Assurance in the Midst of Uncertainty
In the midst of the mounting uncertainty and instability facing the future of our nation, we can take comfort in knowing that our great God and Savior is sovereign over the affairs of all nations. There are some who may doubt that God is in control because we have observed all the diabolical works of Satan being carried out by his willing partners throughout our nation. Never in our lifetime have we witnessed such widespread deception, fraud, and hypocrisy in our corrupt institutions and liberal media. Doubters need to know that Satan can only operate under God's permissive will. Our sovereign Lord controls all things, which is how He knows the end from the beginning (Acts 15:18).
Our omniscient God has revealed the future to us through His prophetic Word so that we will not be taken by surprise or alarmed. The Word of God exposes Satan's ultimate goal to rebuild his tower of Babel by uniting and controlling the world with a global government, a global economy and a global religion (Gen. 11:4-9; Rev. 13:6-17). The mandatory wearing of masks, government lockdowns, contact tracing, and compulsory vaccines are preconditioning the world to receive the mark of the beast during the tribulation period. A new world order will be unable to control a majority of the people until they are willing to submit to a government they can trust to keep them safe and healthy. This China virus crisis will eventually pass, but the government will never forget how easy it was to take control of people's lives.
The attack on the sovereignty of America as a superpower appears to be part of Satan's plan. The constant fear-mongering by the leftist media has made the majority of Americans willing to submit to the government for their protection from the China virus. As a result, they are willing to give up many of their rights and freedoms in the hope of remaining healthy and safe. Behind all this is the master deceiver, seductive schemer and ruler of the age. He has been effective in carrying out his demonic agenda to deceive, divide and malign the American people (2 Cor. 11:13-15; 2 Cor. 2:11; John 12:31). He knows a nation divided against itself will not stand (Mat. 12:25). Satan has seduced and ensnared over half of our nation to carry out his diabolical plan. His forces of darkness appear to be highly organized to carry out the most effective warfare possible. As God's adversary, who hates God's people, he has cunningly influenced socialist government leaders to demand the shut down of our churches and deprive citizens of their religious freedom.
We must remember that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). As Christians, we may be outnumbered and outmanned by the evil forces of darkness, but our awesome God reigns! Let us pray for our troubled nation with an attitude of thanksgiving for the One who created, upholds and rules the universe with His sovereign, omnipotent power. The King of kings and Lord of lords has already won the victory for His people, and that is why we can have assurance in the midst of uncertainty! He has rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us into His glorious kingdom (Col. 1:13). Let us put on the full armor of God and fight the good fight of faith until He comes to take us home!
Celebrating The Incarnation of Christ
As we celebrate the glorious incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us reflect and meditate on His earthly mission to redeem His people. As the eternal Son of God, He became the Son of Man to fulfill prophecy, dispel darkness, disclose truth, expose error, fulfill the law, forgive sins, shed His blood, satisfy justice, purchase redemption, impute His righteousness, save sinners, mediate reconciliation, secure salvation, sanctify His people, build His church, purify His bride, grant freedom, open heaven, give life, destroy death, conquer Satan and reveal God.
What is the Greatest Gift Ever Given?
As the world exchanges gifts that have no eternal value, let us announce the gift that will be enjoyed throughout all eternity! Consider sending our Greatest Gift tracts in your Christmas cards or including them with your gifts this year. You can order them here.
There may be no better time to tell our friends and loved ones about the greatest gift that has ever been given. This amazing gift of eternal life is offered to everyone, but tragically most people refuse it because they do not see their need for it. This heavenly gift from God is available free for the asking because of a love story written in blood on a wooden cross 2,000 years ago. Thanks be to God for His indescribable and irrevocable gift of eternal, everlasting life with the Savior (2 Cor. 9:15; Rom. 11:29).
The Gift is Precious
Jesus Christ, our great God and Savior, made the gift possible when He offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice to take away the sins of many people (Hebrews 9:28). As God's perfect man and man's perfect God, He suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). The gift of salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12).
