Welcome to the
ELRC 8, 9, & 10 Newsletter
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Your source for all relevant resources, updates, PD, and events
relating to Child Care and School Age Care in your region!
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OCDEL ECE Recap September 19, 2022 | Every early childhood educator is a vital support for Pennsylvania families, children and employers. Your participation in the OCDEL 2022 Market Rate Survey provides important information that can impact future child care related programming and policy decisions, including Child Care Works rate setting. Don't be the missing piece of the 2022 Market Rate Survey! | | | |
Are You a Child Care Works (CCW) Regulated Provider?
If so, check out CCW's Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions and Missed Items when reporting. Take away some tips and tricks to ensure your monthly CCW payment is timely and accurate.
View the document HERE.
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ELRC Learning Opportunities | |
Beyond Four Walls: Nature Based Learning Info Session
Wednesday, September 28 | 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Join members of our STARS team, including our Outdoor Learning and Play Consultant, Susan Chlebowski to learn new ways to incorporate outdoor learning, child-led play, and natural materials into your daily activities. Come check out lots of great photos and examples that you can take back to your own program or classroom! Participants will also have time to collaborate with each other and share your own experiences!
This session is open to owners, directors and teachers, so please share with your team!
To register for this session, complete the registration form: https://forms.office.com/r/NeYKUVtfrm
We look forward to connecting with you then!
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Make Every Bite a Meditation | Step 1) Ponder Check-in with yourself about your hunger before you eat - you may actually be thirsty, bored or stressed. Step 2) Appraise Take a moment to take it in. How does it smell? Do you really want it? Is it more than you need? | | | |
Episode 3: Bring families into the learning || Partnership Between Teachers and Parents/Families | Want to develop a partnership with parents/families? Invite them into their child's learning! It's a new school/program year! Are you ready to take it on? While we know you have many things on your to-do list, we hope that this four-episode series provides some inspiration and motivation around establishing and continually nurturing the Teacher-Parent Partnership. | | | |
As a boy of six-years-old, I objected to the term "babysitter." For one thing, I wasn't a baby, and for another, the word co... | | | |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion | |
9/27- Organizing for Racial Learning and Educational Justice. | We know that the ability of educators to draw on their expertise and engage children in conversations about accurate history, human diversity, and unequal opportunity is under threat all over the country. How do we bring people together to build campaigns supporting healthy racial learning in schools? | | | |
Spanish Language Materials | Enjoy browsing the following delicious recipes, cookbooks, and recipe booklets, many developed by SNAP-Ed programs. | | | |
Social-Emotional Learning | |
Teaching With The Body In Mind: Peri Personal Space (ENCORE EPISODE) on Apple Podcasts | A discussion about our "space bubbles" and how they vary depending on individual preferences, cultural norms, and context. What role do adults play in shaping children's understanding of peri-personal space? | | | |
Health, Safety, & Wellness | |
Traffic Injury Prevention Project (TIPP) - Traffic Safety for Children - Child Passenger Safety in PA | The PA Traffic Injury Prevention Project is a program of the PA AAP and funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | | | |
COVID-19 Vaccines for Young Children | ECLKC | Children who are 6 months old and older can now get the COVID-19 vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children 6 months of age and older get vaccinated. Download the PDF This resource is also available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Somali, and Vietnamese (see below). | | | |
PSAYDN E-blast | Sept. 20, 2022 | Do you know an individual or organization that displays outstanding commitment to the out-of-school time field? PSAYDN's Afterschool Champions seeks to acknowledge professionals, youth and organizations leading the way with their work surrounding policy and advocacy, sustainability and quality. Winners will be recognized during the PSAYDN 2022 EMPOWER Out-of-School Time Conference on Thursday, Dec. | | | |
Professional Development: on the PD Registry | |
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION EXTENDED THROUGH 9/30/2022! | The ECE Summit will be a fully Virtual Experience again this year, bringing you the same great content in a robust and engaging way. Each day will feature a Keynote session and four tracks of workshop sessions. | | | |
Professional Development: Other Opportunities | |
9/28- Family Resilience: A Journey of Strength and Support. | Our resilience - understand it and fostering it - has never been more important. This is true for each and every one of us and is critical for the children and families we serve. The Devereux Center for Resilient Children invites all adults who support children and families to join us for a resilience-building journey. | | | |
10/6- Happiness in the "Baby Room": Supporting the Well-Being of Infant-Toddler Care Professionals | In this compelling webinar, author and professor Mary Benson McMullen, Ph.D., will offer insights about the importance of happiness and well-being in high quality infant-toddler care and education (ITCE) and how you may support this in your programs. You will learn key ideas from Mary's two recent books, On Being [...] | | | |
Additional Online Training Opportunities | |
Thank you for all you do for children, families, and your community by being part of the STARS program.
Child Care Consultants
(717) 854-2273 or
(800) 864-4925
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