Pacific Naturopathic
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7 
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 961-1660
Dr. Connie muses: On Medical Diagnosis
☞ The Magic of the Myers Cocktail
☞ Dr. Marcel: Whole Body Thermography
☞ Dr. Connie: Blood Pressure Rising?
☞ Dr. Marcel: Genetic Screening for Hereditary Cancer
☞ Our Hawaii Retreat Center: Natural Serenity
☞ Anandini: Mother Warming
☞ Thermography: The Importance of Having Accurate Information
☞ Jane: You've Experienced Hypnosis Many Times and Never Clucked Like a Chicken
COVID Rules for Patient Visits

Dear friends,

If you are even slightly symptomatic or have tested COVID positive in the past 15 days, please do not come to the clinic seeking care. We are not first responders and patients coming to the clinic for IV therapy or in-person appointments must be protected. Thank you for observing this important rule.

We are following the protocols as set by Sutter Health.

  • We are still offering either in-person patient visits or consultations via Zoom or FaceTime. Your choice.
  • Masks are required in the clinic. No more temperature checks upon arrival.
  • Intravenous therapy is still being offered to non-symptomatic patients in our office. New IV patients are also welcomed.

Please phone for information: 650-961-1660

What this newsletter is about...

As our readers know, our monthly newsletters focus on specific themes. But not all the health-related information we have to offer fits into the box of a thematic context. So this month, we decided to write whatever was on our minds -- what was floating in consciousness. There might be a surprise or two in our offerings.

Dr. Connie begins, musing on the importance of reaching an accurate medical diagnosis. Dr. Marcel follows, explaining how medical thermography is an underutilized diagnostic tool; Dr. Connie then offers some little-known perspectives and advice on non-pharmaceutical blood pressure control; Dr. Marcel returns with his thoughts on the rapidly growing field of genetic analysis for cancer predisposition; Anandini returns this month with her thoughts on a frequently ignored field -- postpartum care; Jane then clarifies how therapeutic hypnosis does not make the hypnotized person do something they would not normally do.

Of course, you'll find our regular updates on our Hawaii vacation rental, thermography, health products we like and the wonderful Myers Cocktail. Humor and and inspiration also have their own places in the newsletter.


Think happy, healthy thoughts!
Find Opportunities for Laughter!
Express love and Appreciation Often!
Smile When You read this!

Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Marcus, Jane,
Anandini, Marisa, Bridget, Gabe and Marina
Your Pacific Naturopathic Team
About Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic is a true, old-style family business. We've been serving in California since 1993. Dr. Marcel and Dr. Connie are the docs, their son, Gabe, is systems manager, Gabe's wife, Marina, is the thermography tech, Dr. Marcel's sister, Jane, is our mind/body specialist and our 20 month-old grandson, Quinn, (pictured here) is the minister of joy.
Quick Links

Our doctors have years of experience in helping provide information to our patients to help them make informed choices on which path to pursue.  We are experts in evidence-based alternative and adjunctive cancer care.  

Our lovely Hawaii vacation rental has woven its magic with our guests for 15 years!
Book through our office for special savings by phoning 650-961-1660.
Speak with Dr. Marcel for more information.

Serving the Bay Area since 1993. Experience counts in the field of medicine. We have also shared our knowledge by mentoring many other doctors over the years.
Dr. Connie's musings...


by Dr. Connie Hernandez, ND

While it has always been true, the last few months have emphasized to us the need for an accurate diagnosis in order to responsibly and effectively treat a condition.

We understand that many of our patients are distrustful of conventional modes of medical management, what with the emphasis on pharmaceutical symptom control, and the lack of a whole person perspective.  However, conventional medicine and “alternative” or “complementary” medicine do, in fact, complement each other, particularly in the area of diagnostics.  While as naturopaths we can often access diagnostic imaging and can always order specialized lab panels, almost all of our patients have medical insurance which will pay at least in part for diagnostics ordered within their primary care system, while these tests may not be paid for when ordered outside of the system. 

