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five teens sit or stand over a table together
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Transition to Adulthood Virtual Summit

Saturday, January 28, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

The transition to adulthood is an exciting time! Transition age youth and young adults (14-21) are preparing for life after school. During this summit, attendees choose sessions to help them prepare for the transition to adult life. 

*For youth 14+ and their families/ caregivers*

Sessions will include topics on: 

  • Financial empowerment and community resources  
  • Dating, relationships, and sexuality  
  • Career Technical Education (CTE) 
  • College and Transition Services 
  • Employment  
  • Self-determination 
  • Supported Decision-Making and Alternatives to Guardianship 
  • Whole life and independent living
Transition to Adulthood Summit flyer

EI/ECSE Early Childhood Virtual Summit

Saturday, February 11, 8:30 am-1:00 pm

Early childhood sets the foundation for a whole full life! You might feel excited, or a little anxious, about what the next few years could look like. Join us for a half-day of trainings! Attendees will:

  • Learn the difference between the IFSP and IEP
  • Understand how to access early childhood assessments and services
  • Value the important role of parents and caregivers in early childhood
  • Identify the importance of data in early childhood systems change
Early childhood summit


Transition to Kindergarten (Sessions presented in English and Spanish)

Monday, February 28, 5:00-6:30 pm

Kindergarten is a new adventure for families! Learn about the transition process, your important role on the team and the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Attendees will: 

  • Understand the importance of having a vision for the future 
  • Understand the purpose of special education 
  • Learn the difference between the IFSP and the IEP 
  • Learn the important role of parents and caregivers in the development of the IFSP/IEP 
five children in a kindergarten classroom sitting on floor

The IEP: What You Need to Know (Sessions presented in English and Spanish) 

Saturday, March 11, 9:00–10:30 am

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) describes your child's special education needs and services. Learn more about how the IEP is developed, and how your involvement is critical!  Attendees will:  

  • Understand the purpose of an IEP 
  • Explore each step of the IEP Process 
  • Learn the important role of parents and caregivers in the IEP development 


Finding childcare can be challenging for any parent, but even more so when having to find providers who are able to meet the needs of children with disabilities 0-6.

The Early Learning Division is partnering with FACT Oregon to get your feedback on what it’s like trying to access and maintain quality childcare in the state of Oregon. 

Your input will help the state understand our community’s needs and how to increase support for childcare providers to better serve our kids. Please complete the survey by January 31st to receive a $20 gift card for your participation.

what are your childcare needs survey
Take the Survey
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