Director, Office of Community & Economic Development
SBOP Administrator
August 1, 2021

We enter the month of August with continued efforts to develop the new SBOP curriculum, work toward rebranding Clark County, and ensure the County's community and economic development efforts continue as a catalyst for growth in the years ahead. Please accept our sincere thanks to all who have helped by sharing their ideas regarding SBOP or responding to our rebranding survey.

In this edition of the Small Biz Update, County Commissioners have adopted new COVID-19 mitigation rules that may affect your business, and the SBA is opening a new portal to deliver PPP loan forgiveness more quickly. Plus, we'll give you some pointers to grow a stronger business network, and we invite local resource organizations to share helpful news and events for our small business community. We look forward to reading your ideas.

Last but not least, BDAC, the Business Development Advisory Council, meets on August 11th to help the County achieve its small business development goals. We welcome your input and hope you will attend. For a list of ways to join us, read on!

To your success,

Shani J. Coleman

Director, Office of Community & Economic Development
SBOP Administrator

Ways to Join Us for BDAC's Next Meeting
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
9:00 AM  - 10:00 AM 

BDAC is working to help increase the number of minority-owned, women-owned, and other small businesses doing business with Clark County. You can learn more about BDAC on the County's website.


Join by WebEx

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 146 115 8841
Meeting password: dCNRcTPh626 

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
1-408-418-9388, 1461158841## 
Join by phone+

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PPP Loan Forgiveness
New Online Portal Aimed at Quicker Loan Forgiveness
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is launching a streamlined application portal to allow borrowers with Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $150,000 or less through participating lenders to apply for forgiveness directly through the SBA. 

The new forgiveness platform will begin accepting applications from borrowers on August 4, 2021. Lenders are required to opt-in to this program through

In addition to the technology platform, the SBA is standing up a PPP customer service team to answer questions and directly assist borrowers with their forgiveness applications. Borrowers that need assistance or have questions should call (877) 552-2692, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. EST
New Mask Mandates to Address COVID-19
Mask & Workplace Rules for Local Businesses
Governor Steve Sisolak has issued a new mask mandate to address a substantial COVID-19 threat to public health, keeping Nevada in alignment with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The new directive requires that everyone, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, wear a mask whenever indoors in public places. The rules may not apply in some settings such as events where athletes, performers, and musicians may be exempt.

In southern Nevada, the Clark County Board of Commissioners has adopted a new set of COVID-19 mitigation rules that apply to all municipalities in Clark County. Business owners are responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with the new guidelines including:

  1. Mask requirements in the workplace
  2. Workplace signage encouraging vaccinated and unvaccinated patrons to follow health guidelines
  3. COVID Plan Requirements for businesses where more than 250 non-employees gather

The County is working closely with State, federal, and local agencies including the Southern Nevada Health District to help manage public health and safety. Commissioners will reevaluate the new mask rules during their regular meeting on August 17, 2021.

Business Relationships Matter
Pointers to Grow Your Network
Relationships are a critical part of growing a business and networking is an effective way to develop relationships. The best time to form business relationships is before you truly need help. While it can be tempting to focus networking efforts on gatherings of your peers, or in very familiar settings, it is important to get exposure to new people and ideas that can spark your creativity, increase access to new resources, and help you achieve better business outcomes. Networking should be a consistent part of your marketing mix with time set aside on your calendar to keep growing your business network.

From face-to-face events to online conferences and meetings, virtual coffee dates, and happy hours, there is great value in making and nurturing mutually beneficial connections with people who can enhance your ability to achieve your goals.

Business and trade organizations provide an abundance of opportunities to connect with new people and their events are often a great place to learn about additional resources. If you have attended a large number of networking events and feel you have little to show for it, consider taking a new approach. Avoid the urge to participate in any large gathering simply as an idle member of the audience. In-person and online, it is important to take advantage of every opportunity to step outside your comfort zone if you want to make meaningful connections. 

Business owners who attend events in person often gain the greatest benefits from the smaller group and one-on-one sessions built into those events. Similar benefits can be found during many online events. Get a greater return on your participation in virtual events by taking advantage of opportunities to communicate with the host and other participants via question and answer sessions, audience chat features, and virtual breakout rooms where you can start getting to know the other attendees. Arrange to reconnect with new acquaintances you’d like to get to know better.

When and where to network should be based on your business goals. Determine what you are trying to accomplish and what types of relationships could help you achieve your goals. Generally, a strong business network will include people in at least five basic categories:

1 - Your Ideal Customers
These are the people you are in business to serve. Get very clear on who they are, why they buy, how they make purchasing decisions, and where they gather in large numbers. If your customers tend to belong to trade and professional associations, participate in their events and consider serving on a committee. On a committee, you can deliver significant value for members, showcase your expertise, increase visibility, gain credibility, and form profitable connections.

