Remote or In Person, We're Ready to Serve
2020 was one of the most difficult years in our country’s history and certainly the most challenging year for The McCammon Group. On behalf of all our Neutrals and Staff, I thank and applaud all of you for working with us to meet this challenge.
Handling cases remotely has allowed you - and us - to continue to serve your clients whose disputes have called out for resolution. Providing services both remotely and in person, we are amazed at how smoothly mediations and other ADR processes have played out.
In handling hundreds of mediations remotely in 2020, we have learned that using remote technology works! The settlement rate for remote mediation is comparable to the settlement rate for mediations held in person.
We know that Covid makes everything harder, so we urge you to continue to work with our Mediators when the going gets particularly tough. Over these many months, we have learned that active Follow-Up by the Mediator following the initial session is even more important in the Covid environment. Our Mediators are trained in this important aspect of the process, and they share with you in the video below their commitment to working with you in this vital stage of the process.
Going forward, we will continue to be ready to serve you – both remotely and in person - as we navigate with you through these unparalleled times.
Stay Safe,
John McCammon