Replace “RED JESUS” with THE REAL ONE!

Return of the 2nd King!

We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.  For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord,  begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints —  and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us.  Accordingly, we urged Titus that as he had started, so he should complete among you this act of grace.  But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also. 

2 Corinthians 8:1-7

There is one principle to giving yourself well. You must bear the love of the Father, the heart of the Father, and take on the role of servants. Your heart must be a Father's heart, but your body a servant's body. Go to humanity and give yourself!

       What is the most precious thing you have? Give that without regret. Among your most precious possessions are your tears, your sweat, and your blood. Give your sweat for all creation, your blood for heaven and your tears for humanity. This is the motto of the Divine Principle movement. SMM, Leaders' Address 2-13-65

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started the Sunday sermon by talking about the escalation towards world war with the underwater demolition of the Nordstream pipeline. Was this committed by our own government that claims to care about the environment, while causing the release of hundreds of thousands of tons of methane into the atmosphere? We should remember that governments have been the biggest polluters in the world.

Watching such world events unfold is like watching an accident in slow motion. Pray for brothers and sisters in Europe during the coming winter- they will face a lack of energy, heat and food. Satanic cartels are using energy warfare and control of the food supply.

In Western culture the majority have highly esteemed doctors and medical science, but many fail to notice the over-dependence on pharmacological treatments and on Communist China for most of the drugs. During the past two years of federal CDC and FDA Covid 19 directives, we could see the dark side of government censorship, propaganda, alliance with pharmaceutical companies, harsh and often contradictory policies, mandates, coverups of adverse vaccine effects, and threats to revoke licenses against doctors and researchers who refused to follow the "party line."

Totalitarians do not have Judeo-Christian values about the inherent value of human life. They are willing to kill large numbers of human beings as they have done many times during the last century.

Unification Sanctuary Service 10/2/2022

America’s cultural elites claim that males can give birth. He showed Matt Walsh’s question to a Masai Tribe Chief asking him “can men become women and women become men?” The tribal leader could only laugh. 

Our education system has been weaponized to indoctrinate children, not educate them. There are groups like Turning Point USA that are resisting, but they face the tremendous power and resources of establishment media, Big Tech and government schools. Women who do not support the leftist, transgender agenda are silenced. That is why the new pro-family Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, is labeled as a “fascist.”

God’s Kingdom starts with change in the hearts of men and women. In Macedonia during the time of the early Christians, there were great trials, persecution and poverty, yet they were able to exercise great generosity and experience great joy.

Jordan Peterson speaks about the virtue of being dangerous and then able to control that power. Helplessness is not a virtue. In the Rod of Iron Kingdom, local citizens are called to be strong, just, generous, and slow to anger.

America’s founders said citizens need to have self-governance, the opposite of those who looted and burned thousands of businesses in many cities around the U.S. 

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is the only thing that can change people’s hearts. People realize that prosperity, food, energy and a peaceful society cannot be taken for granted. We need to prepare for hard times. The founders of America were not just waiting for the rapture.

The establishments we trusted can no longer be depended upon. They are trying to make people comply and submit. The power of the people comes from love of the Creator. The Cheon Il Guk Constitution calls for the handcuffing of centralized power. We can provide realistic hope, education about the sexual nature of the fall, the joy of blessed marriage and self-reliant communities. We can educate about firearm safety and techniques, first aid, and accountability to God, Who allows tribulation so there will be a quickening. Let us become the hands and feet of God while investing in having other families be successful.

It's easy to have compassion when you know your spouse is making effort, but seek to change yourself first. Behave as a good king or queen. Firearms are a symbol of our willingness to fight against tyranny. Predators target women, which is why women also need to have self-defense training. Have clear boundaries. Invest in the assets of the Kingdom, your marriage, your children, your community. Without human responsibility everything collapses. With it we can have joy and overcome even in the midst of a crisis.  

Salvation is not a socialist paradise. Replace the fake, communist "Red Jesus” with the real Jesus who calls us to work together with Him, side by side.


The Return of the 2nd King

by Miho Panzer

We were so happy to welcome the 2nd King and Queen back to Pennsylvania this past weekend. On Sunday we had beautiful Fall weather and many brothers and sisters gathered at Kook Jin Nim’s farm after the service. The weather service predicted afternoon rain but none came while we were there.

Father really loved to go to Cheongpyeong. In the 1970s, when returning to Korea he would usually visit there first. He loved to watch the trees and hills while sitting by the lake. It was an undisturbed place where he could meditate.

That is why I believe God asked Hyung Jin Nim to restore Cheongpyeong here in America. He spent over a year in Tennessee to build the property from a raw wilderness. He put himself and many brothers and sisters on the frontline, including during a cold winter, to do that.

The name of the town is Thornhill because near the top of the hills there are dense thorn bushes. There are also unmarked gravestones from the time of the Civil War. Through so much effort the thorns on the hilltops and the bushes covering the gravestones have all been cleared.

One year later, we can see a holy ground and beautiful garden of Eden unfolding. From early morning until evening you can hear the sounds of the waterfall and bird songs. Near the top of the mountain there is pure water bubbling from a spring named after the spring of Gihon in the Kidron valley in Israel, where David built his city. From there he designed the cascading waterfall. Then he led brothers and sisters to expand the pond, plant fruit trees and build cabins and a teahouse.

Whatever Hyung Jin Nim starts he likes to focus on until it’s finished. The fact that he returned to Pennsylvania shows they have achieved a certain level in Tennessee. He finally feels free to visit his children and grandchildren here in the Commonwealth, where fierce election battles are going on in the state. After lunch we listened to moving testimonies from 1st and 2nd Gen. Then the 2nd King led all the brothers in singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I felt grateful that Heavenly Father gave us a beautiful afternoon together before the battles to come.


FFFC “Save the Nation” Conference – October 7, 2022

Champions for Election Integrity Dinner- Oct 7, 2022

Rod of Iron Freedom Festival Oct 8-9, 2022

Order this powerful, life-changing book today!

Jesus and True Father are One 
by Kerry Williams

"Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the bloodline that was defiled by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come."
January 7, 1988, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 127, 172-53, 1988.1.7




May God bless you and your families! 


Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."
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