Germany Porta Nigra
Prayer Assignment in Trier
Thank you for praying for us and the team of about 40 people from who were involved in the prayer assignment in Trier, Germany. We believe that in the coming days we’ll see radical changes, especially more exposure of the left wing and communist agendas and anti-Semitism. Praise the L-rd for His Kingdom come and for bringing great unity to the prayer team! The countries represented in Trier were Germany, France, Ireland, Canada, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, Zimbabwe, Luxembourg, Ghana, Israel, Romania and China. 

There were several moments when the L-rd brought stunning victories. The first strike was when the Russians got their visas after being turned down. They say that when you’re turned down for a visa from Moscow, it’s impossible to get another but not with the L-rd!

The second strike was when the L-rd pointed out a woman for me to meet at a national day of repentance conference in Darmstadt. It was a joy to meet her and I wasn’t surprised to hear she’s also a prophetic artist! During the conference, someone spoke about an event from the 1930’s when nazi bishops decided to remove all things Jewish from German life. Well, this artist I’d just met was a granddaughter of one those bishops, so she called me to the front for a reconciliation and it was like holy fire fell!

The prayer team meeting began with casting the vision. A pastor from Africa shared how he had a dream many years ago of being called to stop serving as a cook and be part of an international team on a mission. He knew this was the one. One of the Russians got the calling to Trier when he was in Jerusalem and heard G-d say He was sending him to another place. When he heard about Trier, the L-rd spoke very clearly that this is the place. Others shared how the L-rd supernaturally prepared the way and equipped them for this journey.  
When the team met at Karl Marx’s birth home, the Jewish believers repented for Marxist communism and the Frankfurt School, which was founded by Jews and is the foundation of the left wing movements that are trying to destroy Biblical foundations in the nations today. We were all impacted by the devastation that communism brought to the world, especially the Russians and former East Germans in our midst. So we came together in unity with deep times of repentance and weeping, words of wisdom, prophetic acts and a release of proclamations and new songs!  

We had similar releases when the Christians repented for what Constantine brought to the world, such as replacement theology, changing Shabbat to Sunday, eliminating the Biblical Feasts of the L-rd, etc. At one point in Constantine’s basicila, we all held hands in a circle with the agreement that the Christians would ask the Jews to welcome them as grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel. Of course this is true, but it just made sense to do this in front of Constantine’s throne! So as we were just about to begin, a lady came and yelled at us to leave! We all agreed that the enemy didn’t want this to happen, but we went outside and did this prophetic act and ended up dancing in the snow! 

The level of maturity of the believers on this prayer walk was beautiful to behold and even though there was a core team, each member of the whole team had the freedom to express whatever G-d put on their hearts. It was like a taste of heaven…
Trier sculpture
At one point while prayer walking through Trier, the team arrived at a church with this sculpture on it. The statue of the church looked rich, proud and arrogant while the depiction of the Jewish people was one of desolation. She was blind with a fallen crown, a broken scepter, and an upside down 10 Commandments as if these were now irrelevant!
The Christians declared this is also the Church today, weeping and repenting for this atrocity, but one of the Jewish believers in our midst got down on her knees and repented for Jewish arrogance toward the Gentiles.

Prophetic Artist Conference

The prophetic artist’s gathering in Duisburg with Mayra Pankow was brilliant! I came away greatly encouraged and inspired for the next steps in the Zechariah 1:17-21 calling! Before the conference began, Richard and I prayer walked and were led by the L-rd to the Duisburg port, the largest inland port in Europe and proclaimed and prayed for the great Aliyah from North and South America and Europe that will one day come when the Jewish people fulfill Hosea 11:10, when we come trembling from the West…
Trier sculpture
Germany conference
Blessings from the Galilee in Yeshua's love,
Carolyn and Richard Hyde