Case Response Playbook, Important COVID-19 Forms, and Safety Reminders
Dear Bishop Hendricken Family,

After months of preparation, we welcome Hawks back to the halls of Hendricken tomorrow for full, in-person instruction for the first time since March! With new health and safety measures in place, we're ready to lead with faith and vision. As a reminder, homeroom begins at 8:10am and student arrival as close to 8am as possible is preferred.

Below are a few important resources for your review and use beginning tomorrow.

Reopening BH Case Response Playbook for Students, Faculty & Staff
There's a lot of information to remember regarding topics like case response, testing, isolation/quarantine, travel, how to return to school, and more. To help, we've developed our own Case Response Playbook for Students, Faculty & Staff based on guidance from the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and Department of Education (RIDE).

This document includes action steps for various different scenarios students, faculty, and staff may encounter, as well as resources like the K-12 Testing Hotline, K-12 Testing Sites, and more.

This will be an ever-evolving playbook based on changes from RIDOH and RIDE, and we'll publish updates as they're made.
Important COVID-19 Forms for Students & Parents
Information from students and families will be key in combating positive cases and preventing outbreaks. Below are links to two important forms for students and parents: the COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form and the Return-to-School Attestation form.

Please review the Case Response Playbook for Students, Faculty & Staff to determine in what scenarios you'll need to complete these forms.
Reminders on COVID-19 Changes
Students have already encountered many of the changes we've made to our daily routines on campus during their orientations. Check out the video below to see some of those changes in action.
Reopening Bishop Hendricken Website
As a reminder, we've developed a Reopening Bishop Hendricken webpage that will serve as the hub of all reopening and COVID-19 communications and updates. Please use this as a resource throughout the year!
Catholic Values Fostering a Tradition of Excellence