We often see patients who have not been accurately diagnosed and have been treated by others or unsuccessfully treated themselves for conditions they do not have, thus allowing for the condition they actually do have to progress.  

Patient A had a history of seasonal allergies and was accustomed to treating those allergies with a combination of antihistamines and natural remedies. On this occasion, the allergies did not respond to treatment and persisted for many months, with the patient upping every aspect of treatment. When finally evaluated by an EENT, it was found that the problem was not allergies, but rather nasal polyps. The polyps responded in a matter of a few weeks to a completely different treatment protocol appropriate to the condition. 

Patient B came into the office with acute lower abdominal pain meeting all the criteria for acute appendicitis. The patient explained that this pain had occurred multiple times before, had been evaluated and found not to require urgent treatment. I met great resistance when I insisted that, in spite of what had happened in the past, she go immediately to the ER for diagnosis. Thankfully she did go, and arrived just in time to remove a bursting appendix.

Patient C, with a history of gastritis and gastroesophageal surgery embarked on a journey to healing, involving a much better diet and daily exercise. He consequently lost weight, but was having gastric issues again. After weeks of this renewed problem, he was treated by his PCP, who did not refer him back to the gastroenterologist and did not request imaging. He subsequently woke in the middle of the night vomiting blood and was rushed to the ER. They did order diagnostic imaging, and found a large lung tumor and another tumor in the neighborhood of his heart. Subsequent diagnostics enabled initiation of appropriate care.

I could name myself as Patient D. Several years ago, I experienced sharp pains in the middle of my foot, assumed to be a case of plantar fasciitis. After almost a year of treatment by reflexologists and other bodyworkers, I went to a podiatrist. He held my foot and told me that he knew exactly what had happened. He showed me on ultrasound that I had ruptured my plantar fascia in 4 places. He indicated that immediate casting would have resolved the issue. 

Fortunately, my story ended well. Far better, though, if I had been casted and healed long before that time. I could give many more examples, but the message is hopefully clear. You cannot be accurately treated unless you know what you are treating. At the very least, the most dire diagnoses should be ruled out before trying to correct a problem with symptom management.

Dr. Connie: 650-961-1660

Protect Yourself and Your Family
by Boosting Your Body's Reserves
of Immune System Supporting Nutrients

• • • • •
Myers Cocktail:
Safe, Powerful, Effective
The Myers Cocktail has been around for more than 40 years and is the most popular IV cocktail in our clinic. Read this detailed information sheet and you will see why.

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Want to learn more about the Myers Cocktail? Alan Gaby, MD, has written the definitive, easy-to-read MONOGRAPH about it.

• • •

Please phone 650-961-1660 for more information. A full description of our intravenous therapy offerings is available HERE

Whole Body Thermography:  Read this if You are Truly Interested in Being Proactive About Your Health

TexMarcel Hernandez, N.D.

When we purchased our thermography equipment, the seller was demonstrating its use to Dr. Connie and I.  I happened to be standing in front of the camera, which was pointed at my head and neck.  The image on the screen showed an usual inflammatory pattern in my lower right jaw.  I thought it must have been an anomaly since I was not experiencing any discomfort or unusual symptoms of any kind.  The next week, I developed a toothache in the exact same spot that the incidental thermography had picked up.  This was my first indication of the predictive power of thermography – picking up inflammation before actual symptoms set in.

Although we have used thermography for many years for analysis of breast health, its use has much wider applications.  Most medical conditions are accompanied by inflammation, and it is in this evaluation that thermography excels.  As an adjunctive evaluation tool, whole body thermography offers unique opportunity for pro-active care.

A full body study can detect underlying issues caused by or related to breast health, cardiovascular health, neurological disorders, muscular and joint disorders, sinus and allergy challenges, digestive disorders, dental conditions, thyroid health and much more.

