Prelude:.Sisi Ni Moja (We Are One) by Jacob Narverud...........Sophia Ohanian ...................................................................................................& Zoe Petersen 
Welcome and Call to Worship:........................................................Carol Robb
Opening Hymn  #471 What a Covenant
Opening Prayer:...............................................................................Carol Robb
Community Joys and Concerns ........................Rev. Dr. Jill A. Kirchner-Rose
Special MusicWhat Love Can Do Mark Burrows ...................Covenant Choir 
Scripture:  Matthew 28: 16 – 20........................................................Carol Robb
Scripture Hymn: One Spirit of Love
Message: “The Great Digital Commission...........................Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Offertory: We Are the World by Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie ........................................................................ Sophia Ohanian & Zoe Petersen 
Doxology: ................................................................................
Prayer of Dedication:.......................................................................Carol Robb
Receiving of Covenants 
Blessing of Covenants..................... ................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose 
Invitation to the Communion Table: ............................ Dr. Kirchner-Rose 
Closing Hymn: Amazing Grace
Benediction: ..........................................................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose

The CDC recently reclassified San Bernardino County as "Red Tier." Under our COVID Protocols, we will be celebrating Communion outside on the Patio.

After Communion, please return to the Sanctuary for the Quarterly Gathering.

If you are participating virtually, we will share together Holy Communion in our online interactive worship. Before the time of the service, you will want to prepare some bread - a slice, a small loaf, a tortilla, a rice cake - a wheat product is not necessary. Let it be something you alone, or your with others in your household, may break and share. Prepare a cup or cups of juice or your choice of wine-with or without alcohol.