Town of Yarrow Point | 425-454-6994 | Email | Website
After an "Indian Summer", a long anticipated rainfall is expected starting this weekend. In the next two days, please clean out your storm drains near your home. Please also take care of your yard debris which runs off into the storm drains.

Don’t let fall rainstorms flood your street. "Adopt" a storm drain near you, raking it clear of leaves and other debris when you have the chance. Every autumn Yarrow Point faces a big job keeping storm drains clear.

Remember to clear the drain only if it is safe to do so. Stay out of the street and work from a safe distance. Put all leaves and compostable debris in your organics cart. Please do not put grass clippings, leaves or other debris into drains.

If a storm drain appears blocked below the street surface, call Town Hall 425-454-6994.