...Thank you to those who have responded...
                                             we are 25% towards our goal!
...If you have not responded yet, please take a few minutes to help shape our/your Trinity future....
Many of you may be aware that our goal is to move from a Staff Led Ministry Model to a Team Led Model.  This will include a higher level of congregation involvement and accountability...therefore we need to know your opinions and ideas regarding various ministry areas to determine priorities for 2017 and beyond.  We are blessed to have achieved some key financial milestones and it's now time to understand how to best resource/prioritize our ministries going forward. 

Please take a few minutes to respond to this short survey so we can plan for the welfare of our church and church community.

All voting members over the age of 13 are encouraged to participate.  Please know that this survey is being conducted by an outside consultant and all individual responses will be kept confidential.  Results will be shared with the congregation and factored into the 2017 budget.

Let's get your answers click here: