Reptile Monitoring News

Thank you for participating in the new Reptile Monitoring Program this year. Because of you we consider our inaugural year a great success.

This December 2nd we're having an event to share the results of your monitoring efforts, explain what we're doing with the data, and get your feedback. We hope you will join us.

The Midland Painted Turtle

This spring, the Midland Painted Turtle was listed federally as a Species of Special Concern. All of Ontario's turtles are now considered to be "At Risk".

Read on for more information about the Midland Painted Turtle, and how its listed status affects your monitoring protocol.
Sneaky Snakes

As you may have noticed, while out in the field, snakes are very elusive.

This is because snakes are very sensitive to vibrations through the ground, and can feel you approaching.

Stealth is required, and always keep your eyes peeled. You may catch a snake sighting as it crosses the trail ahead of you at any moment!
The Mother of All Lizards

Paleontologists initially described the tiny reptile, Megachirella wachtleri , in 2003. But recent scans revealed features in the fossil that were hidden, enabling scientists to identify Megachirella as the oldest known ancestor in the squamate lineage — the reptile group that includes lizards and snakes.
Newsletter Content by Meagan Coughlin & Dorthea Hangaard
Photos from top to bottom:
Eastern Ribbon Snake (Note the white half moon shape in front of eye)
Northern Water Snake at TC Agnew Nature Reserve
Midland Painted Turtle
Eastern Milk Snake at Scout Valley
In a world of environmental paralysis, we get things done!