2 - Referrers
Referrers are people who can connect you with your ideal customers and help you generate new business. In many instances, referrers are satisfied customers, supporters, and colleagues who confidently recommend your goods and services. You may also find great value in sharing your story with friends and neighbors who do not do business with you. When they understand what you do and for whom, they are equipped to spot potential customers and send new prospects your way.

3 - Strategic Partners 
These are small business peers who can help you get the job done either directly through joint ventures, or indirectly by sharing helpful experience, expertise, ideas, and connections you need to grow. To make the greatest impact strategic partners should provide different goods or services than yours but serve the same target market, which can also make them great referral partners.

4 - Advisors 
Some advisors are the basic support people you need to keep business running smoothly--like your banker, attorney, accountant, marketing consultant, or board members. It is also important to have advisors who already have achieved what you are working to accomplish. They can serve as mentors and offer guidance that helps you avoid costly mistakes to advance more quickly. 

When seeking a mentor, start by identifying the person you most want to emulate. An effective way to connect with a potential mentor is through a “giving” approach. Demonstrate that you are as genuinely concerned about her success as your own and willing to add value to her efforts.

5 - Professional and Business Development 
It is important to continuously improve technical skills and stay abreast of industry trends to keep your business competitive. Professional and trade associations that focus on your industry can help you stay well informed, qualified, and credentialed in your area of expertise. Such organizations often serve as advocates to fight for public policies and laws that are conducive to growing a business in one or more industries.
Be of Service
Perhaps the most common networking mistake is to enter a networking opportunity focused on self, expecting to make an immediate sale or to “get” something from other attendees. That approach is more likely to repel than attract the people you most want to engage.

The best approach to networking is to be service-minded, always looking for ways to add value for the people you meet. That does not mean offering your services for free (unless a free trial is part of your business model). It means listening to what your new acquaintances have to say, understanding their challenges, and perhaps offering an idea or resource (perhaps a book recommendation, news article, or referral) they may find helpful. 

Be sure to express appreciation when a new acquaintance offers you helpful advice. Expressions of gratitude via a thank you note or card, and even a simple email can go a long way to create goodwill.

Stay Top of Mind
After an event, Reconnect with contacts regularly, based on their areas of interest and the strength of the lead. It is best to reach out to that Purchasing agent or potential strategic partner you just met while your encounter is still fresh in their mind. Your immediate follow-up can help you stand out from the countless vendors who either follow up late or don’t follow up at all. 

Continue building relationships after an event by connecting with new acquaintances via email, social media sites like LinkedIn (consistently ranked among the top business networking tools), or another method of communication your contact prefers.

Perhaps start with an email that offers your new contact a relevant resource or helpful information. Such a gesture can add immediate value for a prospect and help as you work to move the relationship to the next level.

Know whom you would like to build relationships with and why. Make a list of those individuals and determine how you might add value in support of their work or life goals. Determine the best time and place to make initial contact with each, and focus on cultivating lasting connections that can help you grow your business.

Here are some examples of organizations that offer networking opportunities in southern Nevada.

Want to suggest other networking organizations? Click the link in the box below to share your news and events.

We welcome news and event announcements from resource organizations that offer free consulting, training, and technical support for small businesses. While we cannot guarantee publication of any story or announcement we look forward to reading all suggestions!

Please submit your news or event details 30 days in advance.
Business-Building Virtual Events

August 17, 2021 - 9:00am-10:00am
Are you preparing to ask for a business loan or discouraged by a previous denial on a business loan? Join the Nevada Small Business Development Center for a panel discussion with loan officers from four Nevada lenders and an SBA representative to better prepare for your next loan pitch. We will learn about how lenders make their loan decisions, tips from the lenders about polished pitching, and steps you could take to mitigate challenges when accessing capital.


August 4, 2021 - 10:00am
Join Tina Stace EDS, SBA Nevada District Office, on Wednesday mornings, for an online small business chat. Along with an overview of all thing’s SBA, this is an open forum for you to ask your questions and learn about federal economic resources available to help your company recover from the effects of COVID-19. Things are changing so fast, so take advantage of this free informal dialog.


August 12, 2021 - 9:00am-12:00pm
This workshop will provide information to help new and existing small business owners understand and meet their federal tax obligations. The workshop will cover Basic IRS Tax Requirements. You will learn about recordkeeping and bookkeeping systems, business income and deductions, the different types of entities, how to file and pay business federal, and much more. All material will be provided by IRS. Free to attend the workshop.

Questions About Doing Business with Clark County
Please email Purchasing and Contracts at 
[email protected] or call (702) 455-2897.

Questions About SBOP
Please email [email protected] or call (702) 455-6489.
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