Best of all, there is absolutely no risk with thermography.  It is simple as taking your picture. It is 100% Safe.  Nothing is emitted from the camera.  Nothing is injected into your body.  There is no risk of damage to the fragile cellular DNA.  There is no radiation.  It is painless. There is no human or equipment contact or compression.  It is inexpensive (compared to other diagnostic imaging procedures).  It is effective for men, women and children.  Thermography is ideal for preventive medicine. Thermography allows for early detection, analysis and intervention BEFORE symptoms manifest.  It is the ideal tool for early health screening.  

Thermography offers the unique insight of your body’s current physiology and a first glance at developing conditions, long before the much later stage detection of conventional imaging.

Why isn’t thermography used more?  The main reason is its unfamiliarity.  It is not a mainstream diagnostic tool (yet).  The next reason is economics.  Conventional medical facilities have tens of thousands of dollars invested in diagnostic imaging equipment that needs to be used to justify their investment.  As a side note, our thermographic equipment is state-of-the-art and also costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Interested?  Please phone us at 650-961-1660 for more information and to schedule.

Dr. Marcel: 650-961-1660

Blood Pressure Rising?

by Connie Hernandez, ND

It’s been some time since we addressed cardiovascular health in our newsletter.  Our patients have become much more concerned with cardiovascular issues as COVID itself and COVID jabs have been implicated in multiple cardiovascular concerns, ranging from arryhthmias to acute coronary syndrome to inflammation of both the heart muscle and of the outer layer of the heart. 

It is well known that pre-existing conditions predispose to COVID complications.  A first step in prevention is addressing those pre-existing conditions. Hypertension is one of those, possibly escalating now as people find their “blood boiling” at the divisive politics and life restrictions imposed by the pandemic. 

While conventional medication or strong botanical hypertensives may at times be necessary, there are other helpful protocols for normalizing blood pressure. Mindfulness meditation and breathing techniques address imbalances in the autonomic nervous system which elevate blood pressure. We often advise the simple practice of just observing (not controlling) 10 conscious breaths, breathing in through the nose and allowing the breath to release through the mouth.  Patients can train on the blood pressure cuff, taking the pressure, deflating the cuff but leaving it on the arm, doing the breathing exercise, then taking the pressure again. The blood pressure may fall 10-20 points systolic and diastolic. 

Foods and supplements which induce nitric oxide help blood vessels relax and expand, increasing blood flow and  lowering blood pressure. The most effective supplements utilize beetroot, pycnogenol, quercitin, l arginine and l citrilline.  Magnesium (particular magnesium taurate)  is useful, not only for blood pressure control, but also for addressing minor arrhythmias. Coenzyme Q10 not only works with hypertension, but also helps prevent cardiomyopathies. Low Coenzyme Q10 is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (and is, by the way, depleted by statin medications.)

Just as Inflammation is thought by many researchers to be more of an issue than cholesterol per se in coronary vascular disease, inflammation also promotes hypertension.  Damage to the endothelium of the arteries precedes hypertension.   The terminology describing this damage is endothelial glycocalyx dysfunction. We’ve had recent success in working with hypertension with a product called Arterosil HP. Arterosil reduces inflammation, addresses oxidative stress, repairs the glycocalyx, and stabilizes and reduces arterial plaque. 

There are a number of basic blood tests which are of relevance when looking to assess a predisposition to cardiovascular disease. Cardio specific c reactive protein and homocysteine assess inflammation. Serum Coenzyme Q10 and red blood cell magnesium assess the status of those nutrients. (The specialized intracellular nutrient test can look at these and multiple other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants). Oxidized LDL evaluates oxidative damage. Fibrinogen gives us an idea as to predisposition for stroke or deep vein thrombosis. D dimer assesses micro clotting. Lipoprotein particle profiles evaluate the size of both HDL and LDL particles, indicating whether or not high cholesterol is actually an issue for you. 

