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Weird and Weirder: Tom Devore—former Illinois Attorney General candidate—trolled the newly elected RNC Committeewoman Rhonda Belford on Facebook Sunday. His attacks continue today, saying that her "kind nature" is a facade. What?! Why is he even attacking her in the first place? What is his motive? Rhonda's fresh to the position, which she won fair and square. She's a woman representing Downstate Illinois for the GOP in an unpaid role, and she’s a supporter of former President Trump. Devore's attacks—claiming she’s trying to raise money—are gossipy and weird. Isn’t fundraising part of the job for anyone in politics? Didn’t he do the same when he ran?

Not to mention, Devore has a history of his own. Read this article in the Chicago Tribune here and the WLDS news story on the ARDC complaint against him here.

It's time to leave this lady - who did nothing wrong - alone.

Kissy Face: Former House Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi couldn’t stop gushing over ex-Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady Monday night. At a Chicago fundraiser for Personal PAC, the pro-abortion rights group where Brady conveniently sits on the board, Pelosi showered him with praise for his "courage." In between the sweet talk, Pelosi dropped a few pearls on how to win elections—hint: it’s all about the cash—before giving a knowing nod to billionaire Governor JB Pritzker, who was seated front and center at the Chicago Hilton.

Oh, did I mention Brady is a former GOP (pictured above with Del Mar) chairman? Yep, the same Brady who played consultant for Republican Gary Rabine’s ill-fated gubernatorial run, alongside Aaron Del Mar—now Illinois GOP co-chair, a title handed to him by the new chairwoman, Kathy Salvi, without the nod of the State Central Committee. That's according to party insiders. Cozy, right?

Tidbits: This is the same Aaron Del Mar I’ve mentioned before—the one who buddied up with Hillary Clinton and was first to throw his support behind billionaire Bruce Rauner for Illinois Governor - the same governor who signed the bill making Illinois a sanctuary state for illegal aliens. 

More Moola? Speaking of money, I hear that 43rd Committeeman Brian Kasal, has been named the Illinois GOP's Finance Chairman. But, given his history, why would he be? Isn't there anyone else?

Kasal has ties with GOP donor Vince Kolber, who angrily resigned from the Illinois Republican Finance Committee in June after losing the election for RNC Committeeman bigly and endearing himself to grassroots activists who booed him when he said, of those who have not donated to the party, “I don’t know what the heck you’re doing here.” 

Former Rep. Jeanne Ives, who received $750K from Kolber, defended him at that ill-fated meeting and lashed out at the criticism against him. And that - ladies and gentlemen - is how you lose elections.

About William J. Kelly:

Kelly is known for his fearless investigative style and fiery viral press conference exchanges with former Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Chicago crime and the city's economic decline. An Emmy award-winning producer and native of Chicago's South Side, Kelly's reporting has garnered him a passionate following on social media, where his work on Chicago's migrant crisis has amassed millions of views.


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