The Gift is Indescribable
How can it be that God would send His Son to die for me? God's amazing gift was made possible because divine justice was satisfied for all those who trust Christ alone as their sinless substitute. God made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21). Those who receive this indescribable gift of God's love, mercy and grace will never suffer the eternal punishment in hell that they deserve.
The Gift Must Be Received God's Way
God's gift can only be received by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8-9). It is given to people who confess their sin and recognize their hopeless condition, crying out to God for mercy (Luke 18:13). Knowing they can never become right with God by what they do, they trust what Christ has done. Eternal life is the free gift of God and can only be received with empty hands of faith (Rom. 6:23). Those who believe eternal life can be earned, merited or purchased must repent of such an insult to the sufficiency of our great God and Savior (Acts 8:20-23).
Let us make the most of every opportunity to share the greatest news anyone will ever hear about the greatest gift they could ever receive!
A Most Uplifting Message in Uncertain Times
We can take comfort knowing that God is sovereign over the lives of individuals, the affairs of nations, and all of human history! That is the theme of the book of Daniel as presented by Pastor Tom Pennington of Countryside Bible Church. His message covered the entire book in one hour and is an encouragement for anyone who might be feeling anxious or fearful about losing religious freedom or facing the possibility of government overreach or persecution.
Pastor Pennington outlines how we can respond in confidence, regardless of any danger, by remaining committed to God. His sovereignty is unending, His power is unstoppable, His plans are unchangeable and His wisdom is unquestionable! Daniel reveals God is completely sovereign over the rise and fall of the empires or kingdoms of men, and He allows evil men to prosper for His own purposes. You can watch this encouraging message here.
New Christian TV Network Launches
The producers of American Gospel will soon feature many of my messages on a Christian network that launched on November 24th. AGTV will broadcast many hours of films and programs, including the first two American Gospel films. The focus will be on bible-centered teachings. Brandon Kimber, the director of the American Gospel series, will serve as the platform's President. The platform will have a free section with hundreds of hours of teaching provided by other ministries including Red Grace Media, Ray Comfort and Living Waters, The G3 Conference and White Horse Inn. The network will be accessible worldwide. You can access the new network here.
Letters to Edify and Encourage the Saints
Good morning Mr. Gendron,
I’m diligently taking notes from the Keynote slides from your message on Catholic Teachings that Oppose the Gospel of John. I’m learning so much, but I am hesitant to listen with my Catholic husband because he refuses to submit to the authority of Scripture. Of course, I am completely on your side and agree fully with everything you are teaching. But the past 5 years of my marriage have been so damaging that it’s hard for me to even bring up anything about Jesus. I am in a spiritually abusive home. My husband is lofty with his words and arguments and leaves me feeling like I know nothing. Everything you are saying about the Catholic Church I see wholly in my husband. “The one true church. Infallibility of the Pope. Scripture plus tradition, etc...” He says if it’s so wrong, then why has God allowed it to remain for so many years? I’m always left with tears. If anything, I’m so thankful for growing deep in Scripture and truth! I treasure your prayers. Name Withheld
Dear Jane, I came to know about Proclaiming the Gospel through American Gospel. When your husband was describing Catholic beliefs, it very much spoke to me. By God's grace, I now know the biblical truth of the Gospel after spending 30 years in the Catholic Church devotedly lost. I am now coming to understand the significance of God's mercy releasing me from the counterfeit gospel that was the foundation of my faith for many years. Thank you for your ministry. I am using your equipping materials for evangelism here in Connecticut. D.P., Farmington, CT
Dear Mike, I have been blessed by your ministry for many years. As a wounded Catholic who felt like I'd almost missed eternal life because of false teaching, your ministry has been a great encouragement to me. After coming to Christ, I discovered I had a deep passion for teaching the truth of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your important work with Catholics. D.G., Ontario, Canada
Biblical Responses to Catholic Teaching
Catholic Teaching: Purgatory is a purifying fire where Catholics must go to expiate their sins. This purification frees one from what is called the "temporal punishment" of sin (CCC, para. 1474). Priests cannot tell Catholics how long they must suffer or how many indulgences must be purchased to remove them from purgatory.
