Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

It's time to confess and then renounce and remove all idols, personally and in our nations, and focus FIRST on Him as our ALL in ALL, the LORD OF ALL LIFE. Take time today, and tomorrow, as part of a national day of prayer in the USA, to ask the Holy Spirit where you have idols. Family? Spouse? Career? Money? Knowledge? Position? He will tell you. If you confess them, He will forgive you, and lead you into His Path of Purity if you will truly repent. Change your thinking; repentance is more than feeling sorry about something; it's an exercise of spiritual maturity to use your God-given free will to choose from this day forward His Word and His Way over every one of those idols. Remove them now with His Gift of Repentance before He strikes them down!

Be blessed by the following word from our sister Kathleen, and pray for her protection as she travels and ministers in her beloved Israel.

Rhema … 
Received by Kathleen D. Mitchell … in Jerusalem, Israel …  May 3, 2022 … 3:45 PM

“Where are you little ones? Where is your mind? Where is your heart? Am I in the center of your focus, as you make your way through the day, or am I an afterthought … someone to turn to AFTER you come to a difficult crossroad, or to a crisis situation?  If I would say to you, ‘Come more deeply into My presence’, would you come?  If I call out for you, saying ‘Come up, so that I might show you things that you cannot currently apprehend’, would you be aware of My invitation, and arise to meet Me?  For most of My little ones, I exist on the fringes of their lives, as a mere frame that necessarily surrounds all their needs and crisis situations, as I hold things together, and serve only that out-of-mind role for them.  When the sea becomes rough, and when the waves rise to capsize their world, only then, do I become a person of their focus in desperation.

What AM I to you, My children? Am I a taskmaster, a tape measure, a time keeper? How I long to be your Treasure!  Am I an unassociated historical figure, or am I an inner companion, and an ever-present Source for your life? You see, I AM WHO I AM, but it is your choice to search out the personal meaning of My reality, as you choose to make Me your focus of desire and priority.  

Do you truly understand that I exist, and that I operate, according to My character and authority; regardless of how you assess and value Me? You do not determine My existence, even though I allow you to live according to your own soulish determinations, formulated out of your personal choice, in regard to My reality. I reveal, but you can always reject. I reach out in an embrace, but you are free to turn your back to Me, while seeking other loves. I extend mercy and love, but you have the freedom to retain an unforgiving heart, and to bring false charges against Me, in your prideful raging about what I should be, or what I must do, for you to acknowledge Me.         

What do you love and cherish above Me, little ones? What has captured your hearts? What and who are the occupiers your thoughts? What do you fear losing above all else? Will I find My name upon your list of the protected and the prized aspects in your life? What would cause you the greatest grief, and the deepest pain, if you should lose it? Consider these questions, for I am seeking to call you away from your idols; to come up higher into the deeper realms of the Spirit, so that you may know Me more deeply and truly. So many of you have idols that you honor, serve, and cherish, without being aware of that reality. 

There is no room in My presence for both you and your idols. They must be cast away and denied.  But therein lies the problem. Too many of My little ones, when the light of truth points out an idol, they DENY that it is an idol. They claim these idols as mere objects of affection, or as being elements of value, of vital importance, of joy, or of approved comfort.  Some even claim their idols to be a blessing from Me; containing no offense or violation against My Lordship. I give good gifts to My children because I love them. It is a joy to bless them. However, what I give in love and purity, can be transformed by a human soul into a self-made idol, according to the priority, value, and honor given to it.  I may give a job, or an esteemed occupation to you, but then, because of the priority you give this in your life, you can value that, which you do, or accomplish, ahead of Me in priority. It has become an idol. I give children as a blessed gift to parents, and yet, if they give more attention and priority to their children … setting Me aside as a lesser priority in their present living … they have made a child into an idol. The same can be said about a spouse, a goal, a property, a reputation, or even an animal. Anything held in esteem, value or importance ahead of Me is an idol. For some of My children, freedom and power are their idols. Do I not give freedom and power to My children, so that they might glorify My name, and know the joy of living fully for My Kingdom? Yes, most certainly I do. Do I give health and wellbeing as a gift to My children? Yes … and yet when the maintenance of the human body, whether in health, youthfulness, fitness, or beautify becomes the central priority, who is being served? Is it Me, or is it the body that contains a human soul, which was appointed to live fully in fellowship with Me … for My delight and for its destiny to be fulfilled?

Why am I placing these questions before your face in this moment? Why am I speaking about idols, when I have addressed this issue many times in My word? I am calling you forth into recognition, and into a change of priority, because in this hour, idols will be destroyed.  If you don’t abandon them, they will be taken away from you. For Me to allow you to keep them in place, would be to put you in great spiritual danger. The deceit and delusions of the Evil One, bloom profusely within human idolatry. To allow you to retain your idols, unchecked, will make you even more blind to their existence. Knowing that I reject idolatry and that I judge idolaters, the Enemy wants you to keep these false securities, and these misplaced recipients of your worship in place. I cannot draw near to you, and neither can you draw near to Me, as I would desire, with idols standing between us, and holding priority in your hearts and minds.

