Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Repentance prayers bring revival.

This is an update from Mario Murillo, parts of which I've placed in bold:

What is already happening in the tent 6 days before the crusade begins.

These are images of the scene tonight at the Tent in Batavia, NY. The question is: “Why is this happening?” And, though we may never know exactly why, what we do know is that it has all the makings of a long-term spiritual breakthrough.
Six days before the crusade, crowds have already begun gathering to pray and expect miracles—a full 6 days before the crusade! They are acting as if the crusade has already begun. Maybe it has. Maybe God is doing something new in Western New York. 
They are acting as if the crusade has already begun.
450 volunteers are making their way, from all over America and from Canada, to be where they believe the fire of God will fall. Soon those numbers will combine with the core group that is already there.
Is this the cultural backlash we have anticipated? Is this the tipping point? Are these the voices of a people who have been pushed too far and “will never allow themselves to be slaves again?” Have wokeness, perversion and tyranny, at last, gone too far? By all appearances, these people are fed up and are rising up!
Some deep inner fire, long muffled by fear and censorship, has finally found its voice. It is gushing forth in a torrent of prayer. You do not want to stand in front of this locomotive.
Pastors are unifying. They are dropping differences and reaching out to each other in a passionate and sincere unity. Has persecution herded them close together? Do they sense the urgency of the hour?
Matthew Henry said that when God is about to send revival, “He sets His Church to praying.Prayer and repentance are becoming regional here, and the spirit of prayer is intensifying.
People are making their way to the Tent to pray for souls to be saved. Hundreds are using Operation Andrew cards—these cards have the name of ten people they expect to bring to the crusade and to see them saved by Christ.
The watchfires are not just burning in Batavia, but in churches 90 minutes away, where pastors have allowed our team to lead their services. Frank Saldana and the team are spreading revival fire and miracle expectancy across the region. In fact, this Friday night there will be a prayer meeting in a 1,200- seat church in Rochester, NY. What will that be like!?
And imagine this honest reporting!
Pastors are unifying. They are dropping differences and reaching out to each other in a passionate and sincere unity.
But the army here in Western New York is not just rejecting wokeness and perversion—they are equally done with dead religion and compromise. They are finished with the idea that the church should be silent in the face of our national evil. They do not want emotional gatherings that are harmless to the powers of darkness.
They yearn for real power, real truth, and real results—results that will be permanent.
After telling you all of this, how can I not invite you to come? I do not shrink from telling you that it may be God Who wants you to come to Batavia, even if it means traveling from the other side of the nation. At the very least, pray for Living Proof Western New York. Pray that we will fully obey God. Pray that miracles will flow like a mighty river. Pray that what God is doing in New York will sweep across our nation. 
I do not yet know all the details about the work the Lord is beginning to do here, but I do know that it is already something wonderful. You don’t want to miss being a part of it!

Do you see repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? That is our sole purpose for ministry, and we depend on your individual support, whatever the amount, to cover our costs and requests for food from pastors all over the planet who are awakening to the gift of repentance and need food for themselves and their flocks.
As you give, whatever the amount, you'll receive His fruit that will abound to your account!

It's not too late to join us to be a part of our global repent team. The next nation to be focused on may be a first nation people.

And do please join our ending drought project. You can join from any site on the
planet. 25 States in the USA and 4 others nations are represented. After this week we will again have times of repentance, with suggested prayer points, to continue cleansing as His Bride for His soon return as the Bridegroom.

God bless you!

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

Please join us TOMORROW Wednesday, September 29, at 11 AM Pacific, 2 PM Eastern, 5 AM Eastern Australia the 23rd, for our one hour repentance focus and FELLOWSHIP. Here is the Zoom link: Direct Zoom link: password 1221

National Day of Repentance has a channel on You Tube. This was a recent video:
"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday
mornings 9:30 Pacific.
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