Specialized blood tests and cardiovascular evaluation by a cardiologist can be ordered when blood pressure does not come under control. These tests can help determine both the cause of the elevation and the most accurate treatment protocols, particularly when pharmaceutical drugs are indicated. 

Dr. Connie: 650-961-1660
Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer
by Marcel Hernandez, ND
Why do we want to know if our possibility of contracting cancer exists?  

Simply put, with knowledge comes the possibility of prevention.  Genetic predisposition for cancer does not have to manifest.  It is much easier to deal with potential than to deal with the actual manifestation of the disease itself.  To this end we have been offering genetic testing for cancer through Ambry Genetics – a cutting-edge company we have growth to trust.

Much of the information below comes from Ambry’s educational literature, which is excellent.

Here’s the gist of genetic testing. While many people have a history of cancer in their family, only 5-10% of cancer is hereditary. Hereditary cancer is a pattern of the same or related types of cancer within a family due to inherited gene changes (called mutations), that can be passed from parent to child.  This differs from familial cancer, which is a pattern of the same or related types of cancer within a family that may be due to genes and/or other shared factors, such as environment and lifestyle. Sporadic cancer is a cancer that occurs by chance in one or two family members that are not due to an inherited gene mutation. Approximately 80% of all cancers are sporadic. 

Should you have genetic testing for cancer?  If your response is ‘yes’ to any of the following, probably so:

• You have several first-degree relatives (mother, father, sisters, brothers, children) with cancer.
• Many relatives on one side of your family have had the same type of cancer.
• A cluster of cancers in your family have been linked to a single gene mutation (such as some types of breast, ovarian, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers).
• A family member has more than 1 type of cancer.
• Family members have had cancer at a younger age than normal for that type of cancer.
• Close relatives have cancers that are linked to hereditary cancer syndromes.
• A family member has a rare cancer, such as breast cancer in a man or retinoblastoma (a type of eye cancer).
You are of an ethnicity that has a high rate of a particular type of cancer (for example, Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry is linked to ovarian and breast cancers).
• A physical finding is linked to an inherited cancer (such as having many colon polyps).
• One or more family members have already had genetic testing that found a mutation.

How do we use the results from your genetic testing? Your test results may help us fine-tune your cancer screening plan, including the type, timing (age) of your initial screening, and its frequency. Examples of cancer screening include thermography, mammogram, breast MRI, colonoscopy, prostate exam, dermatology (skin) exam, or other screenings indicated for your specific cancer risk. 

How do I get started? Genetic started is easy – a short screening questionnaire to outline your family history, and a simple blood draw performed in our office is all it takes.

Want to schedule a test? Please phone the office at 650-961-1660 for an appointment.

Want to know more before scheduling?  Visit Ambry’s patient care website:

Next month, I'll discuss a screening tool that you can use do at home that is current with NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines and provides genetic education as well.

Drs. Connie and Marcel's Big Island Vacation Rental

It is Sweet, Safe and Slow
in "Old Hawaii"

As Hawaii moves past the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, it has become so much easier to travel to the Big Island and enjoy yourself while you are here. 

As of the end of this month, the ‘Safe Travels’ program for domestic travelers (which required proof of vaccination or COVID screening or quarantine on arrival) phases out, as does the indoor mask mandate. There will be no more online health screening forms to fill out before traveling, no more QR codes, no more security bracelets! (At present, masks will still be required on the planes, at the airport and on public transportation, as per federal guidelines.)  

Making it even easier to come to Hawaii, select airlines have had discounted rates that you might still be able to access. We fly direct from San Jose to Kona with Alaska Airlines, and believe that other direct routes will be reinstated. Southwest Airlines also has good prices and at least one direct flight to Kona. 

If you’re yearning for some island time, check out our VRBO calendar (link below), or contact us directly to see if there is an opening for you at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center.

Looking for rest, rejuvenation, peace and quiet?  
Come to Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center!

(photo: a sunset rainbow from the lanai)
and see if there’s an opening for you.

