Stay Connected. We're advocating for you!
North San Antonio Chamber Members and Partners,

Thank you to all that tuned in to our Joint Chamber Virtual City Council Run-Off Forum on Friday, May 21. The run-off candidates engaged in detailed discussions that could inform your vote. If you missed the forum, you can view each council district's discussion, below. Early voting started May 24th and continues until June 1st with Election Day on June 5th. Find your voting site here.
Candidate Forum Participants

Our monthly Board of Directors meeting returned to in-person on Tuesday; thank you Joeris for hosting us! We're looking forward to this year's programming as we continue to shift back to in-person meetings and events. Our Mayor & City Council Welcome Reception we will be jointly hosting with the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber, South and West Chambers is on June 9th at the Red Berry Estate, 6:00 - 7:30 PM.

The 87th Texas Legislative Session comes to a close on May 31st. We continue to advocate for you on some final bills that align with our Legislative Agenda. As the session goes into its final week, we have the latest on our top priority bills.

Business/ Employer Mandates & Regulations
SB 14 - relates to employment benefit mandates such as employee leave, predictive scheduling, and paid sick leave. SB 14 will greatly help with recovery efforts because it provides San Antonio area businesses with the consistency and predictability they need to rehire and rebuild. SB 14 provides needed stability for Texas employers by stopping local governments from imposing burdensome, expensive, and inconsistent regulations on private-sector employers. Thanks to the legislators that led this bill to passage on May 26.

HB 19 - relates to the procedure, evidence, and remedies in civil actions related to commercial vehicle litigation reform. This legislation is critical to San Antonio businesses' future in order to maintain a strong, job-creating economy in Texas. Investments in business essentials, as opposed to skyrocketing insurance rates, are necessary as businesses recover from COVID-19. HB19 passed in the Senate on May 19.

SB 6 - relates to liability for certain claims arising during a pandemic or disaster related to a pandemic. This is the COVID Liability Protection bill for businesses. On May 24, this bill was passed in the House as amended and should be headed to the Governor for signature.

Appropriations Bills
SB 1 - General Appropriations Bill. The Senate adopted the Conference Committee report on May 27 is subject to Art.III Sec.49a of the Tx. Constitution (Financial statements and revenue estimate by comptroller of public accounts; limitation of appropriations and certification of bills containing appropriations).

HB 5 - relates to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas and remains in Conference Committee.

Economic Development
HB 4242 - On May 22, HB 4242 was placed on the Senate Intent Calendar to extend the expiration, set for 2022, of certain parts of the Texas Economic Development Act (Tax Code: Chapter 313). This bill has been extended to expire on 12/31/24.

Workforce Credentialing for Transitioning Veterans & Spouses
HB 33 - relates to the facilitation of awarding postsecondary course credit that leads to workforce credentialing based on military experience, education, and training. HB 33 has been sent to the Governor for signature. Thanks to our Bexar County legislators for getting this done! (Author: Cortez. Coauthor: Minjarez & Pacheco)

HB 139 - relates to the state occupational licensing of certain military veterans and military spouses. This bill has been signed by Governor Abbott and goes into effect on 9/1/21. Thank you, Representative Minjarez! (Author: Minjarez)

The Texas Legislature is expected to reconvene in the Fall for a Special Session to address redistricting and federal COVID relief funds.

What I'm Reading Today:
May 26 | Americans' Divided Economic Future | Axios | Felix Salmon
May 26 | Stop With the Video Chats Already. Just Make a Voice Call. | Wall Street Journal | Joanna Stern

*Please note that an error was made on the May 5th CEO Connect where Senator José Menéndez was listed in support of SB 14. This was inaccurate. He offered a floor amendment.
The Government Affairs Council serves as an advocate for Member businesses and their employees before municipal, county, state, and federal officials on political policy issues impacting the economic growth, quality of life, and financial health of local industries. The Council informs and educates Members on proposed initiatives, policies, and legislation which may affect the way business in San Antonio is conducted.
June 2| Government Affairs Council Meeting

Our next meeting is in person at the NSAC office on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, with a recap from San Antonio's delegation on the 87th Texas Legislative Session. Members interested in joining the Government Affairs Council may email or register here. Note: No meeting in July 2021.
Local & State Updates
Join the City of San Antonio's Commission on Veterans Affairs (VAC)

Apply for the City of San Antonio Commission on Veterans Affairs to help ensure veterans are fully represented. These are 2-year appointments aligned to Councilmember's 2-year elected term. We encourage members to get involved or share with those who may be interested.
June 11 | Applications Due for the Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN)

Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN) announces the launch of the first Military Spouse Leadership Development Program (LDP). Upon completion of the training, the participants will receive a Leadership Certificate from Harvard University, Micro-certifications in mental health allyship from Psych Hub, and ongoing alumni support of their programs and initiatives. The program takes place over four months on Saturdays. 
June 7 | Your input is needed! San Antonio & Bexar County Digital Equity Plan Inventory Survey