My eyes have surveyed the world and seen the great violence, selfishness, and greed that consumes too much of My human creation. I have seen the arrogance of those, who idolize their personal power and knowledge, above My Divine Sovereignty and word. Do you not recognize that many of the offenses and division between people are the result of a clash between idols? Who demands to be right, and deemed to be correct, at the cost of crushing the truth in a matter? The wholeness of many are lost, as the power of a personal idol demands to be given honor, obedience, worship and priority. Positions, emotions, and opinions have become such cherished idols that precious relationship and friendships are being sacrificed and destroyed upon the alters of pride. Tempers rage, when the idol of one, is touched in a challenge of power from another. 

You find yourselves in a downward spiral, because you have neglected ME as the Lord of All Life. Should I stand back and watch My harvest continually be spoiled by the soul’s blight, disease, and violence arising from global idolatry?  I love you too much, to allow this to continue. It is your right to retain your idols, but it is My right to prove them to be false and dangerous. Be forewarned!  Many idols have been shaking, in My effort to demonstrate their falsity. However, too many of My own have not understood, nor responded properly to My message.  Therefore, I will strike many of your idols now, so that you will find yourselves standing in the true vulnerability that you have refused to consider.  You have leaned upon unstable walls. You have stood upon rotten foundations. You have clung to defiled and deadly delusions, because of your idolatry. It’s time that you understand, that I AM your Redeemer, your Sustainer, your Provider, your Healer, your Truth, your Way, and your Life. I have always been that reality, but your idols have made you blind to that fact. You have invested very little time, and attached very little value to a genuine relationship with Me. That must change if you are to arise in safety and in authority in the coming season. The idols must come down.

What will you do when your idols are fallen?  What will you do when your provisions disappear, and when your loved ones are no longer present? What will you do, when your trusted securities in a life without Me, are stripped away? If I allow you to feel the painful consequences of your idolatry, will you deem Me as being unloving and cruel?  Sadly, many will.  However, because I love you more deeply than you can comprehend, I will do these things to free you from the grasp of the Enemy. His plan is completely established, and it is already in operation. There is no more time for Me to allow you to discover your errors over a period of time. The chasm is opening. The choices are being demanded, and an accounting is being called forth. Some of those idolatrous choices being made will set the positions of souls in eternity, apart from Me. I will not stand by; leaving your idolatrous choices to stand upon the lies and delusions of the Enemy … idolatry that is being prospered for your destruction and for his gain.  

Look to the things, to the persons, to the positions, to the possessions, and to the priorities that are cherished in your life. Do they hold a higher esteem and a more prized value than I do? How will you know? Certainly, the soul is easily self-deceived!  Seek the answer to these questions: What is it that will cause you to stand immoveable, to the death, to retain? What loss will crush your heart, and cause you to turn your back toward Me?  If all possessions, honor, credibility, provision, comfort, and relationships are lost to you, what, in your assessment, will remain as your treasure? What are you unwilling to lay aside to answer My call to enter into a deeper commit … into a deeper life of service and obedience?  If I should summon you to ‘Come up closer, so that I might entrust to you the treasure that only a martyr can receive’, would you come?  If no one would come with you, would you still come to Me? If everyone mocked you, abandoned you, and even threatened you, would you come? Would you willingly, happily, gather with the chosen servants of My heart and of My calling, even if they had hurt you in the past?  Is there anything that I could ask you to surrender to Me that you would refuse to give?
 The answers to these questions will lead you to the truth regarding the idols you hold above Me. 

Oh, My dear little ones, how I long to have your whole hearts, so that I could give you the fullness of Mine as you live upon the earth. Nothing would be impossible to you, if you cherished and followed Me above all else. I need such children to step forward in this hour. I need you to become aware of your casual, or glorified idols, so that you might deny them and surrender them to complete destruction. It will be so much easier to do that of your own accord, rather than having to endure the destruction of idols that is about to come by My hand. I love you! I will help you to see and to surrender. When your idols are dust, and when your hearts are fully Mine, such glory will come through you! The life that I designed for you will flourish, and your destiny will be fulfilled. I will be your priority and your treasure. In this reality, we will change the world into My Kingdom. Come in closely to Me now. I have much to reveal, and much to heal in you. Will you come? I am waiting. Come!”


Do you see God's Gift of repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? If so, you're part of the repentance remnant, purifying to be ready for the soon-coming Bridegroom.

Encouraging repentance is NDR's sole purpose for ministry. No church or foundation supports us; only saints like you. Would you please pray to see if the Lord would have you place us on your daily prayer list, and then seed into this one- of- a- kind ministry? In appreciation for your support I'll send you our latest repentance book with our prayer that it will be a blessing to you.

Thank you ! He will bless you!

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

Join us each Wednesday at 2 PM Eastern for our weekly one hour zoom call: Direct Zoom link:
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Is it in your heart to share repentance with others? This eleven minute video on our NDR You Tube channel is one way to do that:
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