Contact us directly at Pacific Naturopathic (650-961-1660) if you’re interested in staying at our retreat home. Please email Dr. Marcel directly at [email protected] with questions. 

If you want to see more photos click HERE, but booking directly through us, not this site, will save you a chunk of money in fees.
Breast Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic
-- Health information helps banish unwanted surprises --

More information is always better than less information. Unlike mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs, breast thermography does not see lumps and bumps and structural change in the breast tissue. Rather, breast thermography looks at physiologic changes, which are functional changes. Heat reflects metabolic processes. Temperature differentials between breasts indicate that metabolism differs between the breasts. This difference could result from injury, infection, inflammation, cellular growth processes or lymphatic congestion. 

Differences in the blood supply to the breasts give additional information. An increase in vascularity or a change in the distribution of the vessels indicates more blood flowing to the area in question. When blood vessels increase, surrounding a hot spot, we have more cause for concern, and the thermal risk rating increases. In these cases, we would want the anatomic imaging of a mammogram or MRI to help clarify the situation.

• • •
Thermography is offered on most Thursdays
at Pacific Naturopathic.

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Read more about 
breast thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic HERE
To schedule an appointment: 650-961-1660

Chinese medicine perspective...

"Mother Warming"

by Anandini Wadera, LAc
As I get closer to launching the women’s health effort in Tanzania, I have been deeply engrossed in research of the various stages of womanhood and motherhood. One of the most underdiscussed topics within this large topic is postpartum care. As women, we are somewhat prepared for menarche, somewhat prepared for pregnancy and somewhat prepared for menopause, but we are not really taught how to care for ourselves after birth.

Postpartum care traditions vary from culture to culture, and all ancient cultures have them. In India, this is a time the mother and the newborn often return to her mother’s home for multigenerational support. In Chinese Medicine the mother and the baby are supposed to remain at home for 30 days. In Japanese culture, the mother and baby are meant to keep their bellies warm, even in the summer, with a “belly belt.”

“Mother Warming” is an ancient Chinese Medicine tradition that therefore exists in various forms throughout Asia. It is a time in which mothers and their newborn must be nourished, cared for and kept warm. It is a time for bonding and cultivating a relationship outside the womb.

One of the many ways Chinese Medicine provides nourishment and care is through food and herbs. I’d like to share a recipe from Heng Ou’s “The First Forty Day,” which contains nutrient dense herbs like jujube dates and ginger. Red dates have the medicinal properties of nourishing the heart and spirit as well as supporting “Earth” and the digestive system, such that it helps build healthy blood. Ginger is a warming herb that helps balance the digestive system and move Qi. Goji berries are blood building but also slightly yang in nature, therefore help the Wood Liver move Qi as much as nourish it.

While this soup is ideal for a postpartum mother during the Mother Warming tradition, it can be enjoyed by anyone in need of some extra TLC. If you are suffering from burn out, from emotional stress, from chronic illness and fatigue or recovering from surgery, I recommend this soup.

Chicken, Red Dates and Ginger Soup

  • 2-2.5 lbs whole chicken or chicken parts, organic or free range preferred
  • ½ white or yellow onion
  • 2 inche knob of fresh ginger, unpeeled, halved
  • 3 medium carrots, thinly sliced
  • 5 Chinese red dates (Jujube dates, Da Zao – available fresh at the farmer’s market in season and dried at the Chinese supermarkets)
  • 3 tbs dried goji berries
  • Sea salt

1.     Rinse the chicken under cold water.
2.     Place in a medium stockpot, and add enough cold water to just cover the chicken.
3.     Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, uncovered.
4.     Once boiling, add the onions and ginger to the pot. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 40 minutes, covered.
5.     Every so often, remove the lid to skim and foam off the top and discard.
6.     Remove from heat, and with the help of the tongs, remove the chicken and set it aside to cool.
7.     When cool enough to handle, remove the cooked meat from the carcass and shred it. 
8.     Return the rest of the carcass to the pot. Add 1-2 cups of the shredded meat (reserving the rest), carrots and red dates and simmer over low heat, uncovered for 1 hour.
9.     With 15 minutes remaining, stir in the goji berries.
10.  Season with sea salt to taste.

