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Louis 649's
13th Birthday
We'll be having a Bar-Mitzvah for this old dog.

Details to follow.

*SUNDAY 12/18*

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Louis 649
649 east 9th st
(@ Avenue C)
Sun-Thur: 5p-2a
Fri,Sat: 5p-4a
Today is a day to celebrate
Please join us TONIGHT
for the 80th anniversary of the
Repeal of Prohibition.
Hey folks! It's Zach and Jon down at Louis 649. We know you haven't heard from us in a while -- that's OK. We've been hard at work making improvements to our cocktail program and our bar, and thought it was time to start reaching out to you all once again -- and what better way to start off than with REPEAL DAY! That's right -- 80 years ago to the day, prohibition was lifted -- and to celebrate such a monumental occasion, we're going to run a few specials tonight:
FROM 6-10PM, we'll feature unlimited beer, wine, Manhattans and Old Fashioneds for $19.33 (that, of course, being the year prohibition was repealed). Afterwards, we'll feature a selection of $10 Prohibition-era cocktails just for you.
So come on down, imbibe with us, and celebrate 80 years of FREEDOM!
We open at 5pm.

Yuck! Wouldn't want to touch their lips anyway!

Hope to see you tonight!

All the best,

Zachary Sharaga
Louis 649
Pssst....Louis 649's 13th Anniversary is coming up in 10 days.