Important Reminders After Week 1
Dear Bishop Hendricken Family,

The first week of classes at Bishop Hendricken is complete! Through teamwork, patience, and flexibility, we accomplished it together and will continue to do so.

Below are a few reminders for students and parents heading into the weekend:

Be Smart and Be Safe this weekend
Take time to unwind, relax, and recharge this weekend. But, please be smart and safe: wear your mask/face covering, physically distance from others (even your friends), and keep your network small.We all have a role to play in protecting the brotherhood and staying in school.
Updates to our Case Response Playbook
A reminder that our Case Response Playbook is your roadmap to navigating illness, symptoms, isolation/quarantine, travel, and other COVID-related issues. Our Playbook is updated in real-time and frequently at

RECENTLY ADDED: As college campuses are considered high-risk environments, students who visit colleges OVERNIGHT in ANY LOCATION for ANY REASON must abide by the restricted state protocol and report their travel as "Travel to a Restricted State."
Keep Reporting!
Information is our greatest tool in keeping our community safe. If your son develops any symptoms at any point, tests positive, is a close contact of a positive case, lives with a positive case, or traveled to a restricted state/any college, please complete a COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form below.

We'd rather you over report than under report! Submit new forms if scenarios change, too. The full protocol is in the Case Response Playbook on pg. 3-4.
Lunch Ordering Directions
If you need directions on how to set up your Boonli account to order lunch from Pranzi Catering, click here. A reminder that lunches must be ordered by Friday at 12pm for the following week.
Catholic Values Fostering a Tradition of Excellence