Important Reminders After Day 1
Dear Bishop Hendricken Family,

We're doing this together! Our first day of classes for the 2020-2021 Academic Year is in the books. Throughout the day, we all learned more and more about what we can do to protect ourselves and others by making adjustments to our daily routines. We're working together in our new normal, and will continue to do so moving forward.

Below are a few reminders for students and parents for Day 2 and beyond:

Don't Feel Good?
Screening yourself in the morning before you even get in the car or on the bus and head to school is our greatest tool in combatting illness. If you have any symptoms or don't feel well in the morning, please just stay home and review the Case Response Playbook to determine what you need to do next.
Return-to-School Attestation
If any student, faculty, or staff member fits any of the following scenarios to return to school, they must complete a Return-to-School Attestation form certifying they've completed the necessary steps to come back based on their scenario. Full information on this can be found in the Case Response Playbook on pg. 4. These links are also found at

  • Non-Probable Case (a student who has 1 symptom as defined on pg. 5)
  • Symptomatic Positive Case
  • Asymptomatic Positive Case
  • Negative Result
  • Negative Result After Travel (to a restricted state)
  • 14-Day Quarantine Completion After Travel (to a restricted state)
  • 14-Day Quarantine Completion for Close Contact
  • 24-Day Quarantine Completion When Living with a Positive Case
COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form
If any student, faculty, or staff member fits any of the following scenarios, they must complete a COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form to help us combat positive cases and mitigate outbreaks. Full information on this can be found in the Case Response Playbook on pg. 3. These links are also found at

  1. You're a Positive Case
  2. You're Awaiting Test Results
  3. You're a Close Contact of a Positive Case
  4. You Live with a Positive Case
  5. You Traveled to a Restricted State
Arrival Time on Campus
Families should try their very best to drop off students as close to 8:00am each morning as possible in an effort to reduce and mitigate student volume on campus in common areas. Students that arrive around 8:00am can report directly to their homerooms. Thank you for your efforts!
Don't Forget Lunch!
Don't forget to order next week's lunches by this Friday at 12pm on Boonli, Pranzi's meal ordering system!
Catholic Values Fostering a Tradition of Excellence