indoor children's play space with climbing structure to the left and rocking horses and slides to the right and text placed diagonally across the image reading Renovation Edition

Kimbourne Program Changes Starting February 11th, 2025

Hi Kimbourne EarlyON Families,

Our morning and afternoon programs will be relocated to the space upstairs for the next few months, while the kitchen renovation project is happening. Please see the separate note about Saturdays.

Please note the slight change to the Baby Time start on Tuesdays (see revised schedule)

The space is a large area at the back of the sanctuary (see photo below), and can be accessed from our usual space using the stair case in the corner next to the large yellow divider (see photo below).

three women stand together in front of the church windows inside an empty sanctuary

The sanctuary square is a beautiful space. We will do our best to make it welcoming!

a blue door sits closed in the corner between two bright yellow walls

Enter as usual, via the ramp. Hang up your things and come upstairs through the blue door in the corner.

What to Expect

We will be establishing some new routines that your children may need support adjusting to:

  • while we will offer as many of the same activities as usual, some things will be missing.
  • there will be no climber and no play kitchen
  • we are not able to offer a snack or water: please bring nut-free snacks and labelled water bottles. Bring everything you need, including plates, cutlery, cups etc - and take everything with you when you leave.
  • the space is a good size, but smaller than we're used to
  • the seating area for worshippers, and the altar area are strictly OFF LIMITS. We will do our best to close this area off, but we expect the adults to guide the children if there are breaches.
  • washroom and diaper changing will still be on the lower level - sorry...this is a pain. Please take your used diapers home with you for disposal, as usual. Please come back upstairs right away when you're done.
  • some of the children will be excited because it's all new. Some will be sad or nervous. All responses are OK and welcome.
  • Even though we'll be away from the construction area, there is still likely to be some noise.

Accessibility: there's a lift to accommodate people who can't manage the stairs.

KEyON check in will be upstairs - remember to bring your tag when you take off your coat and boots downstairs.

Please don't leave any valuables downstairs. Best to travel light, with essential supplies only.

SATURDAY Programs will operate in the usual space. Please note:

  • there will be no snacks or water available: please bring nut-free snacks and labelled water bottles. Bring everything you need, including plates, cutlery, cups etc - and take everything with you when you leave.
  • The space will be slightly different due to the enclosure of the kitchen area, which will take up most of the area at the far end of the room.

Q. What is the renovation project for?

A. Kimbourne Park United Church is building a commercial kitchen to support their mandate of feeding people. They will be increasing their food programming and will be partnering with Cater Toronto to offer kitchen space to support social enterprise. The new kitchen will be larger, with accessibility features.

Q. How long will it last?

A. The project team is saying about 4 months. We don't know if we'll be out of the space for the duration of the work or not.

Q. Will the schedule / program location change?

A. Maybe. We're trying it out for now. We have a permit for the Terry Fox space in case it doesn't work out. We may also have to shorten our program hours a little to allow for extra set up or tear down, but will try to avoid this. We may add outdoor play or field trips in April & May.

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East End Child Parent Development Centre of Metro Toronto |416-469-0495
200 Wolverleigh Blvd. Toronto, ON M4C1S2 | charitable no 101544351RR0001
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