The City of San Antonio is collaborating with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and OCI Group to develop a Digital Equity Plan that will be driven by community and stakeholder input, needs, and opportunities. The survey will be used to inventory current efforts to support digital inclusion and ensure they are being offered equitably, make information on existing resources available publicly, and identify ways to improve collaboration and increase the impact. The deadline to complete the survey is June 7.
The Infrastructure Council serves as a resource and strategic advocate for San Antonio regional infrastructure planning and development to improve the quality of life for our members and stakeholders.
June 9 | Infrastructure Council Meeting

Our next meeting is in person on June 9, 2021, with special guest Elizabeth Cook, Environmental Conservation Coordinator, AACOG, who will be providing an overview of the Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program. Also, AAMPO will provide a presentation of their "Call for Projects." Members interested in joining the Infrastructure Council may email or register here.
May 21 | OSHA's Reversal on COVID Guidance and Recordables

OSHA now says contractors should not record vaccine reactions. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration reversed course on employer-mandated COVID-19 vaccinations on May 21, 2021. OSHA also changed guidance that previously said employers should record all adverse reactions to required vaccinations.
July 12 | Proposals Due for Defense Community Infrastructure Program Grants (DCIP)

OLDCC published a federal funding opportunity for the Defense Community Infrastructure Program on May 18, 2021. Interested, eligible entities are encouraged to review the FFO and submit proposals via The deadline is July 12, 2021.
The Workforce Development Council serves in an advisory role to assess, research, and design strategies that address workforce development challenges and opportunities. North San Antonio Chamber members are kept abreast on local workforce trends and demands, creating programs through collaborative partnerships to address workforce shortages.
June 21 | Workforce Development Council Meeting

Our next meeting is in person at the NSAC office on June 21, 2021. Alex Lopez, Assistant City Manager, City of San Antonio, will provide us with an update on the City’s Train for SA Jobs and SA Ready to Work programs. Members interested in joining the Workforce Council may contact the NSAC team at or register here.
New Bioscience Venture Starting Up in East San Antonio

North Carolina-based bioscience company Heat Biologics plans to expand its existing operations in San Antonio through a new startup subsidiary, Scorpion Biological Services Inc. Scorpion plans to build a large molecule bioanalytical and manufacturing contract research organization at Texas Research and Technology Foundation’s Merchant Ice Complex on our city’s East Side. The new jobs Scorpion plans to grow in San Antonio will have average salaries 60% higher than the average wages for the surrounding area. 
June 2 | US Chamber's Workforce: A Call to Action Summit

This special event will bring together leaders from government and industry to discuss how an approach to putting Americans back to work that is simple, fast, and employer-led. Register here.
June 9 | Applications due for CivTechSA, powered by the City of San Antonio

CivTechSA 2021 Residency is a 12-week program where the City invites startups to solve civic challenges. Three startups will be selected to embed inside of City Departments and collaborate closely with the City to build custom solutions for San Antonio. Applications close June 9, 2021.
June 10 | Employment Resources Webinar with Project Quest
Tap on image below to register.
Employment Resource: Job Board

There are currently about 864,000 job openings listed on Check out the website for workforce solutions including resources for employers and job seekers.
Innovative Leadership
Application Deadline: June 11 | Class Begins: June 24
Contact Chris Bugg at | 210.384.7721
June 18 | 2021 Leadership Lab Alumni Golf Tournament
Tap image below to register.
Tap on images below to register.
May 26 | Sodalis Senior Living Ribbon Cutting

Congratulations to Sodalis Senior Living at Stone Oak on their Grand Opening of the Community Bridges Program, a unique program that carefully focuses on each stage of memory loss.
Sodalis Senior Living Management: Joseph Briggs and Kim Persyn.
NSAC Ambassadors (L-R): Bryan Anz (UniqueHR), Courtney Baer (Jefferson Bank), John Duda (Edwards Jones), Tiffany Oles-Escamilla (Smith Protective Services), James Shiveley (BKD CPAs & Advisors)
May 21 | Valero Community Update
Tap on the image to view full screen.
May 24 - May 30 | Port San Antonio Learn @ Home SA: Virtual Robotics Meetup, Live Engineering Webinars, Space Innovation, and more.
Tap on the image for more information.
June 16, 18, 23, 24 | Frost Bank SHRED IT events

Frost invites San Antonio-area residents to come to a Frost financial center for a drive-up event where attendees can remain in their cars while an attendant retrieves their documents. The events are a tradition at Frost, which shares its customers’ concern for privacy and secure information.

June 19 | Esports College Invitational Tournament

Audiences across the nation will be able to tune in and watch the largest esports invitational tournament to date among Texas colleges. The daylong Super Smash Bros. competition is free to watch online as part of San Antonio Fiesta activities. Students from 10 college esports clubs across the Lone Star State will compete for scholarship prizes.
Chamber Access & Services
Temporary & Restricted Office Hours by Phone and Email Only
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 210.344.4848 | Email:
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