We often hear from new students that coming to the studio feels like coming home, and finding a place of belonging. We attribute this to our incredible students for making this possible. When you choose to practice in The Cycling Yogi community, you cultivate a warmth and love that is palpable to those around you, including new students. Thank you for choosing The Cycling Yogi as your yoga and cycling home, and for spreading that love to our entire community.
Connect With The Heart Chakra To Revel In Love
The Heart Chakra, located at the center of the chest, is thought to be tied to love, balance, intimacy, and compassion, among other things. A blocked Heart Chakra can present itself in a person in many ways: antisocial, withdrawn, cold, critical, judgmental, intolerant of self or others, loneliness, isolation, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of relationships, lack of empathy, or narcissism. All of this said, practicing heart opening poses is a great way to work on unblocking this chakra, making more room in your life for love and compassion.

You’ve probably heard one of your yoga teachers mention “heart opening” poses in class. Typically, flows throughout class will build up to deeper heart opening postures, and students will be led into these “peak poses” in the latter half of class. Many heart opening poses are also backbends. These kinds of postures also help to awaken the body’s nervous system. The combination of increasing blood flow and energizing the nervous system leads to a natural boost of energy.

Poses to Awaken Your Heart Chakra:
Bridge, Wheel, Camel, Dancer, Cobra, Locust, Sphinx

Poses to Soothe Your Heart Chakra:
Thread the Needle Pose, Janu Sirsasana, Forward Fold

Heart opening poses can be physically and mentally challenging, but offer many benefits. It's the perfect time to become mindful of your Heart Chakra. Bring attention to the expansion of your chest in yoga poses and explore the make-up of your personal heart center. No matter what your yogic path, finding a little more space to love yourself and others is a wonderful thing in life. 
Upcoming Events & Anniversaries
March 6th marks The Cycling Yogi's 10 Year Anniversary!

As we approach our anniversary, we are incredibly grateful to have such a supportive and loyal community around us. As a valued client, your thoughts on how we are doing and what we can improve are integral to another successful 10+ years of The Cycling Yogi! We appreciate your taking the time to respond to this short survey . This should take 5 minutes of your time. Your participation is anonymous and responses will be kept confidential. Thank you for your time!
Valentine's Day Flow With Janelle

Date: Friday, February 14th
Time: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Janelle's Vinyasa Flow will connect student's movements to breath.This moving meditation is a great opportunity to love yourself and achieve inner peace.

Bring a friend or Valentine for $5. Use code LOVE20 at checkout.
Master the Foundations Workshop
with Heather Roberts

Date: Sunday, February 23rd
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $42/ TCY members, $48/ non-members

Ever wonder why certain poses keep challenging you, or why some yogis can float upside down effortlessly? Whether you have been practicing yoga for 25 years or just one day, come join us in an educational, hands-on practice. We will break down a variety of poses in a way you can conquer in stages and overcome common hangups or fears! This workshop is perfect for all levels. Come ready to move, learn, bend and sweat!
Class Spotlight: Yoga Sculpt
"I remember how I felt before taking my first Yoga Sculpt. I had been practicing for a few months and one of my favorite instructors (Molly) had just taken a Yoga Sculpt Teacher Training and wanted us to try it. I had plenty of classes under my belt and had even lifted weights (ok...occasionally)! I thought that I might as well try it, but heard the class was pretty intense and I started wondering if I was really ready for such an ambitious undertaking." - Susie Nelson

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Yoga Sculpt has a reputation for being a calorie-torching, high-intensity, high-energy workout — and it is! But how do you know if you’re ready to try a Yoga Sculpt class, and what are the benefits of adding this class to your yoga routine? I’m so glad you asked!

What is Yoga Sculpt?
In a nutshell, Yoga Sculpt is a class that incorporates hand weights and cardio bursts for a maximum calorie-burning effect. You’ll recognize some of the postures from our yoga classes. The hand weights add a new challenge to traditional yoga. Yoga Sculpt also incorporates cardio exercises to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. And of course, there’s usually some squats, push-ups and core workout mixed in!

When should a new student try Yoga Sculpt?
This is a question that we receive frequently, and it’s a question that’s different for each student. Generally, we recommend taking at least three yoga classes. If you feel comfortable with the postures after taking a handful of Vinyasa classes and are ready for an additional physical challenge, you’re probably ready to try a Yoga Sculpt class.

