Dear JPB Family and Friends,
Twelve years ago, Jerusalem Peacebuilders (JPB) made a promise to the youth of Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine. We promised to stand beside them steadfastly and to raise up a new generation of leaders committed to each other and to peace. Over time, our youth mission grew to include teachers and women.

In many ways, it has been a promise fulfilled. JPB began with one program and 11 teens in 2011. Thanks to you, we operated 49 programs in 2022, impacting 10,000 adults and youth. In all, Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike report powerfully transformational experiences. JPB youth attend top universities and become notable officers, professionals, and citizens. Our teacher-training grads excel in their careers and influence thousands in their schools and communities.

And yet our work is not over. 
Right now in the Holy Lands, ultra-nationalism, violence, and hate-speech threaten these leaders-in-the-making. One JPB alum writes of being labeled a traitor for speaking publicly about peace. Another of racist verbal abuse whenever she leaves her university dorm. Another of targeted violence on the street to and from the office. And another of concealing her peace-work from vindictive local authorities. The list goes on, and the dangers are real.
This week, I will travel to Jerusalem and meet with participants and alumni. My message will be clear: JPB will not abandon them. Now more than ever, we are committed to our peace and leadership formation programs. The purpose of my visit is to renew a life-giving promise.

The same is true for your Spring gift to Jerusalem Peacebuilders.  
The proof of our promise will be six JPB summer programs involving 120 Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans. In Jerusalem and England, 50 high school teachers will design interschool classes to combat division and bigotry. In Connecticut and Texas, 50 teens will adopt the communication and leadership skills indispensable for peace. Across the West Bank, 20 women will gain the experience to become microentrepreneurs. Our goal is to raise $225,000 by July. To succeed requires your generosity.
Rarely does a promise accomplish so much.

Your donation is an enduring investment in the future of these aspiring leaders. Thank you, and I invite you to join the JPB family in renewing the promise of peace to the peoples of Jerusalem and the Holy Lands.
Peace, שלום ,سلام

(The Rev. Canon) Nicholas Porter
Executive Director, Jerusalem Peacebuilders
Please make your donation payable to Jerusalem Peacebuilders and mail it to 6221 Main Street, Houston, TX 77030, USA. Safe online giving by credit card or paypal is also possible at To donate securities, please contact [email protected]. JPB is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible (EIN 45-2233148).

Fr. Nicholas Porter alongside Dean Andrew McGowan lead Berkeley Divinity School's senior class on their annual spring break pilgrimage. The group traveled to Jerusalem, and visited sites such as the Garden of Gethsemane. Read more.
Join us on Sunday, August 6th as we partner with IWagePeace to host a day dedicated to interfaith connection and service. Volunteers will serve their communities and engage in interfaith activities on the New Haven Green. Read more.