Grade 8 Conestoga Course Selection
Grade 8 students have begun the Conestoga Course Selection process. Listed below are the remaining important dates and activities.
*Feb.6-Gr. 8 Parent/CHS Counselor Meeting at 7:30 am in LGR 12.
*Feb.6-CHS Department Chairs visit TEMS Gr. 8 classes.
*Feb.11-CHS Counselors will visit Gr. 8 and distribute
the course selection cards.
*Feb. 11 through Feb.20-Gr. 8 teachers will make
course recommendations on course selection cards.
*Feb.22-completed course selection cards are due back
to Mrs. Marano.
Mrs. Marano will be available throughout the entire process either by email at or by phone at 610-240-1217.