Press Conference Scheduled on Unprecedented Challenge to FCC in Landmark Case on 5G, Wireless, and Cell Phone Tower Microwave Radiation
WASHINGTON, DC, October 21, 2020—Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a leading scientific think tank, has submitted a landmark brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia opposing the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 24-year old wireless exposure limits to cell phones, towers, antennas, and other microwave-transmitting devices.

EHT will hold an historic press conference on Wednesday, October 28 at 1:00 p.m. ET to present new, never-released information on industry influence in US agencies. EHT will present details of its latest response brief confirming the deceptive tactics of the FCC. Registration Link

EHT attorney Edward B. Myers filed the response brief to the FCC jointly with Children’s Health Defense. The brief documents how the FCC ignored thousands of published research papers and submissions to the federal record and instead invoked unauthorized, outdated industry-tied materials to justify extending current wireless exposure limits. The FCC also misrepresented the position of numerous government agencies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the U.S. Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Cancer Institute.  

“During the pandemic, when our children are becoming increasingly dependent on wireless devices, they should be protected from harm using the latest science. They are not. Our historic lawsuit against the FCC exposes its irresponsible reliance on outdated science to maintain insufficient safety standards for this ever-more prevalent technology,” stated Devra Davis, President of Environmental Health Trust. 

“Years from now our grandchildren will ask, ‘Did we do the right thing and act to protect them or did we harm them needlessly, foolishly, and permanently because we were blinded by the addictive delights of our technological age?’ I want to tell them that our lawsuit brought them one step closer to safer technology,” Davis said. 

“The FCC ignored repeated calls for more protective regulations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and numerous experts in the field as research shows children are more vulnerable," said Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust. “The hard reality is that no federal health agency has ever reviewed all of the recent research on this issue. To move forward with 5G is reckless."   

The FCC based its limits on the assumption that the only harm from wireless microwave radiation is heating. Ample research has found numerous harmful biological effects — from cancer to brain damage to reproductive damage to oxidative stress — at levels far lower than the FCC’s heat-based wireless radiation limits. 

The response brief concludes, “Obstinacy and willful blindness are not reasoned decision-making. Ignoring facts does not change them. Talismanic repetition does not transmute a false assumption into reality. The ‘picture,’ ‘consensus,’ ‘majority opinion,’ and ‘weight of the evidence’ have all changed since 1997. Current regulations are built on an incomplete assessment of the risks posed by RF/EMF. The evidence is compelling.”

Environmental Health Trust Press Conference 

Subject: The FCC Misrepresents the Science and Mischaracterizes the Position of Federal Agencies. EHT to Release New Information.

Date: Wednesday October 28 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Registration Link:

Links to the latest EHT et. al. Reply Brief 
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