Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Many are already praying for peace in the Russia/ Ukraine war. More will be praying this Wednesday, March 16, the first day of Purim. We invite you to join us for a special two hour zoom call that day.

In that powerful Purim event, God intervened to save His chosen people. Esther, realizing she was called by God for that assignment, courageously approached the king for his favor. He agreed; the Jews were spared. (Esther 8:11).

Approaching the King for His favor is now our call. Today, and every day hereafter, seeing that we need to cleanse as His Bride for His soon return as our Bridegroom, you and I have the opportunity to approach for his favor, not just a pagan king, but the King of kings and the Lord of lords!!

His Words could not be more clear: He calls us to be zealous to repent because He loves us. He calls us to dine with Him; to have communion with Him. He calls us to be overcomers, to sit with Him on His throne, as He overcame and sat on Abba Father's throne. ~Revelation 3: 19-21

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!

Purim is already a joyful event each year. As we repent personally, as we remove old sin strongholds, and then confess the sins of our nations, the Holy Spirit will cleanse us that much more, releasing His Holy Spirit Fruit of JOY.

The Joy of Purim will reach to a new level, pleasing to Him!

Unless you have joined us on earlier Global Days of Repentance, please join us at:

Once you are on the home page, key information for this Purim time of repentance and prayer is on the button " upcoming events."

This is the zoom information:
Topic:   Global Day of Repentance - Praying for Peace in Ukraine & Russia on the 1st Day of Purim
Time:   Mar 16, 2022   12:00 noon Eastern Time (US and Canada),
09:00 am Pacific Time,
18:00 Jerusalem/Central Africa Time (GMT+2:00)
01:30 am Australia Standard Time (GMT+9:30)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 6454 8033
Passcode: 378359
Dial by your location
       +27 87 551 7702 South Africa
       +27 21 426 8190 South Africa
       +27 21 426 8191 South Africa
       +27 87 550 3946 South Africa
       +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
       +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
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       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 811 6454 8033
Passcode: 378359
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kT2gI9yF6


May I make a suggestion about the process of repenting?

First, spend time alone with the Holy Spirit, confirming, to begin with, that you've truly died to your old self, have sincerely repented, chosen Jesus/ Yeshua as Lord by faith, and are now truly converted into His Kingdom; you're no longer just playing church.

Then ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit afresh.

From that fresh anointing, humbly ask Him for what purpose He has chosen YOU to advance His Kingdom (John 15:16). " You did not choose Me, but I chose YOU and appointed YOU that YOU should go and bear fruit, and that YOUR fruit should remain, that whatever YOU ask the Father in My name He may give YOU."

Seeing now that He has a unique call on your life, lovingly, humbly, submit to Him, listening to His voice with a listening heart.

Obey His Instruction.

Then your prayers will be powerful as you obey His Instruction. It's the effective, fervent prayers of a RIGHTEOUS person that avails much (James 5:16).

As the Lord may lead, pray with the Holy Spirit's direction (Romans 8: 26).

Be at peace in the knowledge that His hand is upon all that will transpire. Stand fast! Stand forth! Receive into your spirit, the sound that shatters the darkness. Release it at His command. The time is at hand. You have a part to play in this spiritual battle!

Do you see God's Gift of repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? If so, you're part of the repentance remnant, cleansing to be ready for the soon-coming Bridegroom.

Encouraging repentance is NDR's sole purpose for ministry. No church or foundation supports us; only saints like you. Would you please pray to see if the Lord would have you place us on your daily prayer list, and then seed into this one- of- a- kind ministry?

Thank you ! He will bless you!

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

this is a recent video on NDR's You Tube channel:

Our brother Chris Leeper, info@40daysofhope.net, is calling for 40 days of repentance prior to Palm Sunday. I recommend his ministry: Here is the email link https://eocampaign1.com/web-version?p=8c862953-9442-11ec-9258-0241b9615763&pt=campaign&t=1645653688&s=3332ecad71472d46e02c830eb067e244a24476bf0cdffd2ffcc36cfdc371baa1 
National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com