To schedule with Anandini, please contact her directly at 
[email protected] or 650-922-1129
Visit Anandini's web site:
One of our favorite products....

This is so gentle and lovely! We rub it over our hearts before bed for calm, sweet sleep.

Aurum Lavender Rose Cream is a fantastic soothing support for staying centered and promoting well-being. For temporary relief and protection from stress and tension, rub over the heart area every morning and evening or as needed. Aurum Lavender Rose Cream is a great product to help with the stresses of the holidays, traveling, new experiences and any moment you may need emotional strength. Also a great gift idea for your loved ones. Contains homeopathic potencies of horse chestnut, horsetail, St. John's wort, gold and myrrh. Also contains peat extract, lavender oil, geranium oil, rose oil and frankincense in a nongreasy cream base. 

Available in our office for $27.
Mind/body perspective...

You’ve Experienced Hypnosis Many Times and Never Clucked Like a Chicken

by Jane Hernandez, CCHT
That’s right, because I’m sure you would have noticed. But here’s the thing, hypnosis is an everyday occurrence and a natural state of mind. For example:
 Highway Hypnosis - Have you ever driven home, reached your driveway and realized that you did not recall a conscious thought about the whole drive? Scary, isn’t it? Then who was doing the driving…maybe your unconscious mind?
TV Trance - What about watching TV and getting into a binge trance that’s hard to stop? The flashing light from the TV changes your brain waves dominance and leads you into a TV trance.
Prayer and Mantras - Spiritual traditions often use repetitive prayer or chanting to connect you with the Divine. It is something done through words, music and intonations and leads you into a trance state that is usually experienced with others. It is one of the most enchanting because this trance feels imbued with a precious sense of connection.
Music - How about when you put on earphones and listen to your favorite music? Talk about getting lost in the Zone! Your surroundings matter less and less when the music comes alive within you and you are focused on just being one with it. 
In essence, hypnosis is entered through a focused concentration. You can’t be made to do it if you don’t want to. But, when you do, you have the opportunity to go deep into your unconscious to change a trance you might not want. That could be something like smoking, weight problems, over-anxiety, low self-esteem, phobias and much more. These are common problems that you do not need to have.
Some clients tell me that they do meditation to enter into the zone. Well, that is a wonderful thing to do. As a matter of fact, I do it myself. However, the biggest difference is that with meditation you are focused on being in the moment. But with hypnosis you have a goal…something you want to achieve or change.
In 2016 Stanford Medical School did some research and used brain imaging to see what happens in the brain under hypnosis. One of the things they found was that people were less self-conscious and able to do things that were not what they normally do. They recognized the therapeutic potential of being able to change the way people react to problems and enable them to see solutions from a different perspective.This is invaluable problem-solving.
Rather than something that suggests loss of control, as some people fear, hypnosis is a way that people can learn to have more control over their mind and body. Cluck or no cluck, you decide.

• • •
For more information about Jane Hernandez and her work click HERE
• • • 
Schedule directly with Jane at 510-676-1460

Unusual Medical Practices:

Babylonian Skull Cure

For the ancient Babylonians, most illnesses were thought to be the result of demonic forces or punishment by the gods for past misdeeds. Doctors often had more in common with priests and exorcists than modern physicians, and their cures usually involved some component of magic. For example, if a patient ground their teeth, the healer might suspect that the ghost of a deceased family member was trying to contact them as they slept. According to ancient necromantic texts, the doctor would recommend sleeping by a human skull for a week as a way of exorcising the spirit. To ensure this disturbing treatment worked, the tooth-grinder was also instructed to kiss and lick the skull seven times each night.
Medical Humor: A Break From Reality
Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7
Mountain View, CA 94040