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The Learning Analytics Collaborative
Learning Analytics Created By Educators For Educators
Monthly Newsletter
March 2021
What Our Members Are Saying

“Being data-informed is an essential aspect of our commitment to our learners, and quick access to learning results in user-friendly formats opens the window to frequent and enriching opportunities to cause learning. We are excited to gather around the table of evidence provided by the LAC and consider what our students are telling us. Our efforts to develop professional learning communities have been made more efficient and effective with the addition of this brilliant tool that makes collaboration, investigation, discussion, decision-making and action around learning so worthwhile!”
Melissa Schaub
Director of Learning
American International School of Lagos
Dear LAC Members,

Welcome to our March LAC Newsletter! We had a very busy February with Data Literacy events every weekend in addition to the usual LAC work. Work on the New Interface and the SEL dashboard is progressing. This month we are restarting our Data Literacy workshops on March 27th. There will also be a repeat session of the Data Governance workshop by Andrew Blair on March 20th.  

We had a great turnout for our 3rd Virtual Meetup on February 20th. Congratulations and many thanks to our two amazing speakers - Ruth Poulsen from the International School of Beijing and Megan Brazil from the United Nations International School of Hanoi. Between them, they covered practical tips for building a culture of data use, the use of protocols, and learning data retreats for Elementary and Secondary schools. All recordings and presentations are now available on the new LAC Learning Space. 

Our LAC Online Learning Center is changing! We are migrating all the content to a new space called LAC Learning Space. If you are already enrolled in the LAC Online Learning Center, you would have received an invitation. Please accept the invitation and join this space. The current site will close in mid-March. If you haven’t received an invite, please email lacsupport@consiliencelearning.org

We have also launched our LAC Blog where you will be able to read articles and case studies about Learning Analytics and beyond! You can find more details below!

We are studying and understanding the ways in which we can bring the MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support) framework into the LAC platform. If you use the framework at your school, we invite you to share with us the ways in which you do that. You can email me directly with this information. 

I am also delighted to welcome the ICS Inter-Community School Zurich to the LAC family. The school has just joined us and is beginning their journey to implement the platform at their school.

All the best, stay safe!

Piotr Olczak
Director of Learning Analytics
Consilience Education Foundation
LAC Blog
One of posts on the LAC Blog is ‘Building and Leading a School Culture that Values Data Informed Dialogue to Improve Student Learning’ by Megan Brazil, Elementary School Principal, United Nations International School, Hanoi (This article was first published online in 2016.) In this post, Megan is exploring a collaborative approach to using classroom data to make instructional decisions, enabling teams of teachers to collectively analyze learning data to improve learning outcomes for all students.

Also read the post by Jonathan Smedes, Director of Learning, Teaching, Innovation and Impact at the International School of Phnom Penh - using data to inform decision-making within the Student Support Team.
School Spotlight - American International School of Bucharest
In this month’s School Spotlight, we are presenting the American International School of Bucharest, a full IB, K-12 School with approx. 950 students and 180+ faculty members that joined LAC in the 2017-18 school year. Andrew Pontius, IB MYP Coordinator, and Fiona Moss, Secondary Vice Principal at AISB highlight the school’s journey with Learning Analytics, the challenge the school was facing and why they choose to join LAC. You can read the full post on our LAC Blog including information on how the school uses the LAC ecosystem, at what critical times of the year, and the LAC's impact on the culture of data use.
LAC Data Governance: Putting the House in Order
This is a much-needed and timely workshop by Andrew Blair, Head of IT, Zurich International School.
As we strive to improve the use of data to support goal setting and decision making, many of us are finding that the huge volumes of data collected over time are challenging to compile for analysis and review. None of us are starting with a blank canvas and, to address these demands, reviews of policies, processes and roles & responsibilities are inevitable. Prior to this, however, we can establish a better understanding of our datasets, taking steps to improve their management and integrity. In this session, we will discuss the challenges surrounding data in schools, and explore practical ideas on governance that could subsequently enhance the outcomes of data collection.

The workshop took place yesterday (February 27). It will be repeated on March 20 at 9 am (CET)+1hr. If you would like to sign up for this session, please use this form
LAC Data Literacy Workshops
These workshops are aimed at raising the Data Literacy levels for teachers and other members of the school community at our LAC Schools. Data literacy is a key enabler to efficiently consume information, have data-informed conversations, and gain valuable insights. The workshops are divided into three tiers: 
  • Introduction to Data Literacy
  • Advancing in Data Literacy
  • Mastering Data Literacy. 

The first tier is designed to introduce the audience to basics about data while Tier 2 explores how to turn information into insight - how to read and question data, using the most common LAC Engines, and will allow participants to share their insights. Tier 1 consists of 3 modules run over 4 sessions; Tier 2 has 5 modules run over 5 sessions. Starting on March 27th, modules from Tier 1 and 2 will run concurrently according to the following schedule. All times are (CET)+1hr:
All information can be found at this Link. If you would like to sign up for these sessions, please use the form.

If you would like to schedule the Data Literacy workshops for a cohort of teachers at your school, please email lac@consiliencelearning.org with suggested dates and times. 
Learning Data Audits
In order to effectively manage data assets and fully realize their potential, any school must first be aware of the location, condition and value of its data. Conducting an audit will provide this information, raising awareness of collection strengths, highlighting areas of improvement as well as potential data issues to improve overall strategy. An audit will highlight duplication of efforts and areas that require additional investment, allowing any school to optimize its resources. It will also highlight shortfalls in data creation and control practices, suggesting changes to minimize the potential risks. Broadly speaking, auditing school’s data assets yields the following benefits:
  • prioritization of resources which leads to efficiency savings
  • ability to manage risks associated with data loss and misuse
  • increasing the value of data assets through improved access and reuse
  • enabling effective and efficient learning analytics and data visualization for data-informed decision making

Full information can be found here

If you are interested in conducting such a Learning Data Audit at your school, please contact Piotr.
Engine of the Month - Grade Distribution
This engine lets the user explore and reveal the equity in grading, distribution of grades, and student performance by grade level, subject, gender or teacher. It visualizes the grades in the form of a matrix that allows you to compare two criteria. The criteria can be selected from the dropdown menu at the top.
If you would like to add this engine to your school’s LAC site or have any questions about its usage, please contact Piotr.
Data Literacy - Building a Culture of Data Use

This book was recommended by Megan Brazil in her session during the Virtual Meetup. Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman have created a how-to book that allows teachers to take data off the shelf and put that information back in the classroom to create meaningful changes in practice. The protocols and frames in the book allow teachers to shift through the plethora of data available to them and identify a meaningful course of action. PLC leaders everywhere should be using this book as a guide to improving classroom teaching and learning.

Discussions around data can make people feel “on the spot” or exposed, either for themselves, their students, or their profession. The use of a structured dialogue format provides an effective technique for managing the discussion and maintaining its focus. This protocol allows participants to look at data with new eyes and ends with possible implications, next steps, strategies, etc.
Useful Links
Consilience is a non-profit, global education innovation company that supports institutions and educators to transform teaching and learning. We provide leadership training and professional development in the areas of Innovation Leadership, Technology Integration, Maker Learning, Online Learning and Learning Analytics. For more information about our work, please visit our website: www.consiliencelearning.org 
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