You've got questions. We've got answers.
Dear Bishop Hendricken Family,

We've been receiving a number of great questions from families regarding self-reporting and testing. Thank you for reaching out to be sure of your situation and necessary steps!

Below are some common questions and reminders for all when it comes to reporting, forms, and testing.

Why are these forms so important?
Beyond keeping our community safe and informing you of what you need to do based on your unique situation, these forms serve a critical role for your son's absence record.

The COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form acts as an absence reporting mechanism for issues related to illness or quarantine, and the Return-to-School Attestation Form serves as a notification that your son is appropriately back on campus. Without completing both when you're out, it becomes difficult for us to keep accurate records for safety and academics.
My son woke up and doesn't feel well. What do I do?
Stay home and self-report! Even if it's just 1 symptom and you don't think it has anything to do with COVID, you must complete a COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form at That form will help you determine your next steps.
I don't think my son has COVID, but he has a symptom or just isn't feeling well. Do I need to complete a form?
Yes! Whether it's a fever, upset stomach, headache, or anything else, you need to complete a COVID-19 Self Reporting Form at so the School Nurse has a record of your situation, knows why you're absent, and can help.
What other scenarios might I need to report?
Even if you don't have symptoms, you may need to report another situation to us. Below are all the reasons you might need to complete a COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form. If you meet one of the below, you have to submit a form.

  1. You stayed home with any 1 symptom. Any 1 at all!
  2. You tested positive for COVID-19.
  3. You were a close contact of a positive case (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more).
  4. You live with a positive case.
  5. You traveled to a restricted state (or stayed overnight at any college).
  6. You're quarantining while someone you live with awaits a test result.
I got my test. When can I expect my results?
The Rhode Island Department of Health's K-12 Testing Sites have been working to shorten long PCR test result turnarounds. You can expect to receive your rapid test result the same day its performed by phone/email, but that isn't enough to return to school.

At this point, you can expect your PCR lab test result around 2 days after your test. This will vary by case, but on the average, RIDOH expects a 48-hour turnaround. PCR results can be found on Dominion Diagnostics' online patient portal after setting up an account.
I got my negative rapid result. Can I come back to school?
No! Your negative rapid result is not enough to return to school after being tested due to the fact that it can be unreliable. In order to return after being tested for any reason, you must produce a negative PCR lab result. Once you receive this, email it to the School Nurse at and complete a Return-to-School Attestation form at Upon receipt of your result, you'll receive a call from Mrs. Monti to confirm the proper test type to return.
How will I know about positive cases?
Any and all confirmed, positive COVID-19 cases will be communicated to parents, students, and faculty/staff via email from our "COVID-19 Notifications from Bishop Hendricken" address. Any time there is a positive case associated with a student, faculty, or staff member, you will receive a notification from us. This system is the only official source for positive case notifications.
How will I know if RIDOH is calling me to tell me I'm a close contact?
After a positive case notification from Bishop Hendricken, RIDOH contact tracers will begin to call close contacts of the positive case (those who were within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) to provide quarantine information and next steps. The timeline of these calls will vary based on the case, but as a rule of thumb, close contacts will be called within the same day of the announcement of the positive case.

Contact tracing calls will come from 401.228.9680 and will appear from "RICOVIDTEAM." Any information you provide will be strictly confidential and treated like the private medical record that it is. If you are called, please cooperate fully with the contact tracing team.
I have more questions. What do I do?
We completely understand and we're here to help! We've launched a special email address to forward all of your questions related to case response, testing, positive cases, forms, and more. Email with anything you need help on.
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