Volume II | Issue 19 | July 2022
What is included in the U.S. House Appropriations
2023 Homeland Security funding bill?
The House Appropriations Committee has kicked off the annual Congressional appropriations process in recent weeks with the release of several draft bills – including that which sets funding levels for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The legislation funds agencies, offices, and programs at FEMA, and in the Department of Homeland Security broadly. These in turn fund state, local, tribal and territorial governments as well as nonprofits and the private sector for disaster resilience activities. The bill includes approximately $26 billion for FEMA, which amounts to an increase of $1.73 billion over last year.
The bill also includes:
- Nearly $20 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund, a $1.15 billion increase. The DRF funds response efforts (e.g., grants and programs) for declared disasters.
- Over $4 billion for grants and training, a $419 million increase. This includes $1.4 billion for disaster-related activities:
$740 million for firefighter grants, a $20 million increase.
$405.1 million for Emergency Management Performance Grants, a $15 million increase.
$280 million for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program.
$40 million for the Next Generation Warning System.
In the coming months, these bills will be considered in subcommittees, passed by the full committees, negotiated between the full House and Senate, and ultimately signed by the President. Congress on occasion also passes additional funding bills via disaster supplemental aid packages or otherwise, which may increase totals for these programs.
Learn more about these funding streams and how to access them via NCDP’s Housing and Economic Recovery trainings, for emergency management professionals and community members. These programs focus on post-disaster economic and housing recovery and incorporate broader concepts such as DRF-funded response/recovery grants, DRRA implementation, mitigation assistance (BRIC/PDM, etc.), recovery assistance (CDBG-DR, MLR, Transitional Sheltering Assistance), Disaster Case Management program, and community lifelines. Download the FEMA Training Course Catalog (PDF) or visit our FEMA training portal at https://www.ncdpcourses.org for details and course registration.
We are booking trainings from October 2022 through January 2023 (Spots are filling up quickly.)
If you are a non-profit manager or working in government, we are looking for co-hosts for virtual and blended instructor-led free trainings in:
Economic disaster recovery courses:
Housing disaster recovery courses:
For those who have previously contacted us, thank you! We are looking forward to setting up trainings in the coming months. If you'd like to request one of these training(s) in your community, send us an email at ncdptraining@columbia.edu. Trainings are available in a live virtual or an in-person training modality. A full list of available trainings is listed in our Course Catalog.
Attend Upcoming Virtual and Instructor-led Training
The National Center for Disaster Preparedness, through its FEMA training grants, will be offering the following free upcoming trainings. We have also resumed in-person training throughout the U.S. while continuing to offer live virtual trainings on Zoom.
Virtual Learning (July - September)
- July 19, 2022 - Nevada, Region 9
- PER-385: Improving Business’ Financial Literacy and Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recovery
- July 19, 2022 - Mariana Islands, Region 9
- MGT 472: Planning for Transitional and Long-Term Housing After A Major Disaster
- August 16, 2022 - Nevada, Region 9
- PER-387: Improving Individual and Households’ Financial Literacy and Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recovery
- August 18, 2022 - Lehigh County, PA, Region 3
- MGT-470: Establishing Collaborative Case Management Services
- September 13, 2022 - Lehigh County, PA, Region 3
- MGT-471: Executing Strategies to Rapidly Rehabilitate Damaged Housing
- September 21, 2022 - Iowa, Region 7
- PER-385: Improving Business’ Financial Literacy and Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recovery
Instructor-led Learning (July - September)
Earn your FEMA certificate with web-based economic and housing disaster recovery training
Take one or all of the economic/housing disaster recovery web-based courses and learn how to conduct impact assessments, learn about the impacts of pre-disaster planning, and learn best practices for post-disaster planning.
Economic disaster recovery web-based trainings:
Housing disaster recovery web-based trainings:
The National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia Climate School at Columbia University
has been awarded FEMA grants that focus on post-disaster economic and housing recovery. These free trainings include several collaborative activities, planning tools, tool kits, and geographic information system resources that learners can incorporate into their work practices.
This project is supported by Cooperative Agreements EMW-2017-CA-00043, EMW-2018-CA-00068, EMW-2018-CA-00069, EMW-2019-CA-00049, EMW-2020-CA-00064, EMW-2021-CA-00092, and EMW-2021-CA-00093 administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Point of views or opinions expressed in this document are those of the author and do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
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