The conference program for our 67th Annual Meeting will be available to view on 22 February 2021. General registration for RSA Virtual 2021 is now open. The conference will be held April 13–15 and April 20–22. Please click here for details and to register. All meeting sessions will be recorded and available for registrants to view for 30 days following the conference.
Registration will open 10 February 2021 for our Day(s) of Digital Learning. The virtual event will feature a varied menu of sessions involving hands-on, participatory work with digital tools and resources. Sessions will be held online March 8–21 and will be free and open to the public. Registration will close February 25. Click here for additional information.
The winter 2020 issue (73.4) of Renaissance Quarterly has been published and is now available online. Anthony Grafton's Bennett Lecture, delivered in 2019 in Toronto at the RSA Annual Meeting, has been expanded and published as an article: "The Winged Eye at Work: Leon Battista Alberti Surveys Old St. Peter's." The article can be accessed here by Renaissance News subscribers.

There is one special review and five featured, open-access book reviews:
Imagery and Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Chipps Smith, review by Bonnie Noble
Le sang en Espagne: Trésor de vie, vecteur de l’être, XVe–XVIIIe siècles, review by Bjorn Skaarup
Corpus Draculianum: Dokumente und Chroniken zum walachischen Fürsten Vlad dem Pfähler 1448–1650, review by Castilia Manea-Grgin
Queer Faith: Reading Promiscuity and Race in the Secular Love Tradition, review by Christine Varnado
How the Classics Made Shakespeare, review by David Quint

Click here to view the open-access featured reviews.
As teaching workloads both on- and off-line continue to increase, finding the time to meaningfully connect to Renaissance studies has become increasingly difficult. To help members troubleshoot and strategize best practices, please join the RSA over Zoom for “Lighten Your Load: A Discussion Session for RSA Members Who Teach a Lot” on 19 February 2021. Please click here for details and to register.
The RSA Graduate Student Advisory Committee is pleased to present "Expanding the Renaissance." These Graduate Student Virtual Lightning Talks will be held 26 February 2021. The program is open to the public. Please click here for details and to register.
The recording of our virtual symposium on the history of plagues and pandemics in medieval and Renaissance culture is now available to view and is open to the public. Prior to the event, Fordham University staff interviewed the RSA's W. David Myers about the symposium in this feature article.
Volunteers at the Renaissance Society of America dedicate their time and skills to enrich the Society and support the study of the period 1300–1700. There are several opportunities for RSA members to become involved, ranging from serving on committees to becoming a book reviewer to being a guest lecturer online. We hope you will consider volunteering.
Thank you to those who participated in the 2020 RSA Members’ Survey. Your responses helped us learn about your experience with the RSA and will guide us in developing new features and programs for our members. We received responses from a total of 904 members and are currently reviewing your remarks and comments. Click here to view a few of the highlights from the survey. 
Mark Your Calendar
Please take a look at the RSA calendar highlighting important upcoming dates and deadlines and view the details of the RSA's Annual Meetings through 2026.
Call for Papers
Women and Agency: Transnational Perspectives, 1450–1790
Submissions due 28 February 2021 for this June 2021 virtual conference. The symposium will be held over two days and will be free to attend.

Women as Readers in Early Modern Italy
Submissions due 15 March 2021 for this collection of essays.

Cities' Identity Through Architecture and Arts (CITAA) – 5th Edition
Submissions are now open for this conference being held in Italy in December 2021.

Call for Applications
Assistant Professor, Ghent University
Applications for this tenure-track position in the Fine Arts of the late Middle Ages and early modern period due by 18 February 2021.

Lecturer in Art History, University of York
Applicants with a strong research profile in the art and/or architecture of the early modern period encouraged to apply. Interviews for the position will be held 18 March 2021.

History of the Renaissance Book Course: California Rare Book School
Applications are open for this comprehensive introduction to the history of the book in early modern Europe. The course will be held 2–6 August 2021.

Call for Manuscripts
Cities in Dante's Time
Submissions on urban and territorial transformations between 1300 and 1400 due 28 February 2021.

Northern Lights
Submissions are now open for this new series of art books profiling Northern art, including paintings, sculptures, objects, and architecture.

The RSA brings together thousands of scholars from around the globe, welcoming the broad range of activity in Renaissance studies today. Focused on the advancement of learning through our publications, events, and programs, the RSA provides its members with a deeper and broader understanding of the period 1300–1700. There's never been a better time to become an RSA member, as we’ve discounted rates due to the public health crisis. Join the RSA today.
Submit Your News
Please let the RSA know about your announcements, events, and calls for papers related to the study of the Renaissance and early modern era (1300–1700). We will highlight your news on our website and/or digital channels.

Submit a Calendar Event
The Renaissance Society of America makes Renaissance News available to current, past, and non-members of the RSA. Each edition highlights Renaissance studies and what's happening at the RSA. If you're not a current RSA member, you can click below to receive Renaissance News each month.
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Follow the RSA on social media. Use the hashtags #RenSA21 for social posts related to the 2021 Annual Meeting and #RenTwitter for Renaissance studies content.

The Renaissance Society of America is the largest international academic society devoted to the study of the era 1300–1700. Founded in 1954, the RSA includes thousands of members around the world. Find out more.