Biblical Response: The dogma of purgatory is one of many ways Catholicism denies the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. We know from God's Word that the only purification for sins is the precious blood of our Savior. "When He (Jesus Christ) had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Heb. 1:3). The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ purifies believers from all sin. (1 John 1:7).
Pope Pushes Communist Agenda
World Israel News reports "Pope Francis announced that he’d had an epiphany thanks to the Wuhan virus: it’s time to ditch capitalism. But that’s not all. He believes, too, that in a time of a serious infectious disease, we should focus even harder on open borders. And he blithely upended almost two millennia of Church doctrine by doing away with St. Augustine’s “just war” theory. These actions reflect Francis’s upbringing within the communist “liberation theology” of the Latin American church. They also show the effects of his ongoing alliance with Chinese communists and Muslims." Read more.
May we all glorify our Lord Jesus Christ by sharing His Gospel within our circle of influence and beyond!
Mike and Jane Gendron
(817) 379-5300
2829 Veranda Lane, Southlake, TX 76092
Mike's Ministry
Heritage Christian Academy
Oklahoma City, OK
Dec. 4
Mike will teach at the Heritage Christian Academy in Oklahoma City via Zoom from 10 am until 11:15 am, Friday, Dec. 4.
Parker Bible Church
Parker, CO
Dec. 13
Mike will teach during the two Sunday morning worship services at 8 and 10:45 am at Parker Bible Church, 4389 Main Street in Parker, CO. For more information click here.
Hot Off the Press! Prophetic Insights Into Current Events
Chaos and turmoil are inflaming our lives with uncertainty. Geopolitical, and societal upheaval is tearing at the heart of America. What does God's prophetic Word reveal about these end time events? Mike Gendron and 16 other teachers of Bible prophecy contributed chapters to this timely book that exposes the spiritual forces of darkness that are preparing the world for the global reign of the Lawless One. Order here.
Save on a Trio of Our Latest DVDs
This set of three DVDs includes 5 Keynote messages that will encourage you in your Christian walk. The messages Contending for the Faith and The Death of Discernment will equip you to defend the exclusivity and purity of God's Gospel against the many agents of compromise.
The DVD message I'm a Christian, You're a Catholic, So What's the Difference? looks through the lens of Scripture to see the primary differences between Christians and Roman Catholics. You will see that Catholics belong to different Church, submit to a different authority, worship a different Jesus, believe a different Gospel, have a different view of Mary, have a different definition of sin, and most importantly, are on a different path to eternity.
The message I Will Make You Fishers of Men includes seven biblical principles to consider when fishing for men. From Darkness to Light is a testimony of God’s amazing grace that enabled Mike Gendron to exchange his Catholic religion for an eternal relationship with God through the one mediator Jesus Christ. Order here.
Ambassador Pack of Seven Gospel Tracts
The pack includes packages of all seven of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God's Word. Order here.
The "Ambassador Equipping Program" will equip and encourage you to share the Gospel effectively with Roman Catholics and others lost in religious deception. The course is online, so you can complete the course anywhere with an internet connection. You can take the course at your own pace, which includes videos to watch, materials to read, and quizzes to take to reinforce and confirm what you are learning. Order here.
Once we have repented and believed the Gospel, all Christians are called to proclaim it faithfully and contend for it earnestly. These two books will equip and encourage you to faithfully and effectively share the Gospel, while at the same time, exhort you to contend for the Gospel against the relentless attacks on its purity and exclusivity. Save $3 when you buy both books together.
This set of 12 Gospel Cards was developed to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ clear, complete and biblically accurate. Each card explains the most important words in a Gospel presentation, using four bullet points and their corresponding Scripture references. The 12 words of the Gospel are on separate cards that reveal a sinner's only hope for escaping the judgment of God. Order here.
Our two most popular Gospel tracts are available in Spanish. Order here.
Mike Gendron
to speak at your
Call (817) 379-5300
Archived Monthly Newsletters
Our past monthly newsletters can be accessed here.