the only way to the Father (John 14:6).
Pope Speaks at UN Pro-Abortion Summit
Pope Francis neglected to mention Jesus Christ in his virtual appearance at the U.N. Climate Ambition Summit. Instead, he based his statements on the "fraternity and the alliance between the human being and the environment." The summit, attended by numerous state leaders, was held to mark five years since the creation of the Paris Climate Agreement. Read more.
Many Professing Christians Believe Their Good Works Will Save Them
As we engage people about their faith, we find out that many are trusting in what they DO for their salvation instead of what Christ has DONE. It is tragic that they are believing a false gospel. Salvation is by grace alone, apart from any works or merit (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 11:6). Man can never DO enough to merit heaven. People will never be ready to repent of their dead works until they know that Jesus Christ has DONE everything necessary to save sinners completely and forever. We offer an excellent Gospel tract to share with anyone who is relying on their good works for salvation, including Catholics, Anglicans, Methodists, Episcopalians, Church of Christ and many others. Order here.
The Exaltation of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Last month, in celebration of the miracle of Christ's incarnation, Mike preached a message at Parker Bible Church in Colorado. His message covered our Lord Jesus Christ's eternal existence in eternity past, to His incarnate purpose on earth, to His everlasting exaltation in eternity future. It is an amazing testimony of God’s profound wisdom in redeeming mankind. Man’s perfect God became God’s perfect man as the only One who could ever satisfy divine justice for His people. Our kinsman redeemer became deity and humanity in perfect unity. See the message here starting at the 34 minute mark.
Letters to Edify and Encourage the Saints
Hello Mr. Gendron, I graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2019 and now pastor a church in Wisconsin. I heard you speak at a Master's Seminary Chapel and I was blown away by your teaching and have been thankful for your ministry ever since. I have utilized your website a number of times as it has helpful resources. You have been a tremendous blessing to me and many others I know. My Catholic sister's nine-year-old son recently had his first communion, and I was invited but kindly declined because of my convictions from the Word and the false teaching of the Catholic Mass. My sister wrote a long email to me saying she doesn’t know how she can have a relationship with me anymore and that “her god” would not do what I did. Do you think I did the right thing by not participating? Would you ever attend any Catholic ceremony such as the Mass or a first communion? I am trying to help my sister understand, because my greatest burden for all my unsaved family is that they repent and trust in Christ. M.L., Wisconsin
Hi M.L., You honored Christ and His Word by not participating in your nephew’s first communion. Some would say it is important for family unity to attend Catholic events, but we must always ask the question: Is it more important to seek the approval of God or man (Gal. 1:10)? Christians should prayerfully consider any invitation to attend a function of a false religion. The very presence of God's people at one of these ungodly events sends the message, unintentional as it may be, that they approve the religious ritual that is taking place. Let us never forget the Reformers, many of whom suffered excruciating pain, torture and death at the hands of Roman Catholics, because they would not compromise the Gospel. Rather, they rightly saw the Council of Trent's anathemas on the biblical Gospel as evidence that this apostate form of Christianity stands opposed to Christ and His Gospel. We need to emulate the apostle Paul, who did "not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the Gospel would remain" pure for the world to see (Gal. 2:5). We must recognize that when we get invited to these events, they are wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel. Then you can say, "As much as I love you, my love for my Savior is far greater. He died the death I deserve, and I desire to please Him in all that I do." You might also show them that Jesus came to divide father against son and mother against daughter and ultimately believers from unbelievers (Mat. 10:34-36). My prayers are with yours for their salvation.
Biblical Responses to Catholic Teaching
Catholic Teaching: The Rosary is an "epitome of the whole Gospel," and expresses devotion to the Virgin Mary (Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 971). The origin of the rosary came from Saint Dominic, who experienced an apparition of the Virgin Mary in the year 1214. The prayers that make up the Rosary include 50 "Hail Marys."
Biblical Response: Nowhere in the Bible do you find any God-fearing person praying to anyone other than the one true God, because He alone is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present. Only God can hear and answer our prayers. When Jesus taught us how to pray, He instructed us to address our prayers to God the Father. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. This is why we pray in His name, not Mary’s.
Pope Decrees Indulgence in Year of Joseph
Pope Francis announced a special year dedicated to St. Joseph on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church. Special indulgences for the duration of the year were decreed to celebrate the anniversary and “to perpetuate the entrustment of the whole Church to Joseph, the 'Custodian of Jesus.'" During this period, the faithful will have the opportunity to commit themselves “with prayer and good works, to obtain, with the help of St. Joseph, head of the heavenly Family, comfort and relief from the serious human and social tribulations that besiege the contemporary world today." Read more.
Mike's Comment: The forgiveness of sins and the payment of sin's punishment are gift of God's mercy and grace and are grounded on the perfect, finished and all-sufficient work of the Lord Jesus Christ, not on the merits of men (1 John 2:1-2).
Let us begin this new year with a greater desire to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ by sharing His Gospel.
Mike and Jane Gendron
(817) 379-5300
2829 Veranda Lane, Southlake, TX 76092
Mike's Ministry
Countryside Bible Church Conference
Southlake, TX
Feb. 19-21
The conference theme is Our Glorious Hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. For more information
Shepherds' Conference,
Sun Valley, CA
March 3-5
The theme of this year's Shepherds' Conference is Reclaiming True Evangelicalism. For more information
Voice of Faith Church
Green Bay, WI
April 10-11
Mike will teach a 2-day seminar on Contending for the Faith, Roman Catholicism, Discernment and Evangelism at The Voice of Faith Church in Green Bay, WI. For more information click here.
Last Days Bible Conference
Alberta, Canada
April 30 - May 1
Mike will be one of the returning speakers at this excellent Bible Prophecy conference north of the border. For more information click here.
Prophetic Insights Into Current Events
Chaos and turmoil are inflaming our lives with uncertainty. Geopolitical and societal upheaval is tearing at the heart of America. What does God's prophetic Word reveal about these end time events? Mike Gendron and 16 other teachers of Bible prophecy contributed chapters to this timely book that exposes the spiritual forces of darkness that are preparing the world for the global reign of the Lawless One. Order here.
Flash Drive with 20 Keynote Presentations
Twenty of Mike Gendron's most popular Keynote presentations are now available on one Flash Drive that can easily be inserted into your computer or I-Pad. This library of video messages covers a range of biblical topics including Bible Prophecy, Roman Catholicism, Discernment, Contending for the Faith, Evangelism, and Apologetics.
Ambassador Pack of Seven Gospel Tracts
The pack includes packages of all seven of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God's Word. Carry some with you and give them to people whereever you go.
The "Ambassador Equipping Program" will equip and encourage you to share the Gospel effectively with Roman Catholics and others lost in religious deception. The course is online, so you can complete the course anywhere with an internet connection. You can take the course at your own pace, which includes videos to watch, materials to read, and quizzes to take to reinforce and confirm what you are learning. Order here.
Fighting the Good Fight of Faith
Once we have repented and believed the Gospel, all Christians are called to proclaim it faithfully and contend for it earnestly. This book will encourage you to contend for the faith against the relentless and widespread attacks on the Gospel. Order here.
This set of 12 Gospel Cards was developed to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ clear, complete and biblically accurate. Each card explains the most important words in a Gospel presentation, using four bullet points and their corresponding Scripture references. The Gospel Cards reveal a sinner's only hope for escaping the coming judgment of God. Order here.
Mike Gendron
to speak at your
Call (817) 379-5300
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