Volume 234, January 14, 2023

2023 may be the best of years for Right Whales! 

January 10, off the Georgia coast, Spindle, a 41 plus year old right whale was found with a calf. According to the New England Aquarium, this is Spindle’s tenth calf.

Rob Moir, left, and Matt Delaney, right, presented state Rep. Josh Cutler, D-Plymouth, with more than 500 comments and signatures on the importance of declaring April 24 Massachusetts Right Whale Day.


January 4, on his last day at work, Governor Baker signed legislation establishing Right Whale Day April 24th

Thanks to the more than 500 of you who signed and took the time to tell legislators about the importance of right whales to Massachusetts, worthy of a day of their own.

Round up, give change to rescue right whales.

Rescue Right Whales from Entanglements

Rescue right whales from entanglements with the Stewarding Atlantic Fisheries Ecosystems by Supporting Economic Assistance and Sustainability (SAFE SEAS) Act.

This bill aims to help lobstermen and women with the financial burden of using new lobster and crab trap gear that will no longer entangle whales.

Passage of the SAFE SEAS Act will expedite the deployment of new lobster gear that will not entangle whales. Go whale-safe lobstering.

The SAFE SEAS Act will help keep the price of lobsters from rising. 

The SAFE SEAS Act will be welcomed by boat operators tired of steering around pot buoys with trap lines to avoid entanglements with propellors and vessel.  

Round up, give change to rescue right whales.

Donate Change to Rescue Right Whales

Round up bills to the dollar amount when using your credit card to give ORI change to rescue right whales. When you enroll, we’ll send you text message updates beginning with how to add ORI contact info to your cellphone.

Every time you swipe, your card will hold the pennies that brought the transaction to an even dollar amount. When $10 is saved over the course of a month, it will be sufficient to gift to ORI. If it’s less than $10 accumulated in a month, then no funds are transferred. You can set a maximum amount of round up to donate, the default is set for $40 or $10 a week.

Your money will be well spent because I am known in Washington for connecting legislators with their constituents and for passage of environmental legislation. 

Perhaps you’ve heard in the news that passage of bills will be more difficult with this Congress. Taking more effort, every penny from you will be all the more appreciated. Fortunately, we are many.

Together, let’s round up and save right whales.

Yee haw!

We could not have done any of this without the generous grassroots support of people like you.

It's a new year with daunting challenges ahead.

Enable ORI to employ interns with more hours.

Consider going the distance with a modest quarterly gift.


"Slowing Water For Greener Neighborhoods." The Environmental Magazine, December 18, 2022

"Speak for the trees: President Biden should protect public forests." Illuminem, December 18, 2022

"Slowing Water for Greener Neighborhoods." Illuminem, December 9, 2022

"Top Gun at COP27. It's not the plane. It's the pilot." The Environmental Magazine, November 29, 2022

"Biden’s game-changing administrative actions for climate at COP27." illuminem Voices, November 19, 2022

"Taking action to improve plight of right whales." Boston Herald, November 9, 2022

"Revival Coffee in Somerville takes up the Natural Lawn Challenge." The Somerville Times, August 27, 2022

"For eco groups, less lawn fertilizer is key to water crisis." By Dustin Luca, Salem News August 12, 2022

More carbon capture, better water retention and greener emerald bracelets for Dedham.” The Dedham Times, August 12, 2022.

“Emerald Bracelets to Solve Three Of The World’s Greatest Environmental Problems.” by Rob Moir, The Environmental Magazine, June 21, 2022

"Of Mousy and Elephantine Cycles, Managing the CLIMATE CRISIS after Glasgow COP26." The Eden, March 2022

“Lincoln resident promotes natural lawn care,” Concord Journal, Aug 3, 2021

Zumi’s host Natural Lawn Care for Healthy Soils Challenge,Ipswich Chronicle Transcript, Aug 10, 2021

Peabody peak capacity generator need not burn fossil fuels,” The Salem News, Aug 5, 2021 

30% preserved or restored by 2030,” The Salem News, Sep 29, 2021

Pogie deaths, a Mystic River mystery,” Boston Herald, Oct 4, 2021

Remember the right whales with a special day,” CommonWealth, Oct 29, 2021

Retreating Arctic Sea Ice, Sea Ice Formation, and the Stronger Flow of the Gulf Stream” Seven Seas November 2021

"Rob Moir, PhD, Science Advocate," Bloomberg Business, April 11, 2022

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For healthy oceans, green watersheds, and diverse abundant wildlife.