WXYZ-TV Explores How Religious Organizations Are Coping with the Pandemic

     As the second year of the pandemic challenges individuals and communities in many ways, local ABC affiliate reporters talked to Detroit-area religious leaders about how their congregations are coping. Raman Singh, president of the InterFaith Leadership Council, was one of the individuals who were interviewed. View the segment at:

Leadership and Staff Changes at the InterFaith Leadership Council

      Kateri Boucher, who has served as manager of community engagement at the InterFaith Leadership Council since last fall, is leaving to become a pastoral intern at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Detroit. Boucher has been instrumental in helping the leadership team advance the new Community Values Project.
         Raman Singh, who has been president of the InterFaith Leadership Council, is taking on the position of executive director for the organization. Board member Greg Geiger will assume her role as president.

Rabbi Dr. Yanklowitz
2022 Glazer Institute Explores Individual and Societal Transformation

       Each year, Temple Beth El, Bloomfield Hills, hosts the Glazer Institute as an interfaith forum to build relationships, learn from one another, and take vital steps toward creating a stronger community across Metro Detroit. The institute was created by Rabbi B. Benedict Glazer, who was the congregation’s rabbi during the 1940s when he established a reputation in the field of human relations and fought actively against discrimination.
       As Rabbi Mark Miller, Temple Beth El’s senior rabbi explains, “In 1943 Rabbi Glazer held a small meeting of clergy because he wanted to reach out to those of other faiths during those dark times. The meetings continued after the war and expanded to include Catholic, Protestant and Muslim clergy. It has grown from a program for clergy to be an event for lay individuals as well.”
       This year’s featured speaker-- Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz-- (above right) is president and dean of Valley Beit Midrash (a national Jewish pluralistic adult learning and leadership center) and has founded and led Jewish organizations fostering social justice, animal advocacy, and a Jewish foster and adoption network.
       Rabbi Dr. Yanklowitz will discuss “how faith affects us out in the world. He is a powerful bridge within the Jewish community and the interfaith community. He will explore the differences between self-transformation and transforming society,” Rabbi Miller says.
       The Glazer program is available virtually and in-person (with COVID precautions) at Temple Beth El on Thursday, January 27. It is free and open to all. The InterFaith Leadership Council is a co-sponsor of this program. For more information visit:
 Faith Leaders Share Perspectives on Fundamental Values
         The InterFaith Leadership Council is creating a series of brief videos in which interfaith leaders share their perspective on the importance of sharing and reinforcing community values. Raman Singh shares her views at
       Pope Francis, in his 2021 Christmas message, included a plea for constructive dialogue to resolve conflict, among his other pastoral themes. It is a time in which “there is a growing tendency to withdraw, to do it all by ourselves, to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together.” Though the Roman Catholic pope was addressing the message to his followers, it has relevance to all people of faith.
       In his appeal, Pope Francis called for “dialogue, mutual respect and recognition of the rights and cultural values of every human being, the values of solidarity, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence.” His message comes as the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit spreads a similar message--that “a strong civil society depends upon people with common social values who trust one another and work cooperatively. Respect, understanding, mutuality, compassion, ethics, anti-bigotry, and environmental stewardship are some of those necessary values.”

InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: [313.338.9777] Email contact: [email protected]