What should I expect during my first Yoga Sculpt class?
You should expect a challenging workout! Yoga Sculpt classes tend to be upbeat and energetic. Classes are difficult, but not impossible. The feeling of accomplishment after taking a Yoga Sculpt class is incredible. I think that this tweet sums it up nicely:
"Just like any other classes, you’re encouraged to take this class at your own pace and to take rests whenever needed. By the end of class, you’ll be tired and dripping in sweat — and you’ll love it!"

How do I choose the right weights for class?
Use two sets of weights in class - a lighter and a heavier set. Remember, weights are always OPTIONAL in Yoga Sculpt. You’ll still get a great workout without the weights. If you do choose to use them, it’s important to warm up the body with the lighter set of weights, especially when flowing through the first Sun B sequence. When working the larger muscle groups, consider using heavier weights to build muscle. Proper form and technique are crucial for building lean muscle; if you are using weights that are too heavy, you risk compromising your form and could injure yourself.

Why should I add Yoga Sculpt to my yoga routine?
There are many benefits that Yoga Sculpt adds to your practice. You’ll be incorporating cardio exercises and high-intensity interval training to keep your heart healthy and to burn calories. With the addition of hand weights, you’ll also build lean muscle and you’ll challenge yourself in new ways.

The body needs time to recover, as you are breaking down the muscle to re-build it in a Yoga Sculpt class. A consistent Yoga Sculpt practice will be greatly complemented by other TCY Classes , such as a 30/30, Vinyasa and/or 45 cycle class. By switching up your workout and including a range of cardio, weight lifting and stretching, you will avoid a plateau and never get bored!

If those aren’t reasons enough to consider trying a class, Yoga Sculpt is also fun! When you feel like your body is ready, give a class a try. You’ll be happy you did!
Important Policies and Class Etiquette
With the busy season in full swing, we wanted to give a friendly reminder about some of our policies and class etiquette:

Sign Up In Advance: As the studio gets busy and classes fill up, it is important to sign up in advance to reserve your spot and to help our instructors plan for classes! You may cancel out of a class up to 2 hours before the start time. Which brings us to our next point...

Class Cancellation Policy: Please read and be aware of our cancellation policy for all classes. We have this policy in place to ensure fairness for all of our members.

Arrive On Time For Class: (especially if it is your first time visiting us!) We ask that you arrive on time (or early) for your safety and the safety of others. If you arrive late for class, instructors have the right to turn you away as it is disruptive for fellow students and for instructors who have planned classes. It also takes away from crucial warm-up time for the body that is necessary for a safe workout. Arriving after the start time of class, also means you run the risk of losing your spot to a person who has dropped in or who is on the waitlist. 

Unplug During Class: Please do not use cell phones during class unless you are a medical professional on-call, etc.

Follow Class Format: Please follow the class format and your teacher’s instructions for your safety and the safety of others. Let the instructor know of any injury or if you are pregnant and modifications will be provided.

Leave Only When Class Is Over: If you must leave early, make sure to tell your instructor before class begins.

Clean the Equipment You Used: Mats, bikes, dumbbells... And make sure to put all equipment away properly after use!

Thank you for your cooperation!
Upcoming New Classes
Cycle/Yoga 30/30:
When: Thursdays at 6 p.m.
Teacher: Rachele
Starting: February 13th
(this class will replace both the 5:30 p.m. 30/30 and 6:15 p.m. cycle)

Vinyasa Yoga:
When: Mondays at 5 p.m.
Teacher: Erica
Starting: February 17th

Beginner Yoga:
When: Sundays at 3 p.m.
Teacher: Susie
Starting TBD

When: Sundays at 4 p.m.
Teacher: Jessica
Starting: mid February

Restorative Yoga:
When: Sundays at 6 p.m.
Teacher: Susie
Starting TBD

Yoga Sculpt:
When: Thursdays at 5 p.m.
Teacher: Susie
Starting TBD

When: Fridays at 8 a.m.
Teacher: Susie
Starting TBD

When: Friday mornings/afternoon
Teacher: Angie and Susie
Starting TBD
CALL